Approaches to Peacebuilding in Nepal: Experiments in Various Dimensions


Bishnu Pathak, Ph.D., Peace & Conflict Study Center, Nepal – TRANSCEND Media Service

Conflict occurs in the world as a result of the emergence of identity and class-based (ICB) politics rooted in basic socioeconomic and human needs, values and interests, in conjunction with population bulge theory. During the Cold War, the world was largely divided into two opposing camps, capitalism and communism. Johan Galtung, the father of peace studies, has stated that nationalisms, ethnicities and religious identities in the post-Cold War era have led Western intellectuals to reconsider the role of these factors in the developing world order (Galtung 2008a: 10). There has been a shift from the previous two-pillar power equation to a unipolar world, with the politico-ideological divisions between communism and capitalism being replaced by ICB dimensions (the widening gap between rich and poor; cultural; personal; relational; and structural).


This article originally appeared on Transcend Media Service (TMS) on 15 Nov 2010.

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One Response to “Approaches to Peacebuilding in Nepal: Experiments in Various Dimensions”

  1. […]… . Complementari a questi sono anche i lavori pubblicati regolarmente dall’International Crisis Group, l’ultimo dei quali è: […]