Articles by Daily News

We found 9 results.

Turkey: Lawyer Files Criminal Complaint against Myanmar
Diyarbakir | Anadolu Agency – Hürriyet Daily News, 24 Sep 2018

20 Sep 2018 – A Turkish lawyer filed a criminal complaint today against several Myanmar officials on charges of committing genocide against Rohingya Muslims and crimes against humanity in Myanmar’s Rakhine State.

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Restructuring Rather Than Dividing Syria
Ghassan Michel Rubeiz – The Arab Daily News, 15 Feb 2016

8 Feb 2016 – Syrians are no longer in charge of their future; outsiders seem to be. The threat to divide Syria, as a solution, is tempting but fatal. Syria ought to be restructured and “reinvented” to allow healing and gradual reunification.

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UN Issues Record Aid Appeal amid Unprecedented ‘Human Suffering’
Deutsche Welle – Daily News Egypt, 14 Dec 2015

A growing number of conflicts and natural disasters are spreading misery across the globe, affecting some 125 million people, the UN said on Monday [7 Dec], as it requested a record amount of aid from donor governments.

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William Worthy and Vincent Harding: Thank You and Goodbye
Amy Goodman - Aspen Daily News, 26 May 2014

The world lost two remarkable men in May, two African-Americans who helped shape modern history, yet whose names and achievements remain too little known. William Worthy, a journalist, died at the age of 92. Civil-rights activist Vincent Harding was 82.

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Mike Michaud: Yes, I am gay. ‘But why should it matter?’
Bangor Daily News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Nov 2013

That may seem like a big announcement to some people. One thing I do know is that it has nothing to do with my ability to lead the state of Maine.

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Africa: Cooperatives Crucial Allies in Fight against Hunger
Nigeria Daily News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Nov 2012

One of the only chances small-scale food producers have to gain competitive access to local and global markets is by banding together in cooperatives, FAO Director-General José Graziano da Silva told a meeting of the World Cooperatives Congress in Manchester today [31 Oct 2012]. The International Year of Cooperatives is being observed in 2012.

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Origin of Syrian Shells into Turkey Unclear, US General Says
Daily News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Oct 2012

“We are not sure if these shells are from the Syrian army, from rebels who want to get Turkey involved in the issue or from the PKK [Kurdish Workers’ Party],” U.S. Army Europe and Seventh Army, Lt. Gen. Mark Hertling said.

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International Flotilla Sets Sail to Break Gaza Blockade
Hend Kortam – The Daily News, Egypt, 13 Aug 2012

Estelle, a ship voyaging to break the Gaza blockade has begun its journey from Sweden. It is now in Norway after arriving there on Friday [3 Aug 2012]. The ship is expected to reach Gaza sometime within October. Throughout its journey the ship will raise awareness of the Gaza blockade. Estelle will make several stops on its way to Gaza in which there will be “speakers, concerts and public festivals providing information about the situation in Gaza.”

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Che, an Extraordinary Human Being
Jayatilleke de Silva – Daily News, 21 Jun 2010

Today [14 June 2010] marks the 82nd birth anniversary of an extraordinary human being, one whose name will live through centuries and generations. He is none other than Ernesto Che Guevara, the legendary guerilla, statesman, thinker and revolutionary.

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