Articles by George Galloway

We found 22 results.

Interview: The Walls Are Closing in on the Ability to Dissent, Says Cancelled Chris Hedges
George Galloway, MP interviews Chris Hedges | MOATS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2024

5 May 2024 – “It’s clear nothing is going to impede the Israeli assault on Gaza. They’ve sold out their own hostages.”

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BRICS Summit Disappointments
Pepe Escobar, George Galloway, et al. | MOATS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Aug 2023

25 Aug 2023 – The BRICS summit in Johannesburg that ended yesterday took on six new members but in other ways failed to live up to its billing.

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Striking Five-Minute Summary of the Ukraine Atrocities
Joe Lauria | George Galloway – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jul 2022

27 Jun 2022 – US & Britain Wanted Ukraine Invasion to Happen – Otherwise they could not launch an economic war against Russia.

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George Galloway: The Brexit Deal Is Done. We Are Now Free to Build a New Britain…If We Want It
George Galloway | RT – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Dec 2020

24 Dec 2020 – Free to decide who can live here and who must leave. Free to say FU to EU demands to sanction others. Free to make friends with the capriciously chosen enemies of both Washington and Brussels – usually the same in any case. We are free to trade on any terms we like with the suns rising in the east. Free to refuse to go quietly into the sunset in the west.

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Assange Extradition Hearing Is Damocles Sword over Journalists’ Heads. But UK Mainstream Media Participate in His Crucifixion
George Galloway - RT, 2 Mar 2020

26 Feb 2020 – Assange extradition hearing should be the top story for the British media as it’s a dagger at their throat, but the majority of mainstream press either don’t care, or are actively participating in WikiLeaks’ founder crucifixion. If Julian Assange is sent into the dungeons of America, free journalism, free speech and even democracy itself will have been murdered in plain sight. On the British mainstream media watch.

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Justice Blind or Blinded by Titles? A Tale of Prince Andrew and Julian Assange
George Galloway – RT, 2 Dec 2019

26 Nov 2019 – It is a tale of two cities: Buckingham Palace and Belmarsh Maximum Security Prison. A tale of two individuals: one now a proven liar and one a well attested truth-teller. A tale of two fates: The Prince who became a moral pauper, the other an impecunious journalist who became a moral giant. It is a tale of our times.

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Hong Kong out of Hand: As China Supporters Are Set on Fire It Must Be Time for a Full Response from Beijing
George Galloway - RT, 18 Nov 2019

14 Nov 2019 – With increasing speculation that the coup which ousted Evo Morales in Bolivia is linked to the lithium contract the country signed with China, the government in Beijing is at a crossroads, and not just in Latin America. Few presidents will now risk the grisly fate of Evo Morales if that is the fate of the friends of Beijing. Watch the video of a China supporter in Hong Kong being set on fire by thugs masquerading as “democracy supporters”.

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Catalonia ‘Separatists’ Bad, HK ‘Pro-Democracy Protesters’ Good: Orwell’s 1984 Becomes User’s Manual for Western ‘Free Media’
George Galloway - RT, 21 Oct 2019

15 Oct 2019 – When supporters of Catalan leaders jailed advance on Barcelona airport, media make a fuss over ‘separatists’ causing chaos. When the same tactics are used in Hong Kong, it’s a ‘pro-democracy’ protest. In George Orwell’s 1984, The War Ministry was renamed the Ministry of Peace. Truth was Lies, Hate was Love. Alice in wonderland…

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70th Anniversary of the People’s Republic of China Shows Beijing’s Communism May Be the Most Viable
George Galloway - RT, 7 Oct 2019

1 Oct 2019 – While mistakes of the Soviet Union put it in the museum, China’s capacity to adapt and reinvent itself could soon make it the most important country in the world. Last weekend, I addressed a 70th anniversary commemoration of the victory of the Chinese revolution. I joked to the Chinese diplomats present that I had spoken at the 70th anniversary of the October Revolution in Russia too and look what happened after that!

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Netanyahu Lost Israeli Vote, but Palestinians Were Bound to Lose Whoever Won
George Galloway - RT, 23 Sep 2019

18 Sep, 2019 – Vladimir Lenin is said to have opined that the only thing certain about British elections is who is going to lose. He meant the British working class, at a time when they were effectively unrepresented in the political system. Equally, whatever the outcome of the Israeli elections, the Palestinians will be the big losers.

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Macron Knows: For Europeans the ‘Problem’ Country Is Not Russia but USA
George Galloway - RT, 2 Sep 2019

28 Aug 2019 – ‘The End Times of Western Hegemony’, I wish this were written by Macron although it might as well have been. He said exactly this after the G7 gathering which could be summed up in Shakespeare’s words as “much ado about nothing.”

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Truth Itself Is Behind Bars in Julian Assange’s Cell
George Galloway - RT, 22 Apr 2019

17 Apr 2019 – As the cell-door slammed behind the world-renowned publisher Julian Assange, the Champagne corks were popping in some surprising salons. Liberals across the world, forever telling us that they’d “die for our right to say it” turned out to be dying for the Trump Justice Department to get their hands on the ghost of what they used to be, or wanted us to think they were.

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Mystery of the Venezuelan Gold: Bank of England Is Independent of UK Govt – But Not of Foreign Govt
George Galloway – RT, 4 Feb 2019

20 Jan 2019 – Pirates don’t have to look like Johnny Depp in Pirates of the Caribbean. They can fly the Union Jack rather than the skull and crossbones. They can be called the Bank of England rather than the Jolly Roger.

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Another Crimean War Looms as NATO Provocations Enter Russian Waters
George Galloway - RT, 3 Dec 2018

26 Nov 2018 – A new Crimean War would be the last, but few amongst the general public realize that endless baiting of Russia, the cycle of war games, sanctions, and false accusations could well lead to all-out war between NATO and Russia.

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Gaza Burns Hotter than Hollywood but There’s Nobody to Put the Fires Out
George Galloway - RT, 19 Nov 2018

13 Nov 2018 – The world is fixated by the forest fires in Hollywood burning down stars’ mansions. With supreme irony some of them belong to those who helped raise millions of dollars for the Israeli Army which is now burning the hovels of Gaza.

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Explosive Skripal Allegations May Blow Up in Syria
George Galloway - RT, 17 Sep 2018

11 Sep 2018 – Explosive Skripal allegations will probably blow up in Syria’s Idlib where the US/UK axis is cocked, ready to fire. The UK media lost their collective mind over Russia but their masters have not. There is method in their madness.

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Salisbury Is Far from a Novichok Slam-Dunk!
George Galloway - RT, 10 Sep 2018

5 Sep 2018 – For the British media and their parliamentary echo-chamber, today’s release of CCTV and other pictures, together with the murder charges against two “Russians” is game, set and match against the Russian state.

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The Plot Thins: How Gel Became a Liquid and the Whole Novichok Affair Began to Smell to High Heaven
George Galloway – RT, 30 Jul 2018

24 Jul 2018 – ‘Novichok’ survivor Charlie Rowley is in a “safe house” but has been denied access to television and newspapers, according to his brother. The ever-stranger case of the Salisbury-Amesbury poisonings gets curiouser and curiouser. Whoever said ‘Novichok’ was a “military-grade lethal nerve agent” doesn’t know their tables.

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A Short Flight to Armageddon: Trump & Netanyahu Bringing Us Closer to End of Times
George Galloway – RT, 21 May 2018

15 May 2018 – The biblical town of Armageddon is but a few miles as the bullets fly from the site of the latest Gaza massacre which has taken us further down the road to the end of times. Trump tweeted on the morning of the massacre that “This is a big day for Israel, a big day.” For once he was quite accurate. Just not in the way he could possibly have imagined.

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George Galloway, British MP – Global Research Video, 9 Nov 2009

Here is the speech by George Galloway MP at the War Crimes Conference & Exhibition that took place at the Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia on 28th October 2009. 10-Min Youtube Videos GO TO ORIGINAL – GLOBAL RESEARCH

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George Galloway, 6 Oct 2009

Talk about Iran’s nuclear weapons sounds eerily familiar. It’s time to end the Bush-era bellicosity.By coincidence, I was in the very hotel in Geneva as the world’s media descended for the next day’s talks on Iran. Judging by the excited war-babble of the Fox, Sky and CNN correspondents, the scene was set for a showdown. […]

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George Galloway, UK Member of Parliament, 3 Jun 2009

Fresh from the success of the Viva Palestina: Lifeline from Britain to Gaza aid convoy – which took over 100 vehicles to Gaza from the UK, Minister of Parliament, George Galloway has linked up on his US tour with the Vietnam veteran and peace campaigner, Ron Kovic, to launch a similar, but even larger venture […]

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