The Peace Trinity (A POEM)


S.P. Udayakumar – TRANSCEND Media Service

A Birthday Gift for Professor Johan Galtung

Trinity holds sway on the Earth,

Of examples there’s no dearth.

Father, Son and Holy Ghost,

Anitya, Dukha, Anatman course,

Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva here

Are Generator, Operator and Destroyer.

Divine threes induce political trios

Marx, Engels and  Lenin ethos.

Political threesomes beget economic tri

Where everything’s measured three by;

Classic PDC to Contemporary LPG,

The story of Northern Domination Trilogy.

Peace too has a trinity

That may go into eternity.

Three G’s have no faulting:

God, Gandhi and Galtung.

Generator, Operator and Destroyer, GOD,

That’s Conflict, life and future goad.

Peace we need and not pieces,

Progress as Nature pleases.

End never Justifies the means,

Truth never comes from evil deeds.

Eye for an Eye makes no sense,

As all of it will become nonsense.

All these Gandhian dictums

Inspire Galtungian theorems:

Peace from peaceful means,

With DPT peaceworker builds.

Transcend conflict by all means,

Dialogue and negotiate all needs.

Peace does not befall on you

Seek for it and strive for it,

Stand to gain from all of it

Of the three G-formula

GOD, Gandhi and Galtung:

Go, Get, Grow!


PDC: Production, Distribution, Consumption

LPG: Liberalization, Privatization, Globalization

DPT: Diagnosis, Prognosis, Therapy

This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 1 Nov 2010.

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