Articles by Jewish Voice for Peace

We found 14 results.

Israel Is a Core Pillar of U.S. Dominance
The Wire | Jewish Voice for Peace - TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jun 2024

19 Jun 2024 – Over the last eight months, Israel’s genocide has killed tens of thousands of Palestinians and reduced most of Gaza to rubble. In the face of all this horror, many of us are asking ourselves: How could the U.S. government continue to support this? 

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Israel Is a Rogue State – Who Will Stop Them?
The Wire - Jewish Voice for Peace - TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2024

On 26 May 2024, the Israeli military carried out an unspeakable massacre in a humanitarian zone in Rafah, bombing tent camps filled with displaced men, women, and children, and killing at least 45 Palestinians. Hundreds of others were wounded. The images from that night will never leave us.

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The U.S. Ultimatum to Israel
The Wire | Jewish Voice for Peace - TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2024

8 May 2024 – “The U.S. has suspended the shipment of weapons to Israel,” US Secretary of Defense, Lloyd Austin, just told the Senate. “We are examining the short-term security support in the context of the events in Rafah; we have not yet decided how to proceed.” This is huge. 

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Will They Crush the Biggest Student Movement Since Vietnam?
The Wire | Jewish Voice for Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

1 May 2024 – Gaza solidarity encampments sprung up on over a hundred university campuses across the U.S. It’s the biggest student movement since the anti-Vietnam War protests in the 1960s. In response to the peaceful protests against genocide, many school administrations have invited police onto campus for violent crackdowns.

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Rafah: The Penultimate Step in Israel’s March of Genocide
The Wire | Jewish Voice for Peace - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Feb 2024

On Sunday [11 Feb], while 100 million Americans watched the Super Bowl, Israel unleashed the next stage in its genocide of Palestinians. Netanyahu ordered soldiers a ground entry into the city of Rafah, on Gaza’s southern border with Egypt, the last refuge for 1.5 million Palestinians displaced by the ongoing Israeli genocide. 

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This Holocaust Remembrance Day, ‘Never Again’ Is Now
The Wire | Jewish Voice for Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jan 2024

27 Jan 2024 – Today, Gaza is a shell of its former self. Entire neighborhoods have been wiped from the face of the Earth, replaced by a gray wasteland unfit for human life: bustling markets and crowded cafes, libraries home to thousands of precious books, bakeries filled with the smell of fresh bread — all of it turned to ash by Zionist IDF forces.

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All of Palestine Is under Attack
The Wire | Jewish Voice for Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Oct 2023

24 Oct 2023 – For many of us, it’s impossible to imagine the scale of death and destruction in Gaza. Let us be clear: This is genocide. This isn’t a war on Hamas. It’s a war on the Palestinian people.

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The Root of Violence Is Oppression
Jewish Voice for Peace - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Oct 2023

7 Oct 2023 – Following 16 years of Israeli military blockade, Palestinian fighters from Gaza launched an unprecedented assault, in which hundreds of Israelis were killed and wounded, and civilians kidnapped. The Israeli government declared war, launching airstrikes, killing hundreds of Palestinians and wounding thousands, bombing residential buildings and threatening to commit war crimes against besieged Palestinians in Gaza.

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First Ever: 40 Jewish Groups Worldwide Oppose Equating Antisemitism with Criticism of Israel
Jewish Voice for Peace - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2018

Jewish Voice for Peace proud to stand in global solidarity against harmful definition of antisemitism and with human rights and freedom to protest

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Jewish Voice for Peace Horrified by Israeli Response to the #GreatReturnMarch
Jewish Voice for Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Apr 2018

30 Mar 2018 – Tonight, as Jews across the world gather at the Passover seder to remember our own story as a people questing for a homeland, the Israeli military has yet again unleashed disproportionate violence against demonstrating Palestinians–in the Great March of Return–the latest in a long series of deadly responses to popular protests by Palestinians. It was explicitly planned as a peaceful march along the border of Gaza and Israel, where tent cities are erected.

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Israel Bans Entry to 25 Organizations Connected with the BDS Movement
Rebecca Vilkomerson | Jewish Voice for Peace - The Dawn News, 15 Jan 2018

On Sunday January 8, Israel’s Ministry of Strategic Affairs released a list of 20 international organizations whose members will be prohibited from entering the country because of their support of the Boycott, Divestments and Sanctions Movement -BDS- against Israel.

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Jewish Voice for Peace – Statement on Antisemitism in the US
Jews for Justice for Palestinians | Jewish Voice for Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Sep 2016

In the United States, as in Britain, accusations of the prevalence of antisemitism abound and are used as sticks to beat those – protesting too vigorously? – at Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians. But some antisemitism is real and it is important to make the right distinctions, to clarify the difference between expressions of antisemitism and support for Palestinian human rights.

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Israel and Palestine – A Very Short Introduction
Jewish Voice for Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Jul 2014

Easy to understand, historically accurate. Why Israelis and Palestinians are fighting, why the US-backed peace process has been an impediment to peace, and what you can do to make a difference. This conflict is essentially about land and human rights, not religion and culture.

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APRIL 28: Associated Students of UC Berkeley Vote to Divest From Companies That Profit From Israeli Occupation of Palestine
Dana Bergen, Jewish Voice for Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Apr 2010

Every so often, we get a moment when a remarkable future starts to unfold before our eyes. And when it happens, it’s our responsibility to do everything within our power to help it along. One of those moments is happening right now, unbeknownst to most of the world, on the University of California’s Berkeley campus.

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