Articles by Alastair Sloan
We found 2 results.
BDS Tactics Are Not Anti-Semitic
Alastair Sloan – Al Jazeera,
22 Feb 2016
Criminalising political dissent is only going to reinforce perceptions of Jewish conspiracy theories – so why do it? BDS should stick to lobbying publicly accountable bodies, but it is this entirely legitimate activity which Prime Minister David Cameron is now planning to criminalise.
→ read full articleUkraine: Lies, Propaganda and the West’s Agenda
Alastair Sloan – Al Jazeera,
5 May 2014
Is the Western narrative obscuring what’s really going on in Ukraine? Washington and Brussels are the heroes of the Ukrainian saga, if you believe the Western media. Putin is cast as the Big Bad Russian Bear, Obama and Kerry are the Democratic A-Team. Kerry has called Ukraine an “incredible act of aggression”, conveniently ignoring drone strikes, the Iraq War, and the numerous illegal coups the US has pulled off since World War II.
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