Articles by Dalia Acosta

We found 8 results.

Human Development from a Cuban Perspective
Dalia Acosta – Inter Press Service-IPS, 17 Oct 2011

Excluded from the 2010 Human Development Index, Cuba will issue a report of its own, which will reflect the impact of an economic crisis that has lasted for 20-plus years, and will show social and health indicators typical of the developed world.

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Homophobia in the Caribbean Varies Widely
Dalia Acosta – Inter Press Service-IPS, 23 May 2011

While homosexuality is punishable by law in nine Caribbean island nations, gay activism is increasingly taking root in countries like Cuba.

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Cuba: Month-Long Offensive against Homophobia
Dalia Acosta – Inter Press Service-IPS, 9 May 2011

LGBT social networks and experts with Cuba’s National Sex Education Centre (CENESEX) announced Tuesday [3 May 2011] that events surrounding the Day Against Homophobia will last a month this year in this Caribbean island nation.

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Cuba: The “Other” Revolutions
Dalia Acosta – Inter Press Service-IPS, 25 Apr 2011

YES to sexual diversity! NO to transgenics! LONG LIVE @! In stark contrast to the political apathy of many of their contemporaries, some sectors of Cuban youth are radically re-writing the standard slogans, opting for active participation and fomenting “new revolutions within the Revolution.”

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Paulo Freire in Cuba: Popular Knowledge Can Transform People’s Worlds
Dalia Acosta – Inter Press Service, 22 Nov 2010

Valuing and sharing common people’s knowledge and experience, awakening critical consciousness and finding paths for effective social participation are the processes used by more than 1,000 people in Cuba working in Popular Education, a liberating approach to education developed by Brazilian educator Paulo Freire in the 1960s.

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Cuba: Men’s Group Champions “Diverse Masculinities”
Dalia Acosta – InterPress Service-IPS, 27 Sep 2010

Men representing an array of sexual identifications have organised in Cuba to defend sexual rights and promote respect for “other masculinities,” with the belief that greater visibility is needed to achieve true social change and acceptance.

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Dalia Acosta, Inter Press Service (IPS), 4 Jul 2009

Interview with Mariela Castro, daughter of President Raúl Castro and activist for sexual diversity rights. Renowned for her work for the rights of gay, lesbian, bisexual, transvestite and transgender people, Mariela Castro advocates a fairer, more inclusive, and above all more participatory socialism in Cuba. Castro is head of the National Sex Education Centre (CENESEX) […]

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Dalia Acosta, 8 Jun 2009

Quase 50 anos depois do triunfo da Revolução Cubana, as minorias sexuais começam a sentir pela primeira vez que sua voz é ouvida e que podem encontrar um espaço para começar a avançar até uma sociedade mais justa e inclusiva. "Sempre quis ser parte de tudo isso. Não recordo quantas vezes disse a minha mãe: […]

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