Articles by Haggai Matar

We found 6 results.

A Flawed Peace Conference Offers a Radical Proposal: Hope
Haggai Matar | +972 Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jul 2024

4 Jul 2024 – In a context of fear, hatred, and violence, an Israeli-Palestinian gathering that seemed detached from reality actually represented something revolutionary.

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One State or Two States? You’re Asking the Wrong Question
Haggai Matar - +972 Magazine, 5 Feb 2018

What we desperately need now is to go back to the basics and recognize that guaranteeing Palestinians’ rights is the foundation for any political solution.

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Dozens of Israeli Teens: ‘We Refuse to Enlist out of a Commitment to Peace’
Haggai Matar - +972 Magazine, 8 Jan 2018

Sixty-three Israeli teenagers have published an open letter to Prime Minister Netanyahu on 28 Dec 2017, declaring their refusal to join the Israeli army due to their opposition to the occupation. “The army carries out a racist government policy that enforces one legal system for Israelis and another for Palestinian in the same territory,” they write.

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Exit through the Checkpoint: Inside Banksy’s New Bethlehem Hotel
Haggai Matar | +972 – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Mar 2017

Every room overlooks the West Bank separation wall, the lobby features a Greek statue choking on teargas, and faux-security cameras dot the corridors. Welcome to “The Walled Off Hotel,” the new Bethlehem-based project from British street artist and enfant terrible Banksy.

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Famed Feminist British Historian Refuses Prestigious Israeli Award
Haggai Matar | +972 Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 May 2016

Catherine Hall withdraws from $330,000 prize due to Tel Aviv University’s complicity in the occupation of Palestine.

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‘A Consciousness Free of Occupation’: Bil’in Marks 10 Years of Popular Nonviolent Struggle
Haggai Matar - +972 Magazine, 9 Mar 2015

The village that managed to unite the world behind the spirit of nonviolent Palestinian protest marks not only a decade of tear gas, night raids and tragedy, but also of co-resistance and victories in its struggle against settlements, the separation barrier and the occupation.

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