Articles by Edward S. Herman

We found 6 results.

(Français) La R2P comme instrument d’agression
Edward S. Herman | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

27 Nov 2017 – Avec cet article fondamental sur les interventions dites humanitaires, Investig’Action souhaite rendre hommage à Edward S. Herman, décédé le 11 novembre. Avec Chomsky, il avait signé un ouvrage majeur de l’analyse critique des médias, Fabriquer un consentement. Investig’Action va d’ailleurs rééditer ce livre en juin 2018*. Dans cet article, Herman expose avec brio comment les grandes puissances instrumentalisent les concepts de « Responsabilité de protéger » et d’« Intervention humanitaire » pour justifier des guerres totalement illégales au regard du droit international.

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Fake News on Russia and Other Official Enemies
Edward S. Herman | Monthly Review – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2017

Aug 2017 – It has been amusing to watch the New York Times and other mainstream media outlets express their dismay over the rise and spread of “fake news.” These publications take it as an obvious truth that what they provide is straightforward, unbiased, fact-based reporting. They do offer such news, but they also provide a steady flow of their own varied forms of fake news, often by disseminating false or misleading information supplied to them by the national security state, other branches of government, and sites of corporate power.

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Containing the United States
Edward S. Herman | Dissident Voice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Sep 2016

9 Sep 2016 – “Containing the United States” is, of course, a ridiculous and self-contradictory idea in the U.S. and Western ideological and propaganda system. We all know that the United States had to “contain” the Soviet Union from 1945 to 1991, and since then has had the task of containing Russia and China. Only they threaten, bully, aggress and worry countries like Poland and Vietnam.

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Media Disinformation: Washington’s “Regime-Change Hit-List” – Iran vs. Honduras (Part 1)
Edward S. Herman and David Peterson – Monthly Review, 11 Oct 2010

It would be hard to find a better test of the integrity of the establishment U.S. media than in their comparative treatment of Iran and Honduras over the past couple of years (2009-2010).

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Edward S. Herman and David Peterson, 28 Oct 2009

The Iran Versus the U.S.-Israeli-NATO Threats It is spell-binding to see how the U.S. establishment can inflate the threat of a target, no matter how tiny, remote, and (most often) non-existent that threat may be, and pretend that the real threat posed by its own behavior and policies is somehow defensive and related to that […]

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Edward S. Herman and David Peterson, 28 Oct 2009

The Iran Versus the U.S.-Israeli-NATO Threats And the media tremble also. Iranian words are also frightening, just as were Krushchev’s "I will bury you," the alleged Sandinista threat of a "revolution without borders," and Grenada’s reported threat to cut off the supply of nutmeg. Notoriously, in the rich load of disinformation that surrounds Iranian President […]

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