Articles by Daily Mail

We found 19 results.

Just Skin and Bone: The Starving Gaza Children Kept in Incubators
Perkin Amalaraj | Daily Mail - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2024

UN Human Rights Chief Warns Israel May Be Guilty of War Crime if It Has Cut Off Food Aid

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How Distressed and Injured Indonesian Civets Are Locked in Tiny Cages and Force-Fed Beans to Make the ‘World’s Most Expensive Coffee’
Chris Pleasance – Daily Mail, 17 Feb 2020

The Abuse behind Your Trendy Caffeine Fix – Animals eat and digest the coffee before the beans are ground up and sold for €500 or US$700 per Kilo.

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Tragic End for a Gentle Giant: Elephant Struggles against Its Chains Before It Collapses and Dies at Indian National Park, Prompting Allegations of Neglect
James Tweedie – Daily Mail, 6 May 2019

• Heartbreaking video shows the beast of burden tugging at its chains then falling
• Elephant handlers said they asked for a vet for the sick animal but no help came
• The elephant, named Drona, had twice taken pride of place in a religious parade

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UN Envoy to Myanmar: Perpetrators of Rohingya Attacks Must Be Held Accountable
AFP – The Daily Mail, 25 Jun 2018

21 Jun 2018 – The new UN envoy for Myanmar told authorities in Naypyidaw during her first visit that credible measures were needed to establish accountability for the violence that engulfed Rakhine state and drove 700,000 Rohingya from their homes, a UN statement said today.

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Groundwater Drunk by BILLIONS of People May Be Contaminated by Radioactive Material Spread across the World by Nuclear Testing in the 1950s
Shivali Best – The Daily Mail, 8 May 2017

Researchers looked at groundwater from over 6,000 wells around the globe
They found traces of radioactive tritium in over half of the wells
Even at low doses, tritium has been linked with increased risk of cancer

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Chechnya Opens World’s First Concentration Camp for Homosexuals since Hitler’s in the 1930s
Thomas Burrows – Daily Mail, 24 Apr 2017

• Campaigners say gay men are being tortured with electric shocks and beaten to death.
• One of those who fled said prisoners were beaten to force them to reveal other members of the gay community.
• Comes after 100 gay men were detained and three killed in Chechnya last week.

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The Syrian Boy Soldier with a Thousand-Yard Stare: The Sad Image of Child Aged SEVEN
David Williams – Daily Mail, 4 Apr 2016

Puffing on a cigarette, a Kalashnikov AK-47 slung awkwardly across his little shoulders, seven-year-old Ahmed stands at a [NATO supported] makeshift barricade in Syria. He is one of the youngest fighters to be swept into his country’s civil war and something in his blank expression seems to hint at horrors that no child of his age should ever have to witness.

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“Now Put Blair and Straw on Trial for Torture” – Ex-British Diplomat
Craig Murray, Former British Ambassador to Uzbekistan – The Daily Mail, 22 Dec 2014

Diplomat Craig Murray Was Fired When He Warned Labour Government of UK Collusion with US Abuse – We don’t need an inquiry into British complicity in torture. We need a trial. And it should be Tony Blair and Jack Straw in the dock.

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ISIS Publishes Shocking Guidebook Telling Fighters How to Buy, Sell and Abuse Captured Women
Abul Taher – Daily Mail, 15 Dec 2014

14 Dec 2014 – Islamic State (IS) has published a shocking guidebook for its fighters on how to rape slave girls – even if they have not reached puberty. The Arabic manual, titled Questions And Answers On Taking Captives And Slaves, instructs IS fighters on how to buy and sell women and girls who have been captured in war as booty.

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Has Blackwater Been Deployed to Ukraine?
Damien Gayle – Daily Mail, 10 Mar 2014

9 Mar 2014 – Notorious U.S. mercenaries ‘seen on the streets of flashpoint city’ as Russia claims 300 hired guns have arrived in country.

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Quantum Physics Proves That There IS an Afterlife, Claims Scientist
Victoria Woollaston – Daily Mail, 18 Nov 2013

Robert Lanza claims the theory of biocentrism says death is an illusion
He said life creates the universe, and not the other way round
This means space and time don’t exist in the linear fashion we think it does
He uses the famous double-split experiment to illustrate his point
And if space and time aren’t linear, then death can’t exist in ‘any real sense’ either

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Inside the Outrageous World of Child Cage Fighting: Tiny Boys Who Are Trained to Attack Each Other in America’s Baby MMA Arenas
James Nye – Daily Mail, 11 Nov 2013

It is estimated that three million boys and girls, some as young as five-year-old launch themselves at each other weekly across the nation engaged in Pankration – some wearing no head protection and throwing punches boasting gloves little more than one-inch thick. Prominent critics of MMA call it ‘human cockfighting.’

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U.S. ‘Backed Plan to Launch Chemical Weapon Attack on Syria and Blame It on Assad’s Regime’
Louise Boyle – Daily Mail, 4 Feb 2013

Leaked emails from defense contractor refers to chemical weapons saying ‘the idea is approved by Washington.’ Obama issued warning to Syrian president Bashar al-Assad last month that use of chemical warfare was ‘totally unacceptable.’

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Is Flossing Your Teeth a Waste of Time?
Lucy Elkins – Daily Mail, 3 Dec 2012

Dentists nag us about it. Scientists insist it prevents heart disease. But now an expert says they’ve all got it wrong…

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Man-Made Flu Virus with Potential to Wipe Out Many Millions If It Ever Escaped Is Created In Research Lab
Daily Mail Reporter – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Dec 2011

A group of scientists is pushing to publish research about how they created a man-made flu virus that could potentially wipe out civilisation. The study is one of two that have caused serious debate about scientific freedom and about regulating research that might have potential public health benefits but at the same time could also be useful for bio-terrorism.

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Victim Blinded In a Post-9/11 Hate Crime Now Fights For His Attacker’s Life
Daily Mail Reporter – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Jul 2011

Mr Bhuiyan, a devout Muslim who says he learned to forgive Stroman years ago, told MSNBC: ‘I’m trying to do my best not to allow the loss of another human life.’ He was a 26-year old recent immigrant when he encountered Stroman. It took him years to recover from the gun shot, and he still carries bits of metal embedded in his face. Mr Bhuiyan lost the sight in one of his eyes, but did not suffer brain damage. He did lose a fiancé in the ordeal but earned a degree in aeronautical engineering and works as a technology professional in Dallas, although he says he wants to go to journalism school and study human rights, after trying to save Stroman’s life.

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Back from the Dead: Astonishing Pictures Show How Japan Is Recovering Just Three Months after Tsunami
Emily Allen – Daily Mail, 13 Jun 2011

Three months on, these images show the Japanese people remain undaunted by the havoc nature has wreaked on their homeland as step by step they rebuild their nation.

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Aflockalypse: More Mass Animal Deaths, Thousands of Fish Found Floating in Florida and 200 Birds Dead on Texas Bridge
Wil Longbottom – Daily Mail, 24 Jan 2011

• Thousands of fish found floating in Florida after cold snap
• 200 birds found dead on highway bridge in Texas
• 50 dead jackdaws found on city street in Sweden
• 100 tons of sardines, croaker and catfish wash up dead on Brazilian coast
• Hundreds of fish dead in New Zealand
• And in Britain, 40,000 devil crabs join list of casualties

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Major Spy Scandal As Five Scandinavian Governments Catch the U.S. Watching Their Citizens
Daily Mail – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Nov 2010

America has been accused of illegally spying on hundreds of people in Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Iceland. Officials in the five countries expressed their unhappiness at surveillance tactics that were conducted without the knowledge of the individual nations’ governments.

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