Articles by Evgeny Morozov

We found 2 results.

Who’s The True Enemy of Internet Freedom – China, Russia, or the US?
Evgeny Morozov – The Guardian, 5 Jan 2015

Beijing and Moscow are rightly chastised for restricting their citizens’ online access – but it’s the US that is now even more aggressive in asserting its digital sovereignty. One’s man internet freedom is another man’s internet imperialism.

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Evgeny Morozov, 4 Jan 2009

The "Alternative media", an early-adopter of web technologies, has been left behind by the hyper-individualism of citizen journalism’s new turns. Whatever their impact on the domestic politics in Greece, the youth riots that have besieged Athens and other Greek cities earlier this month have also given rise to a new global phenomenon – the "networked […]

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