Articles by Center for Biological Diversity

We found 3 results.

EPA Finds Glyphosate Is Likely to Injure or Kill 93% of Endangered Species
Center for Biological Diversity - TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Nov 2020

25 Nov 2020 -The Environmental Protection Agency released a biological evaluation today finding that glyphosate is likely to injure or kill 93% of the plants and animals protected under the ESA. The long-anticipated biological evaluation found that 1,676 endangered species are likely to be harmed by glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup and the world’s most-used pesticide. It also found that glyphosate adversely modifies critical habitat for 759 endangered species, or 96% of all species for which critical habitat has been designated.

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Trump Administration Approves Airgun Blasting in Atlantic Harmful to Whales, Dolphins
Center for Biological Diversity – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Dec 2018

30 Nov 2018 — The Trump administration today approved five permits that allow harm to whales, dolphins and other animals so companies can search for oil off the Atlantic Coast using loud seismic airgun blasts.

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347 Native Bee Species ‘Spiraling Toward Extinction’
Center for Biological Diversity | EcoWatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Mar 2017

2 Mar 2017 – In the first comprehensive review of the more than 4,000 native bee species in North America and Hawaii, the Center for Biological Diversity has found that more than half the species with sufficient data to assess are declining. Nearly one in four is imperiled and at increasing risk of extinction.

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