Articles by Gideon Levy

We found 38 results.

Let Israel’s Leaders Get Arrested for War Crimes
Gideon Levy | Haaretz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2024

5 May 2024 – They cannot be allowed to go unpunished. Nor is it possible to blame only Hamas, even if it has a part in the crimes. We are the ones who killed, starved, displaced, and destroyed on such a massive scale. Someone must be brought to justice for this. Netanyahu is the head, of course.

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11,500 Children Have Been Killed in Gaza
Gideon Levy | Haaretz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2024

5 Feb 2024 – Horror of This Scale Has No Explanation – No explanation, no justification or excuse could ever cover up this horror. It would be best if Israel’s propaganda machine didn’t even try to.

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The Media Yawns at the Israeli Army’s Death Squads
Gideon Levy | Jews for Justice for Palestinians - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Aug 2021

5 Aug 2021 – Israeli terror is at it again. The Israel Defense Forces’ death squads chalked up another successful week: four bodies of innocent Palestinians piled up between the two Fridays. There doesn’t seem to be a connection between the four incidents in which four sons were killed, but the link cannot be broken.

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A Sadistic Decision – Damn Them All
Gideon Levy | Jews for Justice for Palestinians - TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jul 2021

15 Jul 2021 – Damn them all. Damn Rafael Gana, the deputy head of the Israel Prison Service, who wrote to the interior minister: “Your request does not meet the prerequisites for consideration.” Damn Katy Perry, the head of the Israel Prison Service, who approved the decision. Damn Public Security Minister Omer Bar Lev, the heartless coward, who didn’t lift a finger to change this evil decision.

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For the Sixth Time, Israel Razes a Disabled Palestinian’s Home
Gideon Levy and Alex Levac | Haaretz - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Mar 2021

Mar 2021 – A disabled man watches as a bulldozer demolishes his home. There’s no way for Palestinians to build legally on their own land in Isawiyah. Almost all the construction there has been illegal, but the Jerusalem Municipality has chosen to single out this man.

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Israel Is in Shock, in a Sickening Show of Hypocrisy
Gideon Levy | Haaretz - TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Aug 2020

7 Aug 2020 – When Israel demolished Dahiya and other neighborhoods in Beirut, the Tel Aviv Municipality building was not illuminated with the colors of the Lebanese flag. When Israel killed thousands of innocent women and children, old and young, in Gaza during the criminal Operation Cast Lead and Operation Protective Edge, the municipality was not lit up in the colors of the Palestinian flag. But on Wednesday [5 Aug] we were all so humane, so Lebanese for a moment. Until the next Dahiya.

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The IDF Spirit: These Aren’t Human Beings. They’re Palestinians
Gideon Levy - Haaretz, 2 Mar 2020

“But they were Jews!!” SS Colonel Adolf Eichmann told the Mossad interrogator in his cell in Jerusalem who accused him of being responsible for mass-murdering 6 million Jews, “but they were Jews!!, according to the interrogation transcripts. “They’re Palestinians!!”

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If There’s Such a Thing as a Murderous Culture, Then It Exists in Israel
Gideon Levy – Haaretz, 30 Dec 2019

Israel actually likes cultural and national generalizations, especially when they glorify its image. The “Jewish genius,” “the chosen people,” “Jewish morality,” and “eternal Israel,” are evidence of baseless arrogance. Ziffer has every right to think that the Palestinians enjoy murder and London can think they are savages compared to us, the enlightened and developed. It is our right (and duty) to answer them: There are no lies more abominable than these.

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These Boys Would Have Made It Home after School, if It Weren’t for Israeli Sniper Fire
Gideon Levy - Haaretz, 9 Dec 2019

6 Dec 2019 – Two children, aged 11 and 13, from a refugee camp near Ramallah, were hiding from army forces during a stone-throwing incident. When they stood up they were wounded – shot from a distance by an IDF sniper.

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Even for the West Bank, This Is a Shocking Story
Gideon Levy and Alex Levac | Haaretz – Reader Supported News, 1 Apr 2019

A young Palestinian’s attempt to help a stranger shot by Israeli troops costs him his life

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Israel’s Minister of Truth
Gideon Levy – Haaretz, 11 Sep 2017

1 Sep 2017 – Israel Justice Minister Shaked said the truth loud and clear: Zionism contradicts human rights, and thus is indeed an ultranationalist, colonialist and perhaps racist movement.

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(Français) À Gaza, Israël fait des expérimentations sur des humains en situation de stress et de privations
Gidéon Lévy – Middle East Eye, 10 Jul 2017

Qu’arrive-t-il à deux millions d’êtres humains privés d’électricité presque tout le temps, de nuit comme de jour ? C’est ce qu’expérimente Gaza.

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Damned by Our Victory
Gideon Levy | Jews for Justice for Palestinians – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2017

Israel must cloak itself in sorrow over what happened since that terrible summer of 1967, when it won a war and lost nearly everything. 1967 gave birth to the ongoing contempt for the world, the bragging and bullying. “To us all is permitted.”

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Children of the Occupation
Gideon Levy – Middle East Eye, 7 Sep 2015

A video tells the world how a 12-year-old child incredibly escapes the clutch of an Israeli soldier. Hundreds more are far less fortunate, to the point of death.

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The Doctor Who Dared to Come Out Against a Torturous Law
Gideon Levy, Ha’aretz – Jews For Justice For Palestinians, 24 Aug 2015

Israel Medical Association chairman Dr Leonid Eidelman announced that the IMA would not torture, its members would not force-feed hunger-strikers and would not enforce the law that the Knesset had passed. He appeared “like a beam of light in the darkness”, highlighting the everyday collaboration with the occupation and the settlers the entire society is involved.

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Israel Is Galloping to the Next War in Gaza
Gideon Levy – Haaretz, 2 Mar 2015

Israel is heading to the next violent eruption with the Palestinians as though it is some sort of natural disaster that can’t be avoided.

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In Israel, Only Jewish Blood Shocks Anyone
Gideon Levy, Haaretz – Reader Supported News, 24 Nov 2014

Terror is always Palestinian, even when hundreds of Palestinian civilians are killed. The name and face of Daniel Tragerman, the Israeli boy killed by mortar fire during Operation Protective Edge, were known throughout the world; even U.S. President Barack Obama knew his name. Can anyone name one child from Gaza among the hundreds killed?

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The Difference between Children
Gideon Levy – Information Clearing House, 1 Sep 2014

After the first child, nobody batted an eye; after the 50th not even a slight tremor was felt in a plane’s wing; after the 100th, they stopped counting; after the 200th, they blamed Hamas. After the 300th child they blamed the parents. After the 400th child, they invented excuses; after (the first) 478 children nobody cares.

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(Italiano) Israele non vuole la pace
Gideon Levy – Centro Studi Sereno Regis, 14 Jul 2014

I palestinesi hanno fatto più di un errore, ma i loro errori sono marginali. Fondamentalmente la giustizia è dalla loro parte, e un fondamentale atteggiamento di rifiuto è appannaggio degli israeliani. Gli israeliani vogliono l’occupazione, non la pace. Spero solo di sbagliarmi.

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Our Wretched Jewish State
Gideon Levy – Information Clearing House, 14 Jul 2014

Now we know: In the Jewish state, there is pity and humane feelings only for Jews, rights only for the Chosen People. The Jewish state is only for Jews.

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(Italiano) L’esercito più morale del mondo
Gideon Levy – Centro Studi Sereno Regis, 17 Mar 2014

L’esercito Israeliano (IDF) crede che la forza bruta sia l’unica strategia di azione, e ancora una volta gli israeliani si ostinano a non prendere in considerazione le critiche di Amnesty International e di altri.

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(Português) “Superpotência Moral”? Dá Um Tempo.
Gideon Levy, Haaretz – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Sep 2013

É impossível afirmar que os Estados Unidos, país responsável pela maior parte do derramamento de sangue desde a Segunda Guerra Mundial na Ásia, América do Sul, Afeganistão e Iraque, seja dirigido por considerações morais. O ataque à Síria seria um Iraque II. Os EUA nunca foram punidos pelas mentiras do Iraque I e pelas centenas de milhares de mortos em vão nessa guerra.

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Survey: Most Israeli Jews Would Support Apartheid Regime in Israel
Gideon Levy - Haaretz, 29 Oct 2012

Survey, conducted by Dialog on the eve of Rosh Hashanah, exposes anti-Arab, ultra-nationalist views espoused by a majority of Israeli Jews.

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Jewish People Are Just That, People, and Far from Chosen
Gideon Levy – Haaretz, 10 Oct 2011

The idea that we are members of the chosen people is deeply ingrained, not only in the Jewish tradition, but also among modern and ostensibly secular Israelis. On Saturday, the prayer was once again read in the synagogues. “You have chosen us from among all the nations” was once again heard all over the land. The idea that we are a special nation was once again specifically expressed, as is often the case in prayers and in the Torah, and not only on Yom Kippur.

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Israel Does Not Want a Palestinian State. Period.
Gideon Levy – Haaretz, 19 Sep 2011

What will we tell the world next week, at the UN? What could we say? Whether in the General Assembly or the Security Council, we will be exposed in all our nakedness: Israel does not want a Palestinian state. Period. And it doesn’t have a single persuasive argument against the establishment and the international recognition of such a state.

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It’s Coming to You
Gideon Levy - Haaretz, 26 Jul 2010

This piece is not meant for the false patriots, the brutes and the brainwashed, for those who want a Jewish, Arab-free Knesset; a Jewish, foreigner-free society; and a state without B’Tselem or the High Court of Justice.

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Operation Mini Cast Lead
Gideon Levy - Haaretz, 7 Jun 2010

Again, the Israeli propaganda machine has managed to convince only brainwashed Israelis, and once more no one asked the question: What was it for?

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Gideon Levy - Haaretz, 11 Dec 2009

The storm over remarks made by Justice Minister Yaakov Neeman is in many respects a tempest in a teapot, which has for a long time taken on holier aspects than it seems. Neeman wants Torah law, or in other words, he wants Israel to be a country governed by Jewish religious law, halakha. In any […]

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Gideon Levy - Haaretz, 26 Nov 2009

Why is it permissible to talk to Hamas about the fate of one captive soldier and another several hundred prisoners, but forbidden to talk to them about the fate of two nations? Never has Israeli logic been so distorted. Now, when our hearts look forward to the deal’s implementation, when every human heart should look […]

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Gideon Levy – The Real News Network, 19 Nov 2009

Levy: Israel is in a "coma" and needs outside help to get over its addiction to the occupation.7:19-Min VideoCLICK TO VIEW – INFORMATION CLEARING HOUSE

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Gideon Levy, 19 Sep 2009

There’s a name on every bullet, and there’s someone responsible for every crime. The Teflon cloak Israel has wrapped around itself since Operation Cast Lead has been ripped off, once and for all, and now the difficult questions must be faced. It has become superfluous to ask whether war crimes were committed in Gaza, because […]

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Gideon Levy, Haaretz, 19 Jul 2009

Really, who needs all this? The U.S. president is devoting a considerable amount of his precious time and goodwill trying to be persuasive about the need to end the Arab-Israeli conflict. The Europeans are ready to act, half the world is waiting, but let’s admit the truth: Why all the commotion about us? The settlers […]

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Gideon Levy, 8 Jul 2009

Combat is the best, my brother, as the famous bumper sticker reads. It’s a good thing we have Shayetet 13. Operating at the crack of dawn – or was it before nightfall? – the daring naval commandos fearlessly took control of a rusty, rickety, unarmed boat bobbing in the middle of the sea. That’s exactly […]

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Gideon Levy - Haaretz, 24 Apr 2009

Alyan Abu-Aun is lying in his tent, his crutches beside him. He smokes cigarettes and stares into the tiny tent’s empty space. His young son sits on his lap. Ten people are crammed into the tent, about the size of a small room. It has been their home for three months. Nothing remains of their […]

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Gideon Levy, 18 Feb 2009

The Prime Minister’s Bureau will probably soon be occupied by a politician whose career has been partially based on Iran scare tactics. Benjamin Netanyahu, formerly "Mr. Terror," is now "Mr. Iran," and has declared that "Iran will have no nuclear arms." Notwithstanding the boisterous nature of the declaration, this will hopefully be the case, but […]

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By Gideon Levy –, 12 Jan 2009

This war, perhaps more than its predecessors, is exposing the true deep veins of Israeli society. Racism and hatred are rearing their heads, as is the impulse for revenge and the thirst for blood. The "inclination of the commander" in the Israel Defense Forces is now "to kill as many as possible," as the military […]

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Gideon Levy - Haaretz, 7 Jan 2009

The legend, lest it be a true story, tells of how the late mathematician, Professor Haim Hanani, asked his students at the Technion to draw up a plan for constructing a pipe to transport blood from Haifa to Eilat. The obedient students did as they were told. Using logarithmic rulers, they sketched the design for […]

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Gideon Levy - Haaretz, 30 Dec 2008

Israel embarked yesterday [Dec 28] on yet another unnecessary, ill-fated war. On July 16, 2006, four days after the start of the Second Lebanon War, I wrote: "Every neighborhood has one, a loud-mouthed bully who shouldn’t be provoked into anger… Not that the bully’s not right – someone did harm him. But the reaction, what […]

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