Articles by Amjad Iraqi

We found 5 results.

Neither Judges nor Diplomats Are Coming to Save Sheikh Jarrah
Amjad Iraqi | +972 Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Aug 2021

2 Aug 2021 – It was infuriating to follow the Israeli High Court’s deliberations on Sheikh Jarrah today. The three presiding judges proposed a deal that would allow the families to remain in their homes as “protected tenants” for several years, in exchange for paying a small “rental” fee to the settler group Nahalat Shimon, which has been aggressively coveting the properties with the backing of the police. What the judges described as a “compromise,” however, was delivered more like an ultimatum.

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‘An Illegitimate Regime’: How a Top Rights Group Shed Israeli Myths to Recognize Apartheid
Amjad Iraqi | +972 Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jul 2020

9 Jul 2020 – In an exclusive interview, human rights lawyer Michael Sfard explains what led Yesh Din to charge Israel with the crime of apartheid in the West Bank.

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Unlike South Africa, the World Is Giving Israel a Pass on Apartheid
Amjad Iraqi | +972 Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Aug 2019

26 Jul 2019 – A UN Security Council resolution rejecting South Africa’s 1983 constitution shows that there is precedent and necessity to act against Israel’s Nation-State Law.

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How the Hunger Strike Could Bring Palestinian Prisoners Back to the Fore
Amjad Iraqi | +972 – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

The fixation on Barghouti’s op-ed bio distracts from the strike’s impact on Palestinians, which is as much about restoring political direction as it is about attaining prisoners’ rights.

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The Right to Boycott Is Non-Negotiable
Amjad Iraqi - +972 Magazine, 21 Mar 2016

Regardless of one’s views of BDS, it is ridiculous that one should have to tell self-proclaimed ‘democracies’ that the right to boycott is a basic civil right, not a punishable crime.

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