Articles by Channel 4

We found 8 results.

Israeli Soldier Speaks Out: Why I Turned against the War on Gaza
Channel 4 News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

23 Apr 2024 – It’s rare to hear from soldiers who’ve served on the ground, but an Israeli soldier says that what he witnessed turned him against the genocide. He’s voiced by an actor to protect his identity. And a warning: you may find some images upsetting.

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UN Special Envoy Claims [Nobel Peace Laureate] Aung San Suu Kyi Could Be Guilty of Crimes against Humanity
Jonathan Miller – Channel 4 News, 19 Feb 2018

14 Feb 2018 – Professor Yanghee Lee, who’s now been barred from Burma, said she’d received many death threats and was even warned of a planned assassination attempt.

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Channel 4 Refutes Sri Lankan “Propaganda Offensive”
Channel 4, UK – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Mar 2014

Channel 4 has today [28 Feb 2014] taken the step of publishing a refutation of “an international propaganda offensive” by supporters of the Sri Lankan government against its reporting. Channel 4 and Current Affairs journalists led the way in exposing the country’s war crimes, culminating in the broadcast of the documentary No Fire Zone – a forensic investigation into the final weeks of the bloody civil war in Sri Lanka.

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Nightmare Island Where Traffickers Imprison Burma’s Rohingya
John Sparks – Channel 4 News, UK, 19 Aug 2013

Beaten, imprisoned and sold into slavery – Channel 4 News reveals the fate of Burma’s Muslim Rohingya refugees, who flee conflict only to end up in the clutches of brutal human traffickers.

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Torture, Inc. – America’s Brutal Prisons
Deborah Davies, Channel 4 Dispatches – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Mar 2013

Savaged by dogs, Electrocuted With Cattle Prods, Burned By Toxic Chemicals, Does such barbaric abuse inside U.S. jails explain the horrors that were committed in Iraq?

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Violent Attacks of Buddhists against Muslim Rohingyas in Burma as Obama Visits Country
Channel 4 News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Dec 2012

President Obama’s historic visit to Burma has been questioned by some as premature following the recent communal violence between Muslims and Buddhists.

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Sri Lanka’s Killing Fields
Channel 4 – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jun 2011

UK Channel 4 Full Video – Jon Snow presents a forensic investigation into the final weeks of the quarter-century-long civil war between the government of Sri Lanka and the secessionist rebels, the Tamil Tigers. With disturbing and distressing descriptions and film of executions, atrocities and the shelling of civilians the programme features devastating new video evidence of war crimes – some of the most horrific footage Channel 4 has ever broadcast.

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Sri Lanka ‘War Crimes’ Is ‘Srebrenica Moment’
Channel 4 News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Apr 2011

The former UN spokesman in Sri Lanka Gordon Weiss tells Channel 4 News that a leaked UN report into “credible allegations” of war crimes represent Sri Lanka’s “Srebrenica moment”. A leaked United Nations report estimates that tens of thousands of civilians were killed during the fighting between Sri Lankan forces and the LTTE – known as the Tamil Tigers in 2009. The document cites “credible allegations” that government forces deliberately shelled civilians and repeatedly targeted hospitals. If proven, the allegations amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity.

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