Articles by Defend Democracy Press

We found 34 results.

Slain Slovak Prime Minister’s Opposition to Arming Ukraine
Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2024

18 May 2024 – The attack on Slovak Premier Robert Fico, who has been pushing for peace in Ukraine, came amid active preparations by Western countries to directly participate in the Ukraine conflict. The shooting in Slovakia “coincided with some other events indicating war preparations.”

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200 Days of Genocide: Gaza’s Shocking Stats on Massacres, Dead, Missing, Injured
Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

30 Apr 2024 – In addition to 75,000 tons of explosives dropped on the Gaza Strip, the Israeli military committed 3,025 massacres, leaving 41,183 Palestinians dead or missing and injuring 77,143.

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Police Brutally Break Up Peaceful Anti-Genocide Demonstration in Berlin
Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

22 Apr 2024 – The storming of the Palestine Congress on April 12 was the prelude to an escalation of police violence and the suppression of democratic rights in Germany on an enormous scale.

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Ukraine and the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant: The Samson Solution
Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Apr 2024

11 Apr 2024 -A Biblical story: Having been betrayed and captured by the Philistines, Samson ends his life by exerting his great strength and pulling down the pillars he was chained to. The building falls down killing everyone.

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Stop the Worsening UNDERCOUNT of Palestinian Casualties in Gaza
Ralph Nader | Defend Democracy Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2024

From accounts of people on the ground, videos and photographs of deadly episode after episode, a more likely estimate is that at least 200,000 Palestinians must have perished by now and the toll is accelerating by the hour.

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US Rejects Russian Ceasefire Proposal for Ukraine
Kyle Anzalone | Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2024

18 Mar 2024 – Russia’s attempt to broker a ceasefire in Ukraine, along the current lines of control, was met with a firm rejection in Washington.

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Brazil’s Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, Moral Leader of All Civilized Humanity
Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Feb 2024

24 Feb 2024 – Brazil’s president repeats his recent assertion that the Israeli regime is committing genocide in Gaza, braving the repercussions that have come to affect his country’s ties with the Israeli regime and its main ally, the US.

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IDF Torture of Palestinian Prisoners Is Turned into Entertainment for Israeli Viewers
Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Feb 2024

14 Feb 2024 – “They Brought Israeli Civilians to Watch Our Nude Torture”

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Grim Milestone: Over 100,000 Killed, Wounded, Missing in Gaza
Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2024

3 Feb 2024 – More than 100,000 Palestinians are either dead, injured, or missing and presumed dead in the besieged Gaza Strip, the World Health Organization has announced. This follows more than three months of intense Israeli bombardment of the enclave.

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‘Transported in Cages’ – Shocking Details of How Israel Treats Female Gaza Prisoners
Fayha’ Shalash | Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2024

This is a difficult, but critical read. The collective hardship experienced by Gaza’s female prisoners in Israel is unprecedented even within the tragic history of Israel’s treatment of Palestinian prisoners.

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UN Chief Blasts Israel’s War in Gaza for ‘Killing Civilians on Unprecedented Scale’
Kyle Anzalone | Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2024

23 Jan 2024 – “In Gaza, Israel’s military operations have spread massive destruction and killed civilians on a scale unprecedented during my time as Secretary General, including more than 150 members of our own staff,” Guterres said on Sunday [21 Jan]. “This is heart-breaking, and utterly unacceptable.”

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Unbelievable: West Launches War on UNRWA
Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2024

27 Jan 2024 – War on Gaza Refugees: Following the US, Italy, Germany, Australia, Canada, UK and Finland have also decided to suspend funding to the UN Agency for Palestinian Refugees.

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Joint Statement by Multiple Resistance Factions: Hamas, PFLP, PIJ, DFLP, and PFLP-GC
Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jan 2024

28 Dec 2023 – Palestinian resistance factions held a meeting in Beirut to discuss the ongoing Zionist aggression on our land, people and holy sites, especially in the Gaza Strip, West Bank and Al-Quds, with the following results.

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The List of Shame: Countries Supporting the Genocide of Palestinians
Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

17 Dec 2023 – Which 10 countries voted against a Gaza ceasefire in the United Nations? Which 23 abstained?

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Israel’s Objective in the Gaza Incursions: Kill the Buildings
Ted Rall | Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

24 Nov 2023 – People die when buildings get bombed. But killing people is not the Israelis’ goal. They’re out to flatten Gaza. Flattening some Gazans is a side effect of flattening buildings. Ethnic cleansing with the goal of annexing Gaza is the only plausible explanation for Israel’s behavior.

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False Flag: Documents Expose Israeli Conspiracy to Facilitate Hamas 7 Oct Attack
Andre Damon | Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

2 Dec 2023 – Yesterday the New York Times published a report establishing conclusively that Israel was fully informed, in detail, of plans by Hamas to attack its border on 7 Oct. These revelations make clear that Israeli officials made a deliberate decision to stand down to facilitate the attack. 9/11 Redux.

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UN Chief Says ‘Clear Violations of International Humanitarian Law’ in Gaza–Israel Demands His Head
Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Oct 2023

24 Oct 2023 – Speaking before the UNSC today, Guterres said that, “It is important to also recognise the attacks by Hamas did not happen in a vacuum. The Palestinian people have been subjected to 56 years of suffocating occupation.” Guterres’ comments drew ire from Israel’s UN Ambassador Gilad Erdan who demands his resignation.

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Netanyahu Shows Map of ‘New Middle East’—without Palestine—to UN General Assembly
Brett Wilkins | Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Oct 2023

22 Sep 2023 – Speaking to a largely empty chamber, Netanyahu made clear with his little map what normalization really seeks: eliminating Palestine from the region and legitimizing greater Israel, all with the blessing of Arab regimes.

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Why Japan Should Stop Its Fukushima Nuclear Wastewater Ocean Release
Tatsujiro Suzuki | Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Oct 2023

On 24 Aug 2023 TEPCO started discharging so-called “treated” and “diluted” water from Fukushima into the Pacific Ocean. This is not the end of controversy but the beginning of a long-lasting struggle where science meets politics and lack of public trust both inside and outside Japan.

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Revealed: Israeli Cyber Firms Have Developed an ‘Insane’ New Spyware Tool–No Defense Exists
Omer Benjakob | Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Oct 2023

14 Sep 2023 – A Haaretz investigation reveals that Israeli cyber companies developed technology that exploits the advertising system to monitor civilians, hack into their phones and computers, and spy on them. This is a terrifying capability against which no defense currently exists.

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From Chi-Town Bagman to ECOWAS Chairman: Meet the Former Money Launderer Leading the Push to Invade Niger
Kit Klarenberg and Alexander Rubinstein | Defend Democracy Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Aug 2023

5 Aug 2023 – Since the overthrow of Niger’s US-friendly government, the chair of the ECOWAS block and Nigerian President, Bola Tinubu, has threatened an invasion of their neighbor. Before, Tinubu spent years laundering millions for heroin dealers in Chicago, and has since been ensnared in numerous corruption scandals. Luckily for the West elites, compromised figures like Tinubu are still on hand to do their dirty work for them.

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Takeaways from the UN Special Rapporteur Report on Guantanamo
Scott Roehm | Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jul 2023

On 26 Jun 2023–the International Day in Support of Victims of Torture–,the UN Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Counter-Terrorism released the final report of her technical visit to the Guantanamo detention facility. It covers the rights of victims of terrorism, the rights of detainees at Guantánamo, and the rights of former detainees–with a fair amount of detail.

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A Historic Defeat of Imperialism: Arab League Readmits Syria
Dave DeCamp | Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 May 2023

10 May 2023 – On Sunday [7 May], the Arab League voted to readmit Syria, marking a significant step in Damascus’ efforts to normalize relations with regional countries. Assad Could Attend an Arab League Summit in Saudi Arabia Later This Month

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G7 Endorses Japan’s Fukushima Water Discharge Plans
Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Apr 2023

16 Apr 2023 – Ignoring Science, Environmental Protection and International Law – Legacy of Fukushima disaster proves that nuclear energy is no solution to energy and climate crises.

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The Banality of Biden’s ‘Exceptional’ Elite Advisers
Ray McGovern | Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Apr 2023

27 Mar 2023 – Sophomores running U.S. foreign policy live in a dream world on the verge of a war with both Russia and China. It is scary that Biden is out of it as his advisers are oblivious to the tectonic-change implications of Russia-China entente. Blinded by US “exceptionalism,” they have to learn the hard way.

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Alfred De Zayas on the Arrest Warrant for Putin
Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Apr 2023

29 Mar 2023 – Putin’s arrest warrant issued by the ICC is a ridiculous affair. To be applied, the West has to launch a successful nuclear war against Russia and then arrest its President, provided both the ICC and Putin survive. It proves in what universe western political leaders live and why it  is so easy for the “Party of War” to manipulate them.  

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White House Says It Opposes a Ceasefire in Ukraine
Dave DeCamp | Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Mar 2023

19 Mar 2023 – The White House has come out against a ceasefire in Ukraine ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s trip to Moscow to potentially mediate between Russian President Vladimir Putin and his counterpart in Kyiv.

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Frankfurt Undermines Human Rights by Canceling a Concert by Roger Waters
Katie Halper and Vijay Prashad | Defend Democracy Press – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Mar 2023

Roger Waters will take his “This Is Not a Drill” tour to Europe. But on 24 Feb, Frankfurt’s city council cancelled the concert for “persistent anti-Israel behavior” calling Waters an antisemite. In response, Peter Gabriel, Julie Christie, Noam Chomsky, Susan Sarandon, Alia Shawkat, Glenn Greenwald and others signed a petition calling on the German government to uncancel the concert.

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Why the Banking System Is Breaking Up
Michael Hudson | Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Mar 2023

15 Mar 2023 – The collapses of the Silvergate and Silicon Valley Banks are like icebergs calving off from the Antarctic glacier. The financial analogy to the global warming causing this collapse is the rising temperature of interest rates. Most media reports reflect a prayer that the bank runs will be localized, as if there is no context or environmental cause.

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Sanctions Imposed by US and Allies Hamper Relief and Rescue Work in Earthquake-Devastated Syria
Defend Democracy Press | Delphi Initiative - TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Feb 2023

7 Feb 2023 – The head of the Syrian Arab Red Crescent demanded that the US and its allies lift their siege and sanctions on Syria so that rescue and relief work can proceed after the devastation of a 7.8-magnitude earthquake yesterday. Over 5,000 people have been reported dead so far and thousands more injured in Turkey and Syria.

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Russia Moves to End European Treaties
Defend Democracy Press | Delphi Initiative - TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jan 2023

17 Jan 2023 – President Vladimir Putin asked the Russian lawmakers today to adopt a law that would formally end the country’s participation in 21 treaties and charters related to the Council of Europe.

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Stop the Violence against the Peruvian People and the Journalists!
Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jan 2023

18 Jan 2023 – We, communicators and journalists (below), repudiate the brutal violence against the Peruvian people by the security forces and the disturbing attacks against journalists and photographers who seek to tell the truth about what is happening in the country.

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Macron Wants to Double French Military Spending
David William | Defend Democracy Press - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jan 2023

20 Jan 2023 – Armaments: France wants to increase military spending to 400 billion.

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Superpower in War against Cuba for 50 Years
Noam Chomsky – Defend Democracy Press, 12 Dec 2016

“During the Winter of 1959-1960, there was a significant increase in CIA-supervised bombing and incendiary raids piloted by exiled Cubans” based in the US. Cuba, however, did not respond with violent actions within the US for revenge or deterrence but followed international law. In July 1960, Cuba called on the UN providing the Security Council with records of bombings, including names of pilots, plane registration numbers, unexploded bombs, and other specific details.

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