Articles by David

We found 819 results.

(Français) Un Manifeste Pour l’action
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2024

13 juillet 2024 – Le blog du mois dernier sollicitait vos suggestions sur la manière de relancer un mouvement mondial pour la culture de la paix. Vous avez répondu généreusement et 10 suggestions sont imprimées au bas du blog.

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A Manifesto for Action
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jul 2024

13 Jul 2024 – Last month’s blog requested your suggestions on how to relaunch a global movement for the culture of peace. You responded handsomely and there are 10 suggestions printed at the bottom of the blog.

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Here Is the Vision! A Global Movement for a Culture of Peace
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jun 2024

10 Jun 2024 – Two weeks ago we said “Here are the people.” And we asked, “Where is the vision?” And now, as if in response, the UN has declared that the official theme for this year’s International Day of Peace is “Cultivating a Culture of Peace.”

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(Français) Voici la Vision ! Un Mouvement Mondial Pour Une Culture de la Paix
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jun 2024

10 juin 2024 – Il y a deux semaines, nous avons dit : « Voici le peuple ». Et nous avons demandé : « Où est la vision ? » Et maintenant, comme en réponse, les Nations Unies ont déclaré que le thème officiel de la Journée internationale de la paix de cette année est « Cultiver une culture de la paix ».

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Here Are the People–Where Is the Vision?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2024

1 Jun 2024 – Here are the people who can take advantage of the looming crash of the US empire and create a new world. We can see their faces in the streets, on the university campuses and in the city halls.

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(Français) Voici le Peuple; Ou Est la Vision?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2024

1er juin 2024 – Voici ceux qui peuvent profiter du krach imminent de l’empire américain et créer un nouveau monde.
On peut voir leur visage dans les rues, sur les campus universitaires et dans les mairies.

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Israel Descends into Barbarism
Lawrence Davidson | To The Point Analysis - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2024

13 May 2024 – Unless you are the victim of a moral narrow-mindedness, it should be obvious to you that Israel has descended into barbarism because cruel, murderous, and otherwise criminal behavior has become state policy in Israel. Let’s review the signs of this meltdown.

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Home – Naive Melody (Music Video of the Week)
David Byrne | Talking Heads – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2024

From the movie ‘This Must Be the Place’ (2011) starring Sean Penn

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Can Democracy Survive? Maybe in Africa and Latin America
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

1 May 2024 – Lula da Silva, the former trade unionist, continues as President of Brazil. “Like other countries in Latin America, Brazil is developing a culture of peace which can support a true democracy,” he said. In his speech to the African Union Lula said, “We are reviving our democracy and making it increasingly participatory.”

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(Français) La Démocratie Peut-Elle Survivre ? Peut-Être en Afrique et en Amérique Latine
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

1er mai 2024 – Il y a quelques mois, j’affirmais sur ce blog que nous assistions « au début de la fin de la démocratie bourgeoise ». J’étais pessimiste quant à la possibilité que la démocratie survive sous une autre forme.

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(Français) Écoutez les Femmes
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2024

1 avril 2024 – Comme nous le montre l’exemple de Search for Common Ground, la paix ne peut venir que du dialogue et de l’instauration d’un climat de confiance entre les deux parties au conflit. C’est un processus long et difficile, mais il n’y a pas d’autre solution.

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Listen to the Women
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2024

1 Apr 2024 – As ‘Search for Common Ground’ shows us by example, peace can only come from dialogue and trust-building between the two sides of the conflict. This is a long and difficult process, but there is no other way.

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The Role of Vision in History
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Mar 2024

We are entering an era of economic and political contradictions that will lead to revolutionary change. Capitalism, clothed in its cover of bourgeois democracy, is crumbling. This is already evident with the rejection of traditional establishment political candidates.

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(Français) Le Rôle de la Vision dans l’Histoire
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Mar 2024

Nous entrons dans une ère de contradictions économiques et politiques qui mèneront à un changement révolutionnaire. Le capitalisme, sous son couvert de démocratie bourgeoise, s’effondre. Cela est déjà évident avec le rejet des candidats politiques traditionnels de l’establishment.

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The TrueLove
David Whyte – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Feb 2024

There is a faith in loving fiercely
the one who is rightfully yours,
especially if you have
waited years and especially…

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(Français) La Culture de la Guerre A-t-elle Changé ? Est-Ce Toujours le Monopole de L’état ?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2024

1 février 2024 – Je maintiens la conclusion suivante de mon livre de 2009, « L’histoire de la culture de la guerre », mais il y a eu des changements importants comme je l’expliquerai ci-dessous.

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Has the Culture of War Changed? Is It Still the Monopoly of the State?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2024

1 Feb 2024 – Will the US empire finish its time without destroying the planet with a nuclear war? Will it be succeeded by a new culture of war based in the Global South and led by China? Or will we be able to reform the UN to be based on ‘We the People’ instead of the nation-states of the world?

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There’s No Free Press without a Free Assange
David S. D’Amato | CounterPunch - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jan 2024

“The truth alone will make the people free. And for this reason, the truth must not be permitted to reach the people. The truth has always been dangerous to the rule of the rogue, the exploiter, the robber. So the truth must be ruthlessly suppressed.” — Eugene V. Debs

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For Ministries and Infrastructures of Peace
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jan 2024

1 Jan 2024 – In a world torn by the wars in Ukraine and Palestine, and threatened by the Bidens, Putins and Netanyahus, we must not forget the slow, patient work of those who cultivate peace.

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(Français) Pour les Ministeres et Infrastructures de Paix
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jan 2024

1 janvier 2024 – Dans un monde déchiré par les guerres en Ukraine et en Palestine, et menacé par les Biden, Poutine et Netanyahu, nous ne devons pas oublier le travail lent et patient de ceux qui cultivent la paix.

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In the West Bank, I Saw How Peace Will Require Confrontation with Israel
David Ignatius | The Washington Post - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jan 2024

16 Dec 2023 – For three days this past week, I traveled the West Bank from Hebron in the south to Nablus in the north. What I saw was a pattern of Israeli abuse that makes daily life a humiliation for many Palestinians — and could obstruct the peaceful future that Israelis and Palestinians both say they want.

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COP28 a “Tragedy for the Planet” as Stockholm Syndrome Took Hold
David Spratt and Ian Dunlop | Pearls and Irritations – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Dec 2023

19 Dec 2023 – Up to 100,000 people from climate-related politics, advocacy and business flew into Dubai for the UN COP28 climate policy-making event. And the result? An unmitigated disaster: unfair, inequitable “business as usual” that did not call for the phase-out of fossil fuels.

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The Great Taking
David Rogers Webb - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Dec 2023

9 Dec 2023 – The shattering documentary produced by former hedge fund manager and author David Rogers Webb alerts us all to the privately controlled Central Banks’ preparations for the inevitable financial collapse.

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What Next after the End of the U.S. Empire?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

11 Dec 2023 – In the short term there is not an effective means to stop the Israeli genocide of Palestine. Perhaps in the long term Israel can be stopped by boycotts, divestment and sanctions. But Israel depends completely on the support it receives as part of the US empire. With the end of that empire, Israel will not be able to survive.

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(Français) Et Après la Fin de États-Unis Empire?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

11 décembre 2023 – À court terme, il n’existe aucun moyen efficace pour mettre fin au génocide israélien de la Palestine. Mais il y a un autre facteur : Israël dépend entièrement du soutien qu’il reçoit en tant que membre de États-Unis Empire. Avec la fin de cet Empire, Israël ne pourra plus survivre.

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How Can War Crimes Be Stopped?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

1 Dec 2023 – Julian Assange languishes and may die in prison for having documented the war crimes of the American Empire. The UN, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch agree about daily war crimes by Israel against the people of Gaza, crimes that are financed and supplied by the USA and its allies.

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(Français) Comment Arrêter les Crimes de Guerre?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

1 décembre 2023 – Les événements récents nous amènent plus que jamais à nous demander : pourquoi ne peut-on pas faire quelque chose pour arrêter et prévenir les crimes de guerre ?

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Some Documents of Hope
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Nov 2023

1 Nov 2023 – Your students, like all young people today are pushed towards pessimism by the mass media and the pronouncements of their national governments. Is there some way that we can give them hope for the future? I want to give you four documents of hope.

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End The Insanity: For Nuclear Disarmament and Global Demilitarization
Eileen Crist, Judith Lipton and David Barash – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Nov 2023

No one believed Katrina would happen before Katrina happened. No one believed Fukushima would happen before Fukushima happened. Virtually no one believes a nuclear war will happen before it happens. But a nuclear war is not a disaster: it is a holocaust.

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(Français) Quelques Documents d’Espoir
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Nov 2023

1 novembre 2023 – Vos étudiants, comme tous les jeunes d’aujourd’hui, sont poussés au pessimisme par les médias et les déclarations de leurs gouvernements nationaux. Existe-t-il un moyen de leur donner de l’espoir pour l’avenir ? Je veux vous donner quatre documents d’espoir.

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We Don’t Have to Rebottle the Nuclear Genie Just Because It Exists
David P. Barash - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Oct 2023

2 Oct 2023 – “I certainly don’t like nukes, but what can we do? We can’t put that genie back in its bottle.” We hear this a lot and at first glance it seems true; we’re stuck with Oppenheimer’s genie because it can’t be disinvented. But this “common sense” is uncommonly wrong.

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(Français) Pas de Paix Avec la Culture de Guerre
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Oct 2023

2 octobre 2023 – La culture de la guerre semble plus forte que jamais. Pour illustrer cela, un jour avant la Journée internationale de la paix, l’ouverture des Nations Unies a été donnée au président ukrainien Zelensky pour appeler à une guerre totale contre la Russie, même au risque de déclencher une Troisième Guerre mondiale.

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No Peace with the Culture of War
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Oct 2023

2 Oct 2023 – The culture of war seems stronger than ever. Illustrating this, one day preceding the International Day of Peace, the opening of the United Nations was given to Ukraine president Zelensky to call for all-out war against Russia, even at the risk of launching a Third World War.

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The BRICS Summit
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Sep 2023

1 Sep 2023 – The BRICS Declaration, a major historic document, is published by media in South Africa, Brazil, China, South Africa, Russia, Azerbaijan, Nigeria, India, Nicaragua, Peru, and Colombia. But in Europe and North America, only alternative media and no major media has published the full text.

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(Français) Le Sommet des BRICS
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Sep 2023

1 sep 2023 – Le fossé mondial entre le Nord et le Sud s’est élargi ce mois-ci lors du sommet des pays BRICS (Brésil, Russie, Inde, Chine et Afrique du Sud) qui a eu lieu à Johannesburg.

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How Not to Go to War
David Swanson - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Aug 2023

The book by Vijay Mehta comes to us from Britain where the author is a leading peace activist, and it is actually a set of recommendations for how to not go to war at all ever.

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The Dialectics of History: Aggression Produces a Reaction of Solidarity
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Aug 2023

1 Aug 2023 – History is dialectical, as described by Hegel, Marx and Engels. We see this in our times as three policies of aggression have led to the increased solidarity of those who have been attacked.

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(Français) La Dialectique de L’histoire : L’agression Produit Une Réaction de Solidarité
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Aug 2023

1 août 2023 – L’histoire est dialectique, comme l’ont décrit Hegel, Marx et Engels. Nous le voyons à notre époque alors que trois politiques d’agression ont conduit à une solidarité accrue de ceux qui ont été attaqués.

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The Facts about Neo-Colonialism
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Jul 2023

6 Jul 2023 – Developing countries have forked out over $4.2tn in interest payments alone since 1980–a direct cash transfer to big banks in New York and London. Think of all the profits that BP extracts from Nigeria’s oil reserves, for example, or that Anglo-American pulls out of South Africa’s gold mines.

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Why Is Europe the Epicenter of World Wars?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jul 2023

1 Jul 2023 – Europe was the epicenter of World Wars I and II, and now it threatens, with its war in the Ukraine, to kindle World War III.

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(Français) Pourquoi L’europe Est-Elle L’epicentre Des Guerres Mondiales ?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jul 2023

1 juillet 2023 – L’Europe était l’épicentre des guerres mondiales I et II, et maintenant elle menace, avec sa guerre en Ukraine, de déclencher la troisième guerre mondiale.

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(Français) L’Hypocrisie des Sanctions Économiques
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Jun 2023

Les sanctions économiques sont-elles une violation des droits de l’Homme ?

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The Hypocrisy of Economic Sanctions
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Jun 2023

1 Jun 2023 – Are economic sanctions a violation of human rights?

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The Wars We Don’t (Care to) See
David Barsamian and Norman Solomon | TomDispatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Jun 2023

Aggression Made Easy

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Tina Turner, Queen of Rock & Roll, Dead at 83
Brittany Spanos and David Browne | Rolling Stone - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 May 2023

24 May 2023 – Legendary Singer “Died Peacefully” Today in Switzerland after a Long Illness

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Updates on the Economic War and the Political Crisis
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 May 2023

1 May 2023 – The trip to China this month by Brazilian President Lula was marked by the installation of former Pres. of Brazil, Dilma Rousseff, to preside over the New Development Bank of the BRICS group (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa).

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(Français) Mises À Jour Sur La Guerre Économique Et La Crise Politique
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 May 2023

1 mai 2023 – Les événements récents ont des effets profonds sur les sujets de mes blogs précedents : NOUVELLES DU FRONT DE LA GUERRE ÉCONOMIQUE et L’ANALYSE EST SIMPLE ; C’EST ECONOMIQUE.

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Quick Quiz: Mapping Militarism 2023
David Swanson | World Beyond War – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 May 2023

2 May 2023 – A picture can be worth a couple of trillion dollars–when it’s of military spending. A new ‘Mapping Militarism 2023’ is available. You can pick a map and zoom in and out, click on a country to get details, move the slider back to see earlier years, switch to list-view and get the information in text form, or click “source” to see the origins of the data and exactly what it means.

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U.S. Hypocrisy toward the World Is another Way of Saying, ‘Don’t Do as We Do, Do as We Say’
David Starr | CovertAction Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Apr 2023

7 Apr 2023 – The U.S./NATO alliance’s ulterior motives have been evident, for those who care to directly look at the situation and to directly understand it.

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Face 2 Face with Kathy Kelly
David Andersson | Face 2 Face Show – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Apr 2023

6 Apr 2023 – We speak with TRANSCEND Member Kathy Kelly about the situation of young women in Afghanistan. Since 2021 she has been assisting young Afghans to resettle in safer havens. She co-coordinates the campaign and is planning the 2023 Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal.

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Savage Capitalism
Noam Chomsky and David Barsamian | TomDispatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Apr 2023

6 Apr 2023 – From Climate Change to Bank Failures to Wars

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(Français) Nouvelles du Front de la Guerre Economique
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Apr 2023

19 mars 2023 – Le soutien américain et l’escalade de la guerre d’Ukraine sont au cœur de la politique de l’administration Biden et de ses stratèges NEOCON qui tentent de maintenir l’hégémonie américaine sur le monde entier. L’Ukraine est un pion dans la stratégie d’attaque contre la Russie considérée comme le principal ennemi de cette hégémonie avec la Chine.

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News from the Front of the Economic War
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Apr 2023

19 Mar 2023 – The US support and escalation of the Ukraine War is central to the politics of the Biden administration and its NEOCON strategists trying to maintain US hegemony. Ukraine is a pawn in the strategy of attacking Russia that is considered the principal enemy of that hegemony along with China.

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(Português) Por Que a Violência Contra os Animais Deve Ser Combatida
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Mar 2023

Não é um argumento especista se digo que a violência contra outros animais deve ser combatida por causa das consequências para humanos?

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Sleepwalking to Armageddon: World Divides over the Ukraine War
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Mar 2023

1 Mar 2023 – As the US, NATO and Russia escalate the war in the Ukraine, the risk increases for a global nuclear war that could destroy most life on the planet, corresponding to the mythical battle of Armageddon mentioned in the Bible.

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(Français) Somnambules vers Armageddon : Le Monde se Divise Sur l’Ukraine
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Mar 2023

1 mars 2023 – Alors que les États-Unis, l’OTAN et la Russie intensifient la guerre en Ukraine, le risque augmente d’une guerre nucléaire mondiale qui pourrait détruire la plupart des vies sur la planète, correspondant à la mythique bataille d’Armageddon dans la Bible qui marque la fin du monde.

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Lessons from Majid Khan’s Release from Guantánamo
David Rosen | The Progressive Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Feb 2023

16 Feb 2023 – An interview with the attorney for the former al Qaeda operative, who testified to the CIA’s ‘enhanced interrogation’ and more torture at the prison camp.

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(Português) Por Que a Violência Contra os Animais Deve Ser Combatida
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Feb 2023

3 fev 2023 – Não é um argumento especista se digo que a violência contra outros animais deve ser combatida por causa das consequências para humanos?

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The Analysis Is Simple; It Is Economic
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Feb 2023

For a Profound Analysis of Our Political Situation, the Answer Is Simple: It Is Economic

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(Français) L’Analyse Est Simple ; C’est Economique
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Feb 2023

1 févr. 2023 – Pour une analyse approfondie de notre situation politique, la réponse est simple : c’est économique.

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(Português) Por Que a Violência Contra os Animais Deve Ser Combatida
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Feb 2023

Não é um argumento especista se digo que a violência contra outros animais deve ser combatida por causa das consequências para humanos?

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Macron Wants to Double French Military Spending
David William | Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jan 2023

20 Jan 2023 – Armaments: France wants to increase military spending to 400 billion.

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Looking Forward to 2023
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2023

1 Jan 2023 – Before looking forward to 2023, let’s look back at 2022 from the perspective of the culture of peace.

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(Français) Dans l’Attente de 2023
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2023

1er janvier 2023 – Avant d’envisager 2023, regardons 2022 du point de vue de la culture de la paix.

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The 60-Year U.S. Blockade on Cuba Is an Abomination just as Guantanamo—with No End in Sight
David Starr | CovertAction Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Jan 2023

14 Dec 2022 – “El Bloqueo” (The Blockade) is what Cubans call it. It is a 60-year-old abomination. It is the U.S. embargo against Cuba imposed by U.S. President John F. Kennedy in 1962.

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(Français) Préparons-Nous pour un Nouvel Ordre Mondial
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Dec 2022

1 décembre 2022 – La culture de la guerre est si fermement établie, en particulier dans l’État moderne, qu’une culture de la paix ne peut être achèvée qu’avec un changement radical dans la gouvernance mondiale. Pour comprendre la nature du changement radical, je me tourne vers ce vieil expert, Karl Marx.

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Home (Music Video of the Week)
David Byrne | Talking Heads – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Dec 2022

From the movie This Must Be the Place (2011) starring Sean Penn

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Bad News: Headlines Are Indeed Getting more Negative and Angrier
David Rozado, Ruth Hughes and Jamin Halberstadt | Al Jazeera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Dec 2022

27 Nov 2022 – New research shows that right-leaning media outlets tend to be more negative and angry. But the left peddles fear, too.

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Prepare for a New World Order
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Dec 2022

1 Dec 2022 – The culture of war is so firmly established in the modern state that it will take a revolutionary change in global governance to move to a culture of peace. To understand the nature of revolutionary change, I turn to that old expert, Karl Marx.

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Human Rights Hypocrisy
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Nov 2022

1 Nov 2022 – The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is one of the great documents of history. With that in mind, it is especially ironic and unfortunate when human rights is used by the culture of war as part of its weaponry.

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(Français) Hypocrisie à Propos des Droits Humains
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Nov 2022

La Déclaration universelle des droits de l’Homme est l’un des grands documents de l’histoire. Dans cet esprit, il est particulièrement ironique et malheureux que les droits de l’Homme soient utilisés par la culture de la guerre comme faisant partie de son armement.

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(Português) Animais Devem Existir para Nos Servir?
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Oct 2022

Reduzir animais a uma finalidade de consumo não anula capacidades dissociadas do consumo. Apesar de haver uma resistência de reconhecimento, esses animais, embora inaturais, manifestam características de sujeitos.

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Optimism of the Will
David Barsamian and Noam Chomsky | TomDispatch - TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Oct 2022

And the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

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(Português) Até Quando a Crueldade Animal Será Normalizada?
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Oct 2022

Se olhássemos para a realidade comum dos animais, sem a defensiva da priorização de nossos interesses, o que nos impediria de perceber que a violência é cotidiana e intrinsecamente cruel?

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(Português) Devermos Combater Algumas Violências Contra Animais, mas Não Outras?
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Oct 2022

Crueldade contra animais é algo que nunca é tão pequeno quanto tendemos a julgar que seja, a não ser quando minoramos o significado de “crueldade”.

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Why Is Germany Committing Suicide? The Same Reasons that the EU/UK Are Being Deindustrialized
David Chu | The Unz Review – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2022

17 Sep 2022 – Why is Germany committing harakiri (or seppuku)? Because the USA ordered them to do so! Is it to emasculate Europe completely so as to make it completely dependent on the US for both energy and technology? The rest of the world is moving towards BRI and BRICS.

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(Português) Subjugação Animal Não É Esporte
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Sep 2022

12 set 2022 – Impor a um animal que reaja a uma prática classificada como “esportiva” não significa que o seja, já que a participação do mesmo é involuntária.

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(Português) A Ciência É Importante na Defesa dos Direitos Animais
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Sep 2022

11 de setembro de 2022 – Num mundo de inferiorização não humana com viés exploratório, e pondero sobre a dominação como fator-perpétuo, porque vida e morte são “trânsitos para lucro e consumo”, como partes de interesse de um sistema perenal, até o óbvio precisa ser esmiuçado para servir como contestação às violências físicas e não físicas impostas aos outros animais.

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Top 10 Reasons Sweden and Finland Will Regret Joining NATO
David Swanson | World Beyond War - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Sep 2022

7 Sep 2022 – Friendly advice to my brothers and sisters in Finland and Sweden.

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(Português) Alimentar-se de animais é uma forma de consumo consciente?
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Sep 2022

7 set 2022 – Há um estreitamento no uso do termo e em seu conceito, ainda que “consciente” implique em reconhecimento de impactos nocivos e evitáveis.

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Mediation and Restorative Justice in Latin America
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Sep 2022

1 Sep 2022 – Latin America continues to advance towards a culture of peace: Last month we reviewed results of elections in Mexico, Chile, Peru and Colombia; a progressive government has returned to Bolivia following the coup d’état against Evo Morales; Lula da Silva is favored to win the presidency of Brazil in next month’s election.

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Did the West ‘Bring War’ to Ukraine? One Expert Makes the Case
David C. Speedie | Globetrotter – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Sep 2022

1 Sep 2022 – The war in Ukraine, and the role of NATO and the Atlanticist powers, are fueled by an official western narrative depicting the conflict as one between the little Ukrainian David and the brutish Goliath Russia. The invasion was unwarranted and vicious providing justification for a tally of US$57 billion in lethal and non-lethal aid from the U.S. alone, with the UK at its side.

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(Français) Médiation et Justice Restauratrice en Amérique Latine
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Sep 2022

1 septembre 2022 – L’Amérique latine continue de progresser vers une culture de la paix. Le mois dernier, nous avons passé en revue les résultats progressistes des élections au Mexique, au Chili, au Pérou et en Colombie. Lula da Silva est favori pour remporter la présidence du Brésil au cours de la prochaine l’élection du mois.

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Arab Spring, Russian Spring, Latin American Spring?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2022

1 Aug 2022 – Consciousness becomes a determining factor in history when the dominant regime (i.e. the culture of war) collapses from its own contradictions. This occurred in the 60’s with the Vietnam War and in end of the 80’s with the collapse of the Soviet Empire. We approach another such moment with the imminent collapse of the US Empire.

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(Français) Printemps Arabe, Printemps Russe, Printemps Latino-Américain ?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2022

1 août 2022 – La conscience devient un facteur déterminant dans l’histoire lorsque le régime dominant (c’est-à-dire la culture de la guerre) s’effondre de ses propres contradictions. Cela s’est passé dans les années 60 avec la guerre du Vietnam et à la fin des années 80 avec l’effondrement de l’empire soviétique. Nous approchons d’un autre moment de ce genre avec l’effondrement imminent de l’empire Nord Américain.

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(Português) Por que é importante opor-se à exploração animal?
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jul 2022

A reflexão não é sobre um olhar para suas existências, e sim para suas ausências, os vazios diários que reafirmam uma ideia de que o mundo está repleto de “animais ausentes”.

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(Français) Nécessité de Creer: Un Mouvement Mondial pour le Désarmement Nucléaire
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jul 2022

Toutes ces questions devraient être à l’ordre du jour d’un mouvement mondial pour le désarmement nucléaire. Il n’y a rien de plus important pour l’avenir de notre espèce et de notre planète.

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Needed: A Global Movement for Nuclear Disarmament
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jul 2022

1 Jul 2022 – The world faces many dangers at this moment of history, famines, global warming, wars in the Ukraine, Yemen, Syria, mass migrations, increasing electoral tendencies towards fascism. But all these are pale in comparison to the danger of a nuclear World War III which could put an end to all of these problems by a suicidal destruction of all human civilization.

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(Português) Marcação animal é barbárie institucionalizada
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jun 2022

“Escolha dos ‘instrumentos’ só leva em conta eficiência e menor custo – sem anestesia ou alívio para dor. Talvez haja medonho prazer nessa violação. E devo duvidar que não?”

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Glenn Durland Paige (28 Jun 1929 – 22 Jan 2017): A Prophet of Nonkilling
David Krieger | Center for Global Nonkilling – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jun 2022

I wrote this in 2010, the year in which Glenn received the Nuclear Age Peace Foundation’s Distinguished Peace Leadership Award. It is about Glenn’s great transformation in life from a successful academic to a prophet of nonkilling. I’ve left the article in the present tense, and believe that Glenn lives on in the hearts and minds of the many people he inspired with his commitment to and leadership for a nonkilling world.

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Welcome to a Science-Fiction Planet
David Barsamian and Noam Chomsky | TomDispatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jun 2022

16 Jun 2022 – How George Orwell’s Doublethink Became the Way of the World – The remarkable 93-year-old Noam Chomsky put the Ukraine War in the largest and most devastating context possible in an interview with Alternative Radio’s David Barsamian.

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Collapse of the Us Dollar
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jun 2022

1 Jun 2022 – Two years ago I wrote that the dollar would lose its global role and be devalued. Reasons: the bloated military budget and national debt to pay for it, the blow-back effect of U.S. sanctions on other countries, and the reaction of countries such as Russia, China, Turkey and India to trade their dollars for gold. According to Zero Hedge, this trend has intensified.

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(Français) Effondrement du Dollar Américain
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jun 2022

1er juin 2022 – Il y a deux ans, j’écrivais que le dollar perdrait son rôle mondial et serait dévalué. Raisons : le budget militaire gonflé et la dette nationale pour le payer, l’effet de retour des sanctions américaines sur d’autres pays et la réaction de pays comme la Russie, la Chine, la Turquie et l’Inde à échanger leurs dollars contre de l’or. Selon Zero Hedge, cette tendance s’est intensifiée.

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(Português) Como ignorar a violência por trás do leite e dos derivados?
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 May 2022

30 de maio de 2022 – Quando vejo as longas fileiras de caixas de leite no supermercado, não consigo ignorar a violência por trás daqueles produtos que parecem de origem pacífica. E assim parecem porque esse é o poder da dissimulação do consumo.

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(Português) Joaquin Phoenix lança documentário sobre o impacto do uso de antibióticos na pecuária
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 May 2022

19 de maio de 2022 – “The End of Medicine” também aborda os riscos de novos surtos e pandemias por meio da criação de animais para consumo.

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(Português) Quando Não Viu mais Sentido em Comer Animais
David Arioch | Vegazeta – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 May 2022

“O que mais me incomodou foi a ideia de corpos que já não se levantam…”

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We Can Find the Truth, but Where Can We Find Hope?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 May 2022

1 May 2022 – Devoted to the courageous individuals who dare to seek and publish the truth in the face of the censorship and outright lies of the information war between NATO and Russia.

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(Français) Nous Pouvons Trouver la Vérité, mais Où Pouvons-Nous Trouver l’Espoir ?
David Adams | Transition to a Culture of Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 May 2022

1 Mai 2022 – Consacré aux individus courageux qui osent rechercher et publier la vérité face à la censure et aux mensonges éhontés de la guerre de l’information entre l’OTAN et la Russie.

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Elon Musk Offers $43 Billion in Cash to Buy Twitter in Bid to ‘Save Free Speech’
David Charbonneau, Ph.D. | The Defender - TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2022

14 Apr 2022 – The world’s richest person, Elon Musk, yesterday offered $43 billion — cash — to buy Twitter so he can “unlock” its “potential to be the platform for free speech around the globe.”

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Dr. Vandana Shiva: ‘The Evolved Mind Sees Earth as One Family’
David Marks interviews Vandana Shiva | The Defender - TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2022

6 Apr 2022 – Environmental champion shares her perspective on how the degradation of the planet can be reversed by returning to traditional organic farming practices and compassionate community organization.

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