Articles by Joanne Laurier

We found 3 results.

Three Short Films–Including ‘The Present’–about the Brutality of Israeli Checkpoints
Joanne Laurier | WSWS - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2020

5 Nov 2020 – Oppression of the Palestinians, child hunger, and the COVID-19 pandemic are dealt with in two short films and an hour-long documentary currently screening at international film festivals or available online.

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SF Int’l Film Festival: The Return, about released prisoners, and other social dramas (or comedies)
Joanne Laurier | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 May 2016

The increasingly dire conditions of life are inevitably impressing themselves upon filmmakers. However, it remains a difficult task for the artist to discover the essential truths and communicate them. In some cases, there is a lack of intellectual and historical preparedness––the artist is simply over his or her head. In others, complacency and social indifference play a role, allowing the filmmakers to avoid the crisis raging before their eyes.

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Drone, a Norwegian-made Documentary: “We Just Made Orphans Out of All These Children”
Joanne Laurier, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Feb 2016

The use of drones by the USA for assassinations has greatly increased the past decade. Hessen Schei’s movie brings together opponents of this specialized killing tool, including authors, commentators, human rights attorneys and investigative journalists. The real heart and strength of Drone lies in its interviews with two former drone operators from the US Air Force, Brandon Bryant and Michael Haas, both young men suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder.

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