Articles by Gary Brumback

We found 3 results.

Commercializing Peace?
Gary Brumback | Dissident Voice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 May 2018

28 Apr 2018 – I’m no less skeptical and even more cynical about peace through commerce after reading this book, especially its case studies. The book risks being an insult to people who know the real story about the UN and MNCs. Were the academic contributors in some instances bamboozled or corporatized? I don’t know.

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The Underworld of Banksters
Gary Brumback | Dissident Voice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 May 2018

2 May 2018 – This article burrows into a sector that I call the “underworld of banksters.” A bankster is a bank or banker that relies on illegal or unethical wrongdoing in their financial dealings. The wrongdoing to be found in their underworld is monumental and incalculable in size and harm done.

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Real America, an Endangering and Endangered Ruination
Gary Brumback – Dissident Voice, 4 Apr 2016

Real America is already a fascist state. It meets all 14 attributes (e.g., controlled mass media, obsession with national security) political scientist Lawrence Brit identified as characteristics of a fascist state.

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