Articles by Catherine Shakdam

We found 7 results.

Dying in Myanmar – When Genocide Becomes Normative Rather Than Aberrational
Catherine Shakdam – Russia Today, 30 Oct 2017

18 Oct 2017 – It’s official. Myanmar, according to the UN in its latest report, has given in to wanton murder and systematic oppression to cleanse its streets of its designated undesirables: Rohingya Muslims. However, violence is but the tip of that iceberg.

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Yemen: War Crimes the World Can No Longer Ignore
Catherine Shakdam – Russia Today, 28 Aug 2017

24 Aug 2017 – Beyond the many and despicable sectarian adjectives the media may have wielded since 2015 to frame Yemen’s war within a binary that has the region locked in fictitious crusadic dynamics: Shiite Iran versus self-righteous Saudi Arabia, truths have had a way of eroding at such a construct. If one can understand the pull money can hold over state officials, politics, after all, is not child’s play, empowering fanatical despots is still counter intuitive.

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Intl. Community Recoils as Saudi Arabia Goes on ‘Crusade’ of Mass Killing in Yemen
Catherine Shakdam – Russia Today, 14 Aug 2017

11 Aug 2017 – While few will pause upon hearing that Yemen was bombed yet again by Saudi Arabia’s U.S. supported war coalition, thus leading to many deaths, the kingdom’s propensity to concentrate its firepower on civilians has become a little hard to stomach.

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Orwell 2016: Censorship in the Age of Social Media
Catherine Shakdam – Russia Today, 3 Oct 2016

30 Sep 2016 – If George Orwell is watching from above, he must be impressed. In his novel 1984, what was meant as a cautionary tale against government control and intellectual obscurantism, seems to have come to pass without our full knowledge.

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Why Is Global Community Ignoring Slaughter of Yemeni Children?
Catherine Shakdam | Human Wrongs Watch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2016

I realize that truth and honesty are hard commodities to come by, but let’s momentarily see if we can stomach the reality the people of Yemen have had to endure as the global community chose to avert its gaze. Yes, a school was bombed and children were butchered. Yemen was violated and scarred beyond the tolerable and the comprehensible. What else is new? Yemen has died a thousand deaths already, and none have come to its rescue.

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Negotiating Syria’s Future with Terrorists?
Catherine Shakdam – Human Wrongs Watch, 18 Apr 2016

Jaysh al-Islam used chem weapons in Syria & has delegate at UN peace talks. Beyond the catchy headlines and talk of democratization, reforms and just retribution, Western powers and their regional allies are in fact debating Syria’s right to self-govern; everything else has been political white noise.

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Religious Eugenics: How Saudi Arabia Is Sponsoring a Frightening New Movement in the ME
Catherine Shakdam - Russia Today, 24 Aug 2015

22 Aug 2015 – Blanketed by its wealth and protected by political alliances, Saudi Arabia has covertly run and promoted a new movement in the Middle East: religious eugenics, under the false pretense of opposing the rise of Iran. From Syria to Bahrain and Yemen, the evidence is overwhelming.

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