Articles by April Davila
We found 3 results.
Monsanto’s Cotton Strategy Wears Thin
April Davila – United Nations University,
19 Sep 2011
When pulling on their pants in the morning, most people don’t think about Monsanto. When it was first introduced in 1996, Monsanto’s genetically engineered (GE) cotton seemed like a dream come true. However, after the first harvest of Monsanto’s GE cotton, outraged American farmers began filing lawsuits against Monsanto, claiming that the company misrepresented the effectiveness of their product.
→ read full article(Italian) La Strategia della Monsanto sul Cotone per Farci Vestire Leggeri
April Davila – United Nations University,
19 Sep 2011
Quando fu introdotto nel 1996, il cotone geneticamente modificato (Genetically Engineered, GE) della Monsanto sembrava un sogno divenuto realtà. Tuttavia, dopo il primo raccolto di cotone GE della Monsanto, gli indignati agricoltori americani hanno intentato azioni legali, poi archiviate, contro la Monsanto, sostenendo che l’azienda aveva mistificato l’efficacia dei propri prodotti.
→ read full articleA Month without Monsanto
April Dávila – Yes! Magazine,
30 Aug 2010
April Dávila wondered what it would take to cut the GMO giant out of her family’s life. She found that it was far more entrenched than she’d ever realized.
→ read full article