Articles by Associated Press

We found 88 results.

Israeli Strikes in Southern, Central Gaza Kill More Than 60 Palestinians, Including in ‘Safe Zone’
Wafaa Shurafa | Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2024

17 Jul 2024 – Israeli airstrikes killed more than 60 Palestinians in southern and central Gaza overnight and into yesterday, including one that struck an Israeli-declared “safe zone” crowded with thousands of displaced people.

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How Two Debunked Accounts of Sexual Violence on 7 Oct Fueled a Global Dispute over Israel-Hamas Atrocities
Tia Goldenberg and Julia Frankel | Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2024

More evidence of false narratives: False flag.

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Israel Deports Thousands of Palestinian Workers Back to Gaza’s War Zone
The Associated Press AP - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Nov 2023

3 Nov 2023 – Israel today deported as many as 10,000 Palestinians from the Gaza Strip back to the besieged territory. “They had valid permits to be in Israel and work there,” said Miriam Marmur, public advocacy director at Gisha.

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1,428 Dolphins Were Slaughtered as Part of a Tradition–Activists Say It’s Cruel
The Associated Press | NPR - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Sep 2021

15 Sep 2021 – The slaughter of 1,428 white-sided dolphins over the weekend, part of a four-century-old traditional drive of sea mammals into shallow water where they are killed for their meat and blubber, has reignited a debate on the small Faeroe Islands.

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Supreme Court Says a $2 Billion Verdict in a Baby Powder Cancer Case Should Remain
Associated Press | NPR - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Jun 2021

1 Jun 2021 – The Supreme Court is leaving in place a $2 billion verdict in favor of women who claim they developed ovarian cancer from using Johnson & Johnson talc products.

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Flash Mobs in Myanmar’s Biggest City Avoid Deadly Response
Associated Press AP - TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 May 2021

6 May 2021 – A flash mob of mostly young people in Myanmar’s biggest city staged a brief protest march today against military rule, the latest in a series of actions aimed at reducing the chances of a deadly response by the authorities. In the five-minute protest in Yangon, about 70 marchers chanted slogans in support of the civil disobedience movement that opposes February’s army coup that ousted the elected government of Aung San Suu Kyi. They then scattered into the downtown crowds.

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US Duty Free Shop Owners Give Millions to Israeli Settlements
Uri Blau and Josef Federman | Associated Press – ABC News, 15 Jul 2019

1 Jul 2019 – When travelers shop at Duty Free Shops at airports worldwide, they may be paying for more than a bottle of vodka or box of chocolates. The Falic family of Florida, owners of the ubiquitous chain, funds a generous and sometimes controversial philanthropic empire in Israel that runs through the corridors of power and stretches deep into the occupied West Bank. The family supports many far right causes considered extreme even in Israel.

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Eco-Friendly Ending: Washington State Is First to Allow Human Composting
Associated Press – The Guardian, 27 May 2019

Ashes to ashes, guts to dirt. Governor Jay Inslee signed legislation Tuesday [21 May 2019] making Washington the first state to approve composting as an alternative to burying or cremating human remains.

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US Bars Entry to International Criminal Court Investigators
Matthew Lee | Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Mar 2019

15 Mar 2019 — The United States will revoke or deny visas+ to International Criminal Court personnel seeking to investigate alleged war crimes and other abuses committed by U.S. forces in Afghanistan or elsewhere, and may do the same with those who seek action against Israel, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said today.

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U.S. Military Project Could Be Seen As a Bioweapon, Scientists Warn
NBC News | Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Oct 2018

4 Oct 2018 – A research arm of the U.S. military is exploring the possibility of deploying insects to make plants more resilient by altering their genes. Some experts say the work may be seen as a potential biological weapon.

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Outgoing UN Rights Chief: No Regrets for Speaking Up
Edith M. Lederer | Associated Press – Fox News, 6 Aug 2018

3 Aug 2018 – The U.N. human rights chief defended his outspoken criticism of abuses in dozens of countries from Myanmar and Hungary to the United States, insisting that his office doesn’t “bring shame on governments, they shame themselves.”

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Silent Pain: Rohingya Rape Survivors’ Babies Quietly Emerge
The Associated Press – The New York Times, 9 Jul 2018

5 Jul 2018 — She was 13, and she was petrified. Two months earlier, soldiers had broken into her home back in Myanmar and raped her, an attack that drove her and her terrified family over the border to Bangladesh. Ever since, she had waited for her period to arrive. Gradually, she came to realize that it would not. For the girl, a Rohingya Muslim who agreed to be identified by her first initial, A, the pregnancy was a prison she was desperate to escape. The rape itself had destroyed her innocence. But carrying the baby of a Buddhist soldier could destroy her life.

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Nobel Peace Laureate Suu Kyi Says Outside Hate Narratives Driving Myanmar Tension
The Associated Press – The New York Times, 25 Jun 2018

21 Jun 2018 — Myanmar’s security forces have been accused of rape, killing, torture and the burning of Rohingya homes. The UN and the USA have described the army crackdown as “ethnic cleansing.” The government has denied the accusations. Rohingya Muslims have long been denied citizenship and other basic rights in Buddhist-majority Myanmar.

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Trump Administration Pulls US out of UN Human Rights Council
Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jun 2018

19 Jun 2018 – The United States announced today it was leaving the United Nations’ Human Rights Council, with Ambassador Nikki Haley calling it “an organization that is not worthy of its name.” It was the latest withdrawal by the Trump administration from an international institution.

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Rohingya Say Myanmar Targeted the Educated in Genocide
Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Jun 2018

5 Jun 2018 — Mohammed Hashim hid in the hills and watched as his brother begged for his life, his arms bound behind his back as soldiers marched the 35-year-old teacher away. It was the last time he saw him alive. Soldiers targeted the educated, Rohingya teachers, elders and religious leaders said, so there would be no community leaders left willing to speak up against the pervasive abuse.

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North Korean Athletes Arrive in South Korea for Olympics
Hyung-Jin Kim | Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2018

1 Feb 2018 — North Korean 32-member delegation of skiers and skaters arrived today at a South Korean airport to participate in the Winter Olympics that has brought a temporary lull in tensions surrounding their country’s nuclear program. The Olympics start on 9 Feb.

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AP Interview: Richardson Resigns from Rohingya Refugee Panel
Foster Klug | Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2018

24 Jan 2018 — Former New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson has resigned from an advisory panel on the massive Rohingya refugee crisis, calling it a “whitewash and a cheerleading operation” for Myanmar leader Aung San Suu Kyi.

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U.S. Congress Approves Defense Bill to Pump $700 Billion into Military
Richard Lardner | Associated Press – PBS News Hour, 20 Nov 2017

14 Nov 2017 — House Republicans and Democrats joined forces today to decisively approve a defense policy bill that authorizes $700 billion to restock what lawmakers have described as a depleted U.S. military and counter North Korea’s advancing nuclear weapons program.

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Burma/Myanmar Military Laying Anti-Personnel Mines in Trail of Fleeing Rohingya Refugees
Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Sep 2017

Myanmar’s military has been accused of planting land mines in the path of Rohingya Muslims fleeing violence in its western Rakhine state, with Amnesty International reporting two people wounded Sunday [10 Sep]. Refugee accounts of the latest spasm of violence in Rakhine have typically described shootings by soldiers and arson attacks on villages.

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UN Chief: US Will Be Replaced If It Disengages from World
Edith M. Ledrer | Associated Press – Yahoo News, 26 Jun 2017

20 Jun 2017 — Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warned the Trump administration that if the United States disengages from many issues confronting the international community it will be replaced. Guterres made clear at his first press conference since taking the reins of the UN that he is not afraid to stand up to President Donald Trump, citing his vocal opposition to the U.S. leader’s withdrawal from the Paris Climate Agreement.

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Pesticide Maker Dow Chemical Tries to Kill Risk Study
Michael Biesecker| Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Apr 2017

20 Apr 2017 — Dow Chemical is pushing a Trump administration open to scrapping regulations to ignore the findings of federal scientists who point to a family of widely used pesticides as harmful to about 1,800 critically threatened or endangered species.

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More than 100 UN Peacekeepers Ran a Child Sex Ring in Haiti – None Was Ever Jailed
Paisley Dodds |The Associated Press – Toronto Star, 17 Apr 2017

12 Apr 2017—In the ruins of a tropical hideaway where jetsetters once sipped rum under the Caribbean sun, the abandoned children tried to make a life for themselves. “Imagine if the UN was going to the United States and raping children and bringing cholera,” said one lawyer in Haiti, where UN peacekeepers face hundreds of allegations of child sex crimes.

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Parallels Seen in Protests of Dakota Pipeline, Oregon Refuge
Gillian Flaccus, Associated Press – Reader Supported News, 31 Oct 2016

30 Oct 2016 – On the same day seven defendants celebrated their acquittal in the armed takeover of a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon, law enforcement officers dressed in riot gear and firing bean bag rounds arrested nearly 150 water-protectors camped out in North Dakota. “How is it that people who were seen on national media with guns having a standoff with police officials were acquitted … and we’re being treated like we’re terrorists?”

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Hillary Clinton Recovering from Pneumonia, Cancels California Trip
Lisa Lerer and Julie Pace | Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Sep 2016

An ill Hillary Clinton abruptly left a 9/11 anniversary ceremony Sunday [11 Sep 2016] and needed to be held up by three people before she appeared to stumble off a curb and was helped into a van. Several hours later, her campaign revealed she had been diagnosed with pneumonia on Friday [9 Sep] and advised to rest.

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Woman Breaks Silence among Fukushima Thyroid Cancer Patients
Yuri Kageyama, Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Jun 2016

A young woman is among 173 young people with confirmed or suspected cases of thyroid cancer in Japan’s Fukushima prefecture, but she’s the first to speak to media more than five years after the nuclear disaster there.

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Kenya Burns Huge Pile of Ivory Tusks to Protest Poaching
Tom Odula, Associated Press – Reader Supported News, 2 May 2016

Kenya’s president set fire Saturday [30 Apr 2016] to 105 tons of elephant ivory and more than 1 ton of rhino horn in a dramatic statement against the trade in ivory and products from endangered species. Kenya decided to destroy the ivory instead of selling it for an estimated $150 million. Pres. Kenyatta said that Kenya wants to make the point that ivory should not have any commercial value.

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Morgan Stanley to Pay $3.2 Billion over Contributors to ’08 Crisis
Michael Virtanen, Associated Press – Reader Supported News, 15 Feb 2016

Morgan Stanley will pay $3.2 billion in a settlement over bank practices that contributed to the 2008 financial crisis, including misrepresentations about the value of mortgage-backed securities, authorities announced Thursday [11 Feb 2016].

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Ringling Circus Elephants to Retire in May
Tamara Lush, Associated Press – Reader Supported News, 18 Jan 2016

12 January 16 – The Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus is ending its elephant acts a year and a half early, and will retire all of its touring elephants in May. The move comes amid increasing scrutiny of circus elephant acts with local governments passing “anti-circus” and “anti-elephant” ordinances in response to concerns over animal cruelty.

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Better Sleep May Be Incredibly Important to Alzheimer’s Risk
The Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jul 2015

Disrupted sleep may be one of the missing pieces in explaining how a hallmark of Alzheimer’s, a sticky protein called beta-amyloid, starts its damage long before people have trouble with memory, researchers reported Monday [20 Jul] at the Alzheimer’s Association International Conference.

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Germany’s Oldest Nuclear Power Plant Goes Offline
Associated Press – US News & World Report, 29 Jun 2015

28 Jun 2015 — Germany’s oldest remaining nuclear reactor has been shut down, part of a move initiated four years ago to switch off all its nuclear plants by the end of 2022.

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As Nobel Winners Gather to Speak Out About Rohingya, Where is Myanmar’s [Nobel Peace Laureate] Suu Kyi?
Robin McDowell, Associated Press – Star Tribune, 8 Jun 2015

The meeting featured video statements from Nobel laureates Desmond Tutu, José Ramos-Horta and Mairead Maguire, and others like philanthropist George Soros, who escaped Nazi-occupied Hungary.

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Israel’s New Deputy Foreign Minister: ‘This Land Is Ours. All of It Is Ours’
Associated Press – The Guardian, 25 May 2015

Tzipi Hotovely gives speech to Israeli diplomats in which she says she will try to achieve global recognition for West Bank settlements. On Thursday [21 May 2015] she delivered a defiant message to the international community saying that Israel owes no apologies for its policies in the Holy Land and citing religious texts to back her belief that it belongs to the Jewish people.

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Vatican Recognizes State of Palestine in New Treaty
Nicole Winfield, Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 May 2015

The Vatican officially recognized the state of Palestine in a new treaty finalized Wednesday [13 May 2015], immediately sparking Israeli ire and accusations that the move hurt peace prospects.

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Don’t Want NSA to Spy on Your Email? 5 Things You Can Do
Michael Liedtke, Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Mar 2015

Pew researchers found that a majority of those surveyed don’t know about online shields that could help boost privacy or believe it would be too difficult to avoid the government’s espionage.

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Morgan Stanley Strikes $2.6bn Deal to Settle Mortgage Bubble Case
Associated Press – The Guardian, 2 Mar 2015

The investment bank said late on Wednesday [25 Feb 2015] the $2.6bn will go to “resolve certain claims” the Justice Department intended to bring against Morgan Stanley over its role in the mortgage bubble and subsequent financial crisis.

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New Jersey Judge Rules ‘Gay Conversion Therapy’ Is Consumer Fraud
Associated Press – The Guardian, 16 Feb 2015

11 Feb 2015 – A judge in New Jersey has ruled that claims of gay conversion therapy that describe homosexuality as a curable mental disorder and made male clients stand naked with other men to quell attraction are fraud.

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ICC Opens Initial Probe into Possible War Crimes in Palestinian Territories
Jonathan Lis and The Associated Press - Haaretz, 19 Jan 2015

Step could lead to charges against Israeli and Palestinian officials; FM Lieberman calls to dismantle International Criminal Court.

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Monsanto Earnings Fall 34% after a Year of Global Protests
Associated Press – The Guardian, 12 Jan 2015

Monsanto said Wednesday [7 Jan 2015] its earnings fell 34% in its first fiscal quarter, as South American farmers cut back on planting corn, reducing demand for the company’s biotech-enhanced seeds.

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Secret Space Plane Lands at US Air Force Base after Unknown Two-Year Mission
Associated Press – The Guardian, 20 Oct 2014

Resembling a small space shuttle, the X-37B landed in southern California Friday [17 Oct 2014], after 674 days in orbit on a secret mission.

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Jimmy Carter: US Bomb Attack on Islamic State ‘Likely to Kill More Civilians’ Than Fighters
Associated Press – The Tribune, 29 Sep 2014

U.S. bombing attack against the Islamic State forces in Iraq could end up killing more civilians than militants unless there are American spotters on the ground, former President Jimmy Carter said Monday [22 Sep 2014].

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NSA Planned Automated Cyberwarfare Program
Jack Gillum, Associated Press – Christian Science Monitor, 25 Aug 2014

13 Aug 2014 – The NSA secretly planned a cyberwarfare program that could automatically fire back at cyberattacks from foreign countries without any human involvement, creating the risk of accidentally starting a war, according to a new report based on interviews with former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.

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US Terrorist Database Growing at Rapid Rate
Matthew Barakat, Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jul 2014

The U.S. government is rapidly expanding the number of names it accepts for inclusion on its terrorist watch list, with more than 1.5 million added in the last five years, according to numbers divulged by the government in a civil lawsuit. About 99 percent of the names submitted are accepted, leading to criticism that the government is “wildly loose” in its use of the list.

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Bolivia Makes Child Labor Legal from Age 10
The Associated Press – Al Jazeera America, 21 Jul 2014

Child labor has been common in a nation that ranks as one of the poorest in the Americas.

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African Leaders Vote to Give Themselves Immunity from War Crimes
The Associated Press – Al Jazeera, 7 Jul 2014

July 1, 2014 – African leaders gathered for a continent-wide summit voted to give themselves and their allies immunity from prosecution for war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide at a new African Court of Justice and Human Rights.

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South America Rejects US Sanctions on Venezuela
Associated Press – ABC News, 26 May 2014

Foreign ministers from the 12-member Union of South American Nations issued a statement Friday [23 May 2014] saying that the proposed legislation would constitute a violation of Venezuela’s internal affairs and undermine attempts by regional diplomats and the Vatican to foster dialogue between the government and opposition.

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A Look at the European Court Ruling on Google
Toby Sterling, Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 May 2014

Questions and answers over the European Court ruling on Google and the ‘right to be forgotten.’

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Danger of Drones Highlighted by Near Collision with Airliner in Florida
Associated Press – The Guardian, 12 May 2014

Jim Williams of the Federal Aviation Administration’s unmanned aircraft systems office acknowledged the incident on Thursday [8 May 2014, citing it as an example of the risks posed by drones.

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Marshall Islands Sues Nuclear Powers for Failure on Disarmament
The Associated Press – Al Jazeera America, 28 Apr 2014

“I personally see it as kind of David and Goliath, except that there are no slingshots involved,” said David Krieger, president of the California-based Nuclear Age Peace Foundation. Krieger is acting as a consultant in the case. There are hopes that other countries will join the legal effort, he said.

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‘Cuban Twitter’ Heads to Hearings in Congress
Jack Gillum, Desmond Butler and Alberto Arce, Associated Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Apr 2014

4 Apr 2014 – The head of the U.S. government agency that secretly created a “Cuban Twitter” communications network designed to undermine the communist government in Cuba is expected to testify next week before a senator who thinks the whole idea was “dumb, dumb, dumb.”

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Ugandan Anti-Gay Law Is Huge Step Backwards, Says Barack Obama
Associated Press – The Guardian, 17 Feb 2014

President Barack Obama on Sunday [16 Feb 2014] warned Uganda over its plans to further criminalise homosexuality, saying it would “complicate our valued relationship”.

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Jordan Valley Settlements Hit by Boycott Campaign
Associated Press – The Washington Post, 13 Jan 2014

10 Jan 2014 – An international campaign to boycott Israeli settlement products has rapidly turned from a distant nuisance into a harsh economic reality for Israeli farmers in the West Bank’s Jordan Valley.

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Edward Snowden’s 2013 Christmas Message (Video & Transcript)
Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Dec 2013

Dec 25, 2013 – Former US NSA contractor Edward Snowden in a televised Christmas message released by British TV Channel 4. (1:35)

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Canada to Claim North Pole as Its Own
Associated Press in Toronto – The Guardian, 16 Dec 2013

UN submission will seek to redefine Canada’s continental shelf to capture more Arctic oil and gas resources.

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Brazil and Germany Introduce UN Resolution to Protect Internet Privacy from Eavesdroppers
Associated Press – The Washington Post, 11 Nov 2013

Brazil and Germany formally presented a resolution to the U.N. General Assembly on Thursday [7 Nov 2013] urging all countries to extend internationally guaranteed rights to privacy to the Internet and other electronic communications.

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From England, One Man Feeds Western Media on Syria
Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Oct 2013

It boggles the mind that a man living in Coventry is somehow able to count and categorize the dead in Syria hour by hour, every day of the week. “Something is going on which is quite fishy.”

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HSBC Unit Ordered to Pay $2.46B
The Associated Press – Business Week, 21 Oct 2013

A division of Europe’s HSBC bank has been ordered to pay about $2.46 billion in a class action lawsuit claiming that it violated federal securities laws. HSBC plans to appeal.

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Japan Asks for World’s Help on Fukushima Leaks
Al Jazeera and The Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Oct 2013

Prime Minister Shinzo Abe said Sunday [6 Oct 2013] that Japan is open to receiving overseas help to contain widening disaster at the crippled nuclear plant in Fukushima, where radioactive water leaks and other mishaps are now reported almost daily. “My country needs your knowledge and expertise,” he said.

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Greenwald-Scahill to Report on ‘NSA and US Assassinations’
Jenny Barchfield, Associated Press – Reader Supported News, 1 Oct 2013

Two American journalists known for their investigations of the United States’ government said Saturday [28 Sep 2013] they’ve teamed up to report on the National Security Agency’s role in what one called a “U.S. assassination program.”

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JP Morgan to Pay $410m in Penalties for Manipulating Electricity Prices
Associated Press in Washington – The Guardian, 5 Aug 2013

JP Morgan has agreed to the penalty, although the company disputes the violations. The penalty includes $285m for the federal government, and $125m for ratepayers. The agency recently levied a $453m penalty on Barclays, Britain’s second-largest bank, for manipulating electricity prices in California and other western states. Barclays is disputing the allegations.

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Uruguay Votes to Create World’s First National Legal Marijuana Market
Associated Press in Montevideo - The Guardian, 5 Aug 2013

1 Aug 2013 – Legislators in the ruling coalition said putting the government at the centre of a legal marijuana industry is worth trying because the global war on drugs had been a costly and bloody failure, and displacing illegal dealers through licensed marijuana sales could save money and lives.

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Guantánamo Force-Feeding Does Not Trouble Prison Doctors
Associated Press – The Guardian, 24 Jun 2013

Calls for the doctors who force-feed hunger-striking prisoners at Guantánamo Bay to refuse to perform the practice on ethical grounds have got nowhere, a spokesman for the prison said on Thursday [20 June 2013]. No doctors, nurses or corpsman had balked at feeding the prisoners or even voiced a concern about the military’s policy of using what’s known as enteral feeding to prevent any of the hunger strikers starving to death, said Navy Captain Robert Durand.

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Israel Moving Ahead with 1,000 New Settler Homes
Tia Goldenberg, Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jun 2013

Israel is moving forward with plans to build more than 1,000 homes in two small isolated Jewish settlements deep in the West Bank, a spokesman said Thursday [13 June 2013], as Palestinian officials complained that Israel is undercutting U.S. peace efforts at a sensitive time. The announcement drew swift U.S. condemnation.

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28 Guantanamo Prisoners Now On Hunger Strike; 3 in Hospital for Dehydration
Ben Fox, The Associated Press – CTV News, 1 Apr 2013

More prisoners have joined a hunger strike at the U.S. military prison at Guantanamo Bay, officials said Monday [25 Mar 2013], as defence lawyers expressed alarm about one of the most sustained protests at the base in several years. The military is force-feeding 10 of the prisoners to prevent dangerous weight loss, Navy Capt. Robert Durand, a spokesman for the prison on the U.S. base in Cuba said.

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NATO Rejects UN Report on Death of Afghan Children
Kim Gamel, Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2013

The U.S.-led international coalition on Friday [8 Feb 2013] rejected a U.N. rights group’s concern about reports that U.S. military strikes have killed hundreds of children in Afghanistan during the past four years, saying they are “categorically unfounded.”

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UK Sends Hand-Held Helicopter Drones to War Zone
Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Feb 2013

British soldiers in Afghanistan have been issued with surveillance drones so small they can fit in the palm of a man’s hand. The Scandinavian-designed Black Hornet Nano weighs as little as 16 grams (roughly half an ounce). The 4-inch (10-centimeter) -long helicopter is fitted with a tiny camera which relays still images and video to a remote terminal.

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CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou Given More Than Two Years in Prison
Associated Press – The Guardian, 28 Jan 2013

The former CIA officer John Kiriakou was sentenced Friday [25 Jan 2013] to more than two years in prison, by a federal judge who rejected arguments that he was acting as a whistleblower when he leaked a covert officer’s name to a reporter. A plea deal required the judge to impose a sentence of two and a half years. US district judge Leonie Brinkema said she would have given Kiriakou much more time if she could.

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UN Calls on Israel to Open Nuclear Facilities
Edith M. Lederer, Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Dec 2012

The resolution, approved Monday [3 Dec 2012] by a vote of 174-6 with 6 abstentions, calls on Israel to join the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty “without further delay” and open its nuclear facilities to inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency. Those voting “no” were Israel, the U.S., Canada, Marshall Islands, Micronesia and Palau.

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White House Widening Covert War in North Africa
Associated Press, Military News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Oct 2012

Small teams of special operations forces arrived at American embassies throughout North Africa in the months before militants launched the fiery attack that killed the U.S. ambassador in Libya. The soldiers’ mission: Set up a network that could quickly strike a terrorist target or rescue a hostage. But the teams had yet to do much counterterrorism work in Libya, though the White House signed off a year ago on the plan to build the new military task force in the region and the advance teams had been there for six months, according to three U.S. counterterror officials and a former intelligence official.

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California Law Bans Gay Teen ‘Conversion’ Therapy
Associated Press (AP) – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Oct 2012

California has become the first state to ban a controversial form of psychotherapy aimed at making gay teenagers straight.

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France’s Hollande Calls for Mali Intervention, Clinton Says Nation Can’t Fight Islamists Alone
Associated Press – The Washington Post, 1 Oct 2012

French President Francois Hollande called Wednesday [26 Sep 2012] for the Security Council to approve African military intervention in Mali “as quickly as possible.” U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said Mali’s security forces need help, and said African-led interventions in Somalia and the Ivory Coast were successful. Clinton said Mali’s “chaos and violence” threatens the entire region’s stability.

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AP Sources: US to Take Iran Group Off Terror List
Bradley Klapper and Matthew Lee, Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Sep 2012

The decision to remove the MEK list rested on two factors: whether it still had the capacity and intent to commit acts of terror. Several American military officials and defense contractors were killed by the MEK in the 1970s, U.S. officials maintain, and its attacks have killed hundreds of Iranians.

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US Marine Corps Creates Law Enforcement Battalions
Julie Watson – The Associated Press-AP, 30 Jul 2012

The Marine Corps has created its first law enforcement battalions — a lean, specialized force of military police officers that it hopes can quickly deploy worldwide to help investigate crimes from terrorism to drug trafficking and train fledgling security forces in allied nations. The Corps activated three such battalions last month [June 2012]. Each is made up of roughly 500 military police officers and dozens of dogs.

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Israel Criticizes Palestinians’ Invitation to Security Council to Visit Occupied Territories
Associated Press – The Washington Post, 5 Mar 2012

Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian U.N. observer, told reporters after a council meeting on the Mideast on Tuesday [28 Feb 2012] that he sent a letter inviting the 15 council members “to see with their own eyes the reality of the Palestinian people in the occupied territory” including Israel’s “illegal” settlement building.

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Spanish Region Says Adios to Bullfighting
Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Oct 2011

Spain’s northeastern region of Catalonia has banned bullfighting. Animal rights activists had pushed for the step, but observers also believe the move fits with the area’s desire to be distinct from the rest of the country.

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Chavez: Libya’s Tragedy Begins With Gadhafi’s Fall
The Associated Press-AP – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Aug 2011

Chavez has been a staunch defender of Gadhafi throughout the conflict, and he condemned NATO airstrikes and killings of civilians. “The drama of Libya isn’t ending with the fall of Gadhafi’s government. It’s beginning,” Chavez said. “The tragedy in Libya is just beginning.”

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Troops March in San Diego’s Gay Pride Parade
Associated Press (AP) – The New York Times, 18 Jul 2011

About 200 active-duty troops and veterans wearing T-shirts advertising their branch of service marched Saturday [16 Jul 2011] in San Diego’s gay pride parade with American flags and rainbow banners, marking what is believed to be the first time a military contingent has participated in such an event in the U.S.

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Chiquita Bananas Fund Terrorists
Curt Anderson, Associated Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jun 2011

The Chiquita lawsuit cites a number of AUC massacres, including a July 1997 operation in the town of Mapiripan in which at least 49 people were tortured, dismembered and decapitated. In February 2000, about 300 AUC troops tortured dozens of people and killed 36 people. In 2001, Chiquita was identified in invoices and other documents as the recipient of a shipment from Nicaragua of 3,000 AK-47 assault rifles and 5 million rounds of ammunition. The guns and ammo were unloaded by Chiquita employees, stored at Chiquita warehouses, and then delivered by trucks to the AUC, court papers said.

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Manuel Zelaya Pushes for Peace on Return to Honduras
Associated Press-AP – The Guardian, 30 May 2011

Former president Manuel Zelaya’s return to Honduras almost two years after being forced into exile by a military coup has ended a crippling political crisis and paved the way for the impoverished nation’s reintegration into the international community. The Organisation of American States (OAS), which expelled Honduras following the June 2009 coup, is expected to bring the Central American nation back into the fold this week.

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WikiLeaks: Israel Demanded Bribes for Goods Entering Gaza
The Associated Press – Haaretz, 10 Jan 2011

Joint June 2006 cable dispatched by U.S. diplomats in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem cites Coca Cola, Procter & Gamble, Motorola and Dell as some of the companies subject to corruption at the Karni Crossing. A key Israeli cargo crossing for goods entering the Gaza Strip was rife with corruption, according to a U.S. diplomatic cable released by WikiLeaks on Thursday [6 Jan 2011]. The June 14, 2006, cable, published Thursday by Norway’s Aftenposten daily, says companies told U.S. diplomats they were forced to pay hefty bribes to get goods into Gaza.

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Rights Activists Share Alternative Nobel
Malin Rising – The Associated Press-AP, 4 Oct 2010

Activists from Nepal, Nigeria, Brazil and Israel were named the winners Thursday [30 Sep 2010] of this year’s Right Livelihood Award, also known as the “alternative Nobel,” for work that includes fighting to save the Amazon rain forest and bringing health care to Palestinians cut off from services.

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Report Says Doctors Helped Refine Harsh Methods
Kimberly Dozier, Associated Press – The Miami Herald, 14 Jun 2010

A prominent physicians group is charging that medical personnel were used to test and refine the effectiveness of waterboarding and other harsh interrogation techniques for terror detainees in U.S. custody under the guise of safeguarding their health.

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Cnaan Liphshiz , Haaretz Correspondent, and The Associated Press, 13 Mar 2010

The European Parliament on Wednesday [Mar 10 2010] urged its 27-member states to monitor the Israeli and Palestinian probes into alleged war crimes committed during last year’s late-winter conflict in Gaza. The resolution backed the findings of a UN-appointed expert panel chaired by South African Judge Richard Goldstone, which concluded that both sides committed war […]

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Erika Kinetz - Associated Press, 17 Feb 2010

It began quietly in America a decade ago, with a tomato. Since the introduction of the Flavr Savr tomato, engineered for long shelf life, genetically modified food has become a fact of American life. Not so in India. The debate over GM food, long settled in America, is noisily beginning here. Last week, India halted […]

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Michael Liedtke, The Associated Press, 15 Sep 2009

The news media’s credibility is sagging along with its revenue. Nearly two-thirds of Americans think the news stories they read, hear and watch are frequently inaccurate, according to a poll released Sunday by the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press. That marks the highest level of skepticism recorded since 1985, when this […]

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Associated Press - May 27, 2009, 31 May 2009

DALLAS (AP) – A founding member of what was once the nation’s largest Muslim charity today was sentenced to 65 years in prison for funneling millions of dollars to the Palestinian militant group Hamas. 50-year-old Shukri Abu Baker, of Garland, was the first Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development to be sentenced. The November […]

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Mike Baker, Associated Press Writer, 16 Feb 2009

     Raleigh, North Carolina – Blackwater Worldwide is still protecting U.S. diplomats in Iraq, but executives at the beleaguered security firm are taking their biggest step yet to put that work and the ugly reputation it earned the company behind them.     Blackwater said Friday [Feb. 13] it will no longer operate under the name […]

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Diaa Hadid - Associated Press Writer, 4 Jan 2009

Israel maintained its ban on foreign journalists entering the Gaza Strip Friday despite a recent Supreme Court order to allow a limited number of reporters to enter the territory. The ban has been in place since a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas began to fray on Nov. 5. Israel eased the ban last month but […]

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Associated Press, 4 Jan 2009

United Nations – The United States late Saturday blocked approval of a U.N. Security Council statement calling for an immediate cease-fire in the Gaza Strip and southern Israel and expressing concern at the escalation of violence between Israel and Hamas.     U.S. deputy ambassador Alejandro Wolff said the United States saw no prospect of Hamas […]

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