Articles by Carsten Volkery

We found 2 results.

Ignoble Prize? Euroskeptics Call Nobel Honor an ‘April Fool’s Joke’
Carsten Volkery – Der Spiegel, 15 Oct 2012

The decision to award the 2012 Nobel Peace Prize to the European Union has divided the Continent. While European leaders in Brussels and national capitals are basking in the glow provided by the unexpected honor, euroskeptics in the EU have unleashed their contempt for the Norwegian Nobel Committee. In Britain, Friday’s [12 Oct 2012] award has been the subject of particularly heated commentary. Iain Martin, a columnist with the conservative Daily Telegraph dismissed the prize as “beyond parody.”

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Carsten Volkery in Brussels - Spiegel, 20 Nov 2009

Europe Chooses NobodiesEurope’s leaders are relieved that the wrangling over the EU’s new positions of president and foreign minister is finally over. But they have no reason to be proud. Once again, the EU has missed an opportunity to boost its standing on the global stage. The relief among the 27 leaders of the European […]

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