Articles by Aaron Maté

We found 27 results.

New Evidence US Blocked Ukraine-Russia Peace Deal, and a New Ukrainian Excuse for Walking Away
Aaron Maté – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jul 2024

27 Jun 2024 – Insider accounts and leaked documents show that Ukraine and Russia were close to a peace deal in April 2022, until “alarmed” US officials intervened.

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Biden’s Rafah ‘Red Line’ Is a Green Light for ‘Death and Destruction’
Aaron Maté – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2024

27 May 2024 – Pretending to oppose a Rafah assault, the White House facilitates a new Israeli massacre at a Gaza tent camp.

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The Biden Doctrine in Gaza: Bomb, Starve, Deceive
Aaron Maté – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Mar 2024

8 Mar 2024 – At his State of the Union yesterday, Pres. Biden announced that the US military will install a pier in Gaza to deliver emergency aid to the enclave. In reality, the emergency project underscores Biden’s real priority: to prolong Israel’s rampage in Gaza, the US is even willing to deploy its own military for face-saving public relations stunts.

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Cutting Aid to Refugees, US Advances Israel’s War on Palestinian Existence
Aaron Maté – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2024

1 Feb 2024 – While rushing weapons to the Israeli government’s assault on Gaza, the Biden administration embraces Israeli allegations about UNRWA without bothering to investigate them.

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In Gaza Genocide, US Defends Israel’s ‘Aura of Power’
Aaron Maté – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jan 2024

5 Jan 2024 – As South Africa accuses Israel of genocide in The Hague, the Biden administration endorses Israel’s bid to sow “fear” in Gaza’s defenseless civilians.

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In Unprecedented Slaughter of Gaza Civilians, US Claims Israel Is the “Victim”
Aaron Maté – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Dec 2023

22 Dec 2022 – As the death toll in Gaza tops 20,000, Israeli-US lies about Al-Shifa hospital are newly exposed.

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Israel’s Genocide in Gaza Has Biden’s Green Light
Aaron Maté – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

11 Dec 2023 – As Israeli warplanes resumed bombing Gaza on 1 Dec, Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s motorcade “sped out of his hotel on its way to the Tel Aviv airport,” the Washington Post reported. Ignoring US laws and its own token promises, the Biden administration protects Israel’s extermination campaign in Gaza.

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My Tense Exchange on a Train with US Sen. Chris Coons over Gaza
Aaron Maté – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Nov 2023

14 Nov 2023 – After questioning Sen. Chris Coons about his opposition to a ceasefire in Gaza, I was removed from a train heading to DC. A recap of our viral exchange and a response to false media coverage of it.

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Joe Biden’s Armageddon, from Gaza to Ukraine
Aaron Maté – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Oct 2023

24 Oct 2023 – The White House newly prioritizes hegemony over humanity.

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The Roots of Israel’s Ethnic Cleansing in Gaza
Aaron Maté – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Oct 2023

15 Oct 2023 – Israel has always chosen occupation and supremacy over peace and security.

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Amid ‘Staggering’ Ukrainian Toll and Souring US Polls, Biden Seeks Billions More for War
Aaron Maté | Substack – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Aug 2023

14 Aug 2023 – As Ukraine faces “staggering” losses and US public mood shifts, the Biden administration seeks billions more to prolong the war.

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US Admits to Pushing Ukraine into a Fight It Can’t Win
Aaron Maté | Substack – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2023

28 Jul 2023 – A US “windfall” in Ukraine comes at an unfathomable cost.

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Leaks Reveal FBI Helps Ukraine Censor Twitter Users and Obtain Their Info
Aaron Maté | The Grayzone – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Jun 2023

7 Jun 2023 – The Federal Bureau of Investigation has aided a Ukrainian intelligence effort to censor social media users and obtain their personal information, leaked emails reveal.

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As Arab States Seek Peace, US Insists That Syrians Suffer
Aaron Maté | Substack – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 May 2023

14 May 2023 – After the Arab League re-admits Syria, Washington threatens new sanctions to prevent reconstruction.

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Burying Key Evidence, New OPCW Report Covers up Douma’s Unsolved Deaths
Aaron Maté | Substack – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Apr 2023

27 Mar 2023 – After censoring experts who found that the victims in Douma could not have been killed by chlorine gas, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons continues the cover-up and baselessly accuses the Syrian government.

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Hersh: US Bombed Nord Stream to Prolong the Ukraine Proxy War
Aaron Maté interviews Seymour Hersh | The Grayzone - TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Mar 2023

3 Mar 2023 – Seymour Hersh joins Aaron Maté to discuss his report on how the Biden administration bombed the Nord Stream gas pipelines, a vital Russian-German infrastructure project and a key off-ramp to peace in Ukraine.

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Aaron Maté at UN: OPCW Cover-up Denies Justice to Douma Victims
Aaron Maté | Substack – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Mar 2023

25 Mar 2023 – At the United Nations, Aaron Maté debunks the OPCW’s latest attempts to whitewash the cover-up of its investigation into the alleged April 2018 chemical attack in Douma, Syria.

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Urging Peace with Russia, Top US General Challenges DC’s Proxy War
Aaron Maté | Substack – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Nov 2022

12 Nov 2022 – A series of leaks, including a call for diplomacy from Gen. Mark Milley, show that some US officials are ready for a settlement in Ukraine. While US “diplomats” oppose diplomacy, White House officials would not be disclosing that Milley, the nation’s highest military officer, is challenging their stance if he were alone.

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Russia Says US “Wrecked” Ukraine Talks, but Peace Is Still Possible
Aaron Maté | Substack – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Oct 2022

25 Sep 2022 – A US official rejects Putin’s claim that NATO sabotaged a “peaceful settlement” with Ukraine early in the war. The threat of US-Russia nuclear conflict is at its highest in decades, economic havoc is spreading, and more Ukrainian and Russian soldiers are being sent off to die. But it is not too late for diplomacy in this perilous moment.

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Unlocked: NATO Prolongs the Ukraine Proxy War, and Global Havoc
Aaron Maté | Substack – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2022

21 Sep 2022 – With diplomacy thwarted, the US and its allies plan for “open-ended” military and economic warfare against Russia — despite acknowledging that “the most dangerous moments are yet to come.”

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Chain of Corruption: How the White Helmets Compromised OPCW Investigations in Syria
Aaron Maté | Substack – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Sep 2022

9 Sep 2022 – By enlisting the sectarian insurgent-allied, US-funded White Helmets for chemical weapons probes in Syria, the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons abandoned impartiality and broke its fundamental rules for collecting evidence.

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NATO-Backed Network of Syria Dirty War Propagandists Identified
Aaron Maté | The Grayzone – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2022

1 Aug 2022 – Defaming journalism on the OPCW’s Syria cover-up scandal, The Guardian and its NATO-funded sources out themselves as the real “network of conspiracy theorists.”

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In Ukraine, a Proxy War on the Planet
Aaron Maté | Substack – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Jul 2022

15 Jul 2022 – As the Ukraine crisis causes global havoc, US officials won’t negotiate with Russia to end the fighting — and are even willing to “countenance” mounting hunger as a result.

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On Ukraine, ‘Progressive’ Proxy Warriors Spell Disaster
Aaron Maté – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Jun 2022

7 Jun 2022 – Urging leftists to support the Ukraine proxy war, Bernie Sanders aide Matt Duss whitewashes the US role, attacks dissenting voices, and advocates the dangerous militarism that he claims to oppose. His proxy war apologia will certainly win him a warm reception in establishment DC circles. For the US progressive movement, Ukraine, and the rest of the planet, it only spells disaster.

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Funding the Ukraine Proxy War, Bernie Sanders and the Squad Abandon Progressives and Peace
Aaron Maté | Substack – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 May 2022

24 May 2022 – By voting to enrich the US arms industry and escalate a proxy war against Russia, Congressional progressives are enabling a militarist agenda that threatens their political cause, and the planet.

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How Obama-Biden Team Empowered Terrorists in Syria
Aaron Maté | Substack – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Apr 2022

20 Apr 2022 – Ukraine is the Obama-Biden team’s second major proxy war against Russia. The first was Syria, where US support for the insurgency helped create an Al Qaeda safe haven.

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Siding with Ukraine’s Far-Right, US Sabotaged Zelensky’s Peace Mandate
Aaron Maté | Substack - TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2022

10 Apr 2022 – In 2019, Zelensky was elected on an overwhelming mandate to make peace with Russia. As Stephen F. Cohen warned that year, the US chose to side with Ukraine’s far-right and fuel war.

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