Articles by Johan Galtung
We found 1015 results.
Emerging Powers – and Retiring Powers
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
17 Mar 2025
In the name of justice and symmetry any focus on what is emerging invites a focus on the opposite: “demerging”, vanishing, retiring powers. There is not that much space at the top, in the limelight.
→ read full articlePerfide Albion
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
10 Mar 2025
The focus is on the United Kingdom, or England, or simply Albion, known for its perfidy–Lord Palmerston’s famous “No permanent friends, no permanent enemies; permanent interests.”
→ read full articleIslamism, Christianism, Judeaism
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
3 Mar 2025
US empire christianism is fighting not only for the economic-political-military-cultural empire, but also for God’s rule on earth via USA, a country under God, invoking His support. And at the root of it all is Cana’an, Zion, Israel; one land for all the chosen ones, bent on defending itself by all means, nuclear included.
→ read full article(Norwegian-Norsk) Hva kommer etter USAs imperium?
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
3 Feb 2025
En nøkkelhypotese i The fall of the US empire – and then what? er at etterfølgersystemet til det amerikanske imperiet verken vil være et hegemoni drevet av en stor aktør som Kina eller EU, eller globalisering drevet av transnasjonale selskaper, men en verden av regioner med regionale valutaer.
→ read full article(Italiano) Civiltà come modo di vivere
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
27 Jan 2025
Sei civiltà definiscono 15 muri, religiosamente-filosoficamente ed economicamente-politicamente, come modelli di sviluppo. Lo scontro principale è l’Occidente contro il resto. Colonialismo, imperialismo. La soluzione: vincere, dominare. Ci sono altri modi: compromesso, trascendenza, nuove civiltà.
→ read full article(Italiano) 1421 – 1434
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
13 Jan 2025
Nel 1421 i cinesi viaggiarono nelle Americhe. Arrivarono, videro, non conquistarono, molti rimasero. A differenza dell’Occidente, nessun impero, nessun tentacolo succhiante. Inoltre, a differenza dell’Occidente, impararono e conservarono molto di ciò che avevano imparato. Il centro del mondo ora si sposta verso la Cina.
→ read full article(Italiano) I tre temi scottanti nucleari
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
13 Jan 2025
3 Gennaio 2025 – I tre temi sono disarmo-proliferazione, uso militare e uso teologico delle armi nucleari. Tutti piuttosto intrattabili.
→ read full article(Italiano) Famiglia Scuola Lavoro: bullismo
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
13 Jan 2025
24 Dicembre 2024 – I tre pilastri delle nostre società, la Famiglia che passa figli ragionevolmente socializzati alle Scuole, che a loro volta passano studenti ragionevolmente istruiti al Lavoro, che a sua volta passa cittadini inutili alla pattumiera detta Pensionamento – questi pilastri sono carichi di violenza.
→ read full articleCivilization as a Way of Life
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
13 Jan 2025
Six civilizations define 15 walls, religiously-philosophically and economically-politically, as development models. The major clash being the West against the Rest. Colonialism, imperialism. The solution: winning, dominating. There are other ways: compromise, transcendence, new civilizations.
→ read full article1421 – 1434
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
6 Jan 2025
In 1421 the Chinese traveled to the Americas. They came, saw, did not conquer, many stayed. Unlike the West no empire, no sucking tentacles. Also unlike the West they learnt, and preserved much of it. The center of the world now moves toward China.
→ read full articleThe Three Nuclear Issues
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
30 Dec 2024
The three issues are disarmament-proliferation, the military use, and the theological use of nuclear arms. All rather untractable.
→ read full article(Italiano) Cina: Yin/Yang
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
23 Dec 2024
Discorso alla Beijing Foreign Studies University, settembre 2010. Altri hanno molto da imparare, come la Cina dagli altri, per un beneficio reciproco e paritario: l’essenza della pace positiva.
→ read full articleFamily-School-Work Bullying
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
23 Dec 2024
The three pillars of our societies, the Family delivering children reasonably socialized to School, which in turn delivers students reasonably educated to Work, which in turn delivers people to the garbage heap for useless citizens called Retirement, are fraught with violence.
→ read full articleYin/Yang: China
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
16 Dec 2024
Talk at the Beijing Foreign Studies University, Sep 2010. Others have much to learn, as China from others, for mutual and equal benefit–the essence of positive peace.
→ read full article(Italiano) A lode del non-allineamento
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
9 Dec 2024
4 Dicembre 2024 – Questo editoriale è stato originariamente pubblicato il 22 marzo 2010 – #105. Lo riproponiamo per la sua rilevanza in quanto allusione a USA/NATO come terrorismo di stato da guerra nucleare per eccellenza.
→ read full article(Italiano) Riscaldamento globale: 12 approcci
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
2 Dec 2024
Si fa un gran parlare di riscaldamento globale, giustamente. Ma servono idee concrete per passare dalle parole ai fatti, magari con preoccupazioni che fan capolino in fondo alla mente:
→ read full articleIn Praise of Nonalignment
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
2 Dec 2024
This Editorial was originally published on 22 Mar 2010 – #105. We are reposting for its significance as USA/NATO hint of a nuclear war–State terrorism par excellence.
→ read full articleGlobal Warming: 12 Approaches
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
18 Nov 2024
There is much talk about global warming, and rightly so. But we need concrete ideas about moving from talk to action, possibly with two concerns lurking in the back of the mind:
→ read full article(Italiano) Criminalizzare la guerra!
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
18 Nov 2024
The Fifth Commandment, Thou shalt not kill, was for the in-group only. But today we are ever more one big in-group. Using states to kill makes the killers outlaws. Criminals. Stop it.
→ read full article(Italiano) Pace e sicurezza: donne e uomini
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
18 Nov 2024
12 Novembre 2024 – Il mio approccio a questo argomento è basato sull’esperienza cinquantennale di come donne e uomini si rapportano con temi di pace e sicurezza nella politica formale e informale, nella mediazione e formazione alla mediazione, nelle operazioni di peace-keeping e peace-building, e negli incontri.
→ read full articlePeace and Security: Women and Men
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
11 Nov 2024
My approach to this topic is based on 50 years experience with how women and men relate to peace and security issues in formal and informal politics, in mediation and mediation training, in peace-keeping and peace-building operations, and in meetings.
→ read full articleCriminalize War!
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
4 Nov 2024
Wars get ever worse as measured by the percentage of non-combatant, civilian casualties; from about 10 percent in WWI to 90 percent in recent wars. They dare refer to crimes as “unintended consequences”, “collateral damage.” Using states to kill makes the killers outlaws. Criminals. Stop it.
→ read full article(Italiano) L’Islam e l’Occidente
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
21 Oct 2024
Ci siamo già passati, molte volte. Per l’Occidente, invadere le terre islamiche era parte di un massiccio esercizio noto come colonialismo.
→ read full articleOn Truth
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
14 Oct 2024
What happens when the US empire not only declines but falls, will we follow? Will the world poor rise against us? Who am I, with whom am I, on the right side, the wrong? How has my mother-in-law programmed her daughter for it all? A super-complex world.
→ read full article(Italiano) La Guerra Fredda come metafora
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
7 Oct 2024
24 Settembre 2024 – La Guerra Fredda vale la pena rammentarla. C’è molto da imparare sul conflitto e il meta-conflitto. Per l’Occidente vs. l’Islam.
→ read full article(Italiano) Più creatività, per favore!
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
7 Oct 2024
Le istituzioni latin-americane domani possono diventare quelle dell’Asia Orientale, entrambe ispirate da e ispirazione per l’Unione Africana e soprattutto dalla madre delle Unioni, quella Europea, persa nel divario fra il desiderio di essere emulata e la paura d’irritare i nordamericani.
→ read full articleIslam and the West
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
7 Oct 2024
We have been there before, many times. For the West, encroaching on Islamic lands was part of the massive exercise known as colonialism.
→ read full articleMore Creativity, Please!
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
30 Sep 2024
Latin America’s institutions can tomorrow become those of East Asia, both inspiring and being inspired by the African Union and above all by the mother of unions, the European one, lost in the gap between its desire to be emulated and its fear of irritating the North Americans.
→ read full articleThe Cold War as a Metaphor
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
23 Sep 2024
The Cold War is worth remembering. There is much to learn about conflict and meta-conflict. For West vs. Islam.
→ read full article(Italiano) Sud globale: Il cambio-marce assistito
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
23 Sep 2024
18 Settembre 2024 – Arriva il Sud Globale con – o si spera senza – una voglia di rivalsa.
→ read full articleThe Power-Shift to the Global South
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
16 Sep 2024
The Global South is coming, with or–hopefully without–a vengeance. Look at the basic facts in the power distribution.
→ read full article(Italiano) Trascendimento del conflitto come forza propulsiva della storia
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
9 Sep 2024
Il Trascendimento del conflitto, la teoria di mediazione del Metodo TRANSCEND considera cinque possibili esiti per conflitti semplici e molte più variabili per conflitti complessi, nascosti nella storia.
→ read full article(Italiano) Libertà d’espressione vs. libertà d’umiliazione
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
9 Sep 2024
Tesi base: Una falsa dicotomia. con un po’ d’abilità possiamo permetterci entrambe, rifiutando di farci intrappolare dai fondamentalisti dell’uno o altro fronte. Come? Beh, facciamo prima del nostro meglio per chiarire le due libertà, la libertà d’espressione e la libertà d’umiliazione.
→ read full articleConflict Transcendence as Driving Force in History
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
2 Sep 2024
The mediation theory of TRANSCEND opens for five possibilities for simple conflicts and much more for more complex conflicts; but they are hidden in history. To transcend is to go beyond, into a new reality accommodating opposed theses, also such as the goals of actors.
→ read full articleAbout Truth
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
26 Aug 2024
The idea of Truth is as relevant for the arts as for the sciences. Truth is an attribute of a symbolic articulation when held up against reality: does it reflect, agree with what we consider “reality”?
→ read full articleConflict Transformation by Peaceful Means
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
26 Aug 2024
TRANSCEND Method: To prevent violence and develop the creative potential of a conflict, there has to be transformation. At the root of the method is the understanding of conflict as incompatible goals, meaning as a problem to be solved; not as incompatible parties.
→ read full article(Italiano) Spiare per gli USA – e per la pace
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
19 Aug 2024
Esporre i crimini di guerra agghindati da “segreti” è un servizio per la pace. Ellsberg ha avuto il Premio Nobel Alternativo per la Pace. E così sarà per Assange.
→ read full articleFreedom of Expression vs. Freedom from Humiliation
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
19 Aug 2024
Of course we can indicate our doubts without humiliating. And of course we can be respectful without submitting. But do so in the spirit of dialogue, not in that continuation of war by verbal means known as a debate. And explore the answers together.
→ read full article(Italiano) Dopo l’impero statunitense: Un mondo di regioni?
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
19 Aug 2024
Un’ipotesi chiave è che il sistema che ci sarà dopo l’impero statunitense non sarà né un’egemonia gestita da un unico grande attore come la Cina o l’UE, né la globalizzazione gestita dalle TNC, ma un mondo di regioni. Potrebbe arrivare una moneta comune globale. Ma le regioni domineranno, il sistema statale sta svanendo.
→ read full articleRethinking Conflict: The Cultural Approach
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
12 Aug 2024
Conflict is a complex human phenomenon and should by no means be confused with violence. Although conflicts may lead to violence, they are totally different conceptually. At the root of a conflict there is always an incompatibility, a contradiction, between goals.
→ read full articleSpying for the USA–And for Peace
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
12 Aug 2024
To expose war crimes parading as “secrets” is a service for peace. Ellsberg got the alternative Nobel Peace Prize. So will Assange.
→ read full articleAfter the US Empire: A World of Regions?
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
5 Aug 2024
The successor system to the US empire will be neither a hegemony run by one big actor like China or the EU, nor globalization run by the TNCs, but a world of regions. A global common currency may come but the regions will dominate as the state system is fading.
→ read full article(Italiano) Verità: una riflessione
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
22 Jul 2024
16 Luglio 2024 – L’idea di Verità è rilevante per le arti/materie umanistiche quanto per le scienze. La Verità è un attributo di un’articolazione simbolica – una tesi, un testo, un dipinto, una scultura, un brano musicale – allorché confrontato con la realtà: riflette, concorda con ciò che consideriamo “realtà”?
→ read full article(Italiano) Religioni: in tutte c’è una garbata saggezza
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
15 Jul 2024
Le religioni sanno essere dure, e morbide e garbate, e ogni religione è tessuta di fili duri e morbidi, dove i fondamentalisti agiscono sui duri. Religare suona bene. Ma come?
→ read full articleAbout Truth
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
15 Jul 2024
The idea of Truth is as relevant for the arts/humanities as for the sciences. Truth is an attribute of a symbolic articulation–a thesis, a text, a painting-sculpture, a piece of music–when held up against reality: does it reflect, agree with what we consider “reality”?
→ read full articleReligions: There Is Gentle Wisdom in Them All
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
8 Jul 2024
Religion can be hard, and soft and gentle. Any religion is a tissue with hard and soft strands, where the fundamentalists are playing on the hard. Religare sounds fine. But how?
→ read full article(Italiano) Diritti umani come discorso oltre 60 anni dopo
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 Jun 2024
I diritti umani, incorporate nella costituzione francese del 1789 e riformulati come Dichiarazione Universale, sono un’importante conquista, prossima a una costituzione mondiale, pur non costituendo diritto internazionale, ma lo sono le Convenzioni – civil-politiche, economico-social-culturali del 16 dicembre 1966.
→ read full article60+ Years Later: Human Rights as a Discourse
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
17 Jun 2024
How do Human Rights stand up as a discourse? Incorporated in the French constitution of 1789 and reformulated as the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, it is a major human achievement, close to a world constitution. It is not international law, but the Covenants of 16 Dec 1966 — civil-political, economic-social-cultural — are.
→ read full articleGaza Redux
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
10 Jun 2024
Beyond the immense human tragedy unfolding in the Gaza atrocities, a question takes shape: have the Israeli leaders, politicians and military alike, totally lost their senses? A sledgehammer for a toothache? Déjà vu.
→ read full article(Italiano) La mia visione per il Sudan
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
10 Jun 2024
Il mio compito al termine di questa conferenza davvero impressionante con 150 partecipanti qui a Hermannsburg nella Brughiera di Lüneburg è quello di sorvolare le scialbe, malriuscite attuazioni dei numerosi accordi di pace, riferirne le visioni e indicare le possibili soluzioni provate con successo altrove.
→ read full articleMy Vision for Sudan
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
3 Jun 2024
Well known African proverb: “When elephants fight, the grass suffers, and, when elephants make love, the grass suffers even more.” You have two elephants let loose, the USA and China, both oil drunk. You have their drug. Some Sudan violence is a proxy war.
→ read full articleStill Thinking Conflict
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
6 May 2024
Hans Küng gives a number of examples of misguided policies by the present US and Israeli administrations. Not difficult to agree. But something even more basic than a new ethos also has to happen, like coming to terms with conflicts where the USA is involved. And exactly with the term conflict, how to think about conflict, let alone solving it.
→ read full article(Italiano) Dopo Impero USA: un mondo di regioni?
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis –TRANSCEND Media Service,
15 Apr 2024
Nonviolenza, sofisticazione, mondo, e norme di traffico domestiche/nazionali anziché interminabile interventismo per qualunque scopo. Possa l’attuale miscela asiatica di antica saggezza ed energia giovanile ispirare un mondo saturo di pessimismo e paura.
→ read full article(Italiano) Gesù, Giuda e Che Guevara
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis –TRANSCEND Media Service,
15 Apr 2024
8 Aprile 2024 – C’è un esercizio detto Civiltà Occidentale, e una narrazione drammatica al centro di tale esercizio con due personaggi nei ruoli chiave, Gesù e Giuda. Il periodo pasquale attuale è qui per rammentarci del dramma.
→ read full articleJesus, Judas and Che Guevara
Prof. Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
8 Apr 2024
There is an exercise called Western Civilization, and a dramatic narrative at the center of that exercise with two persons in the key roles, Jesus and Judas. Easter times, now, are here to remind us of the drama.
→ read full article(Italiano) Ritorno di Gaza
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis –TRANSCEND Media Service,
1 Apr 2024
Oltre l’immane tragedia umana in svolgimento nell’atrocità di Gaza, prende forma una domanda: i dirigenti israeliani, politici e militari, hanno perso del tutto il lume della ragione? Un maglio per un mal di denti, quelle punture d’ago di razzi lanciati per rabbia, 8 uccisi – e allora ne uccidono 800?
→ read full articleAfter the US Empire: A World of Regions?
Prof. Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
1 Apr 2024
Nonviolence, sophistication, world, and domestic traffic rules as opposed to endless interventionism for whatever purpose. May the current Asian blend of age-old wisdom and youthful energy inspire a world filled with pessimism and fear.
→ read full article(Italiano) Globalizzare Dio: Religione e pace nelle scienze sociali
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis –TRANSCEND Media Service,
25 Mar 2024
Le letture arcigne portano all’intolleranza o alla tolleranza malmustosa. Quanto mai necessari: rispetto e curiosità; dialogo e reciproco apprendimento. C’è tanta saggezza! La si selezioni! Si estrapoli conciliando! Si vada oltre i confini territoriali di stato e culturali di nazione, e di trascendano quelli mentali gelosamente protetti, fra le discipline e le religioni.
→ read full articleGaza Redux
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
25 Mar 2024
Johan Galtung wrote this seminal Editorial in 2009 and is being republished to offer a context to Gaza 2024. What has changed? What remains the same? What devolved? What if…? Israel, beware the grave you are digging for yourself.
→ read full article(Italiano) Israele e il 76° anniversario della dichiarazione unilaterale di indipendenza
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis – TRANSCEND Media Service,
18 Mar 2024
Israele celebra il 76° anniversario della dichiarazione unilaterale di indipendenza di David Ben Gurion. E il conto della shoa viene sempre più presentato agli arabi in generale, ai palestinesi in particolare, a partire da al naqba, l’orrore di 711.000 persone cacciate dalle loro case in Palestina, nei campi, nelle diaspore. Fino alla morte. [Che porta al genocidio del 2024].
→ read full articleGlobalizing God: Religion and Peace in the Social Sciences
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
18 Mar 2024
Hard readings lead to intolerance or grudging tolerance. Badly needed: respect and curiosity; dialogue and mutual learning. There is so much wisdom! Select! Eclect! Go beyond state-territorial and national-cultural borders, and transcend those jealously guarded borders in the mind, between disciplines and religions.
→ read full articleIsrael at Seventy Six
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
11 Mar 2024
Israel is celebrating its 76th anniversary of David Ben Gurion’s unilateral declaration of independence. And the bill for shoa is increasingly placed at the feet of Arabs in general, the Palestinians in particular, starting with al naqba, the horror of 711,000 chased out of their homes in Palestine, to camps, diasporas. To death. [Leading to the 2024 Genocide.]
→ read full article(Italiano) Trasformazione del conflitto come modalità di vita
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis –TRANSCEND Media Service,
4 Mar 2024
l conflitto è il nostro destino. Come lo sono i microrganismi, allora meglio imparare a maneggiare tali situazioni. L’esporsi al conseguimento di obiettivi bloccati dal conseguimento di altri obiettivi si può superare se la nostra capacità di resistenza è sufficiente, come un’infezione si può superare con il sistema immunitario.
→ read full articleConflict Transformation as a Way of Life
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
26 Feb 2024
If you cannot remove conflict, why not adjust your thinking about it? Why not try and see conflict as the salt of life, the big energizer, the tickler, the tantalizer, rather than as a bothersome nuisance, as noise in perfect channel, as disturbing ripples in otherwise quiet waters?
→ read full article(Italiano) Spiritualità e lavoro sui conflitti
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis –TRANSCEND Media Service,
19 Feb 2024
L’Occidente ha respinto la religione nell’illuminismo-modernità-secolarismo, e sta adesso assistendo a una qualche rinascita religiosa. Allora la spiritualità entra come concetto sovrordinato, basato su elementi della maggior parte delle religioni e su valori laici.
→ read full articleThe World beyond Global Disorder
Johan Galtung & Keil Eggers – TRANSCEND Media Service,
12 Feb 2024
See Accompanying Editorial, 29 Jan 2024
→ read full articleSpirituality and Conflict Work
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
12 Feb 2024
The West has rejected religion under enlightenment-modernity-secularism, and is now experiencing some rebirth of religion. Spirituality then enters as an over-arching concept, building on elements in most religions and on secular values. World power now moves from a spiritually poor Occident to a richer Orient.
→ read full article(Italiano) Il mondo oltre il disordine globale
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis –TRANSCEND Media Service,
5 Feb 2024
31 Gennaio 2024 – La forza di questo forum è il suo focus sulle civiltà; usiamolo per l’analisi e i rimedi. Le forme più importanti di disordine usano la violenza; la guerra è violenza organizzata dallo stato. Gli stati più bellicosi sono gli Stati Uniti d’America e Israele, entrambi con radici di civiltà.
→ read full articleThe World beyond Global Disorder
Prof. Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
29 Jan 2024
The strength of this forum is its civilization focus; let us use it for analysis and remedies. Major forms of disorder use violence; war is state organized violence. The most belligerent states are the United States of America and Israel, both with civilization roots.
→ read full articleSome Perspectives on Veterans of Current Wars
Prof. Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
8 Jan 2024
These are not clear-cut good wars of Good against Evil. The goals of USA-West, beyond suppressing “insurrection”, include revenge, paranoia, economic interests, getting bases for future wars far from “good”. The goals of an enemy defined by US-West as Evil, are often badly understood or not at all.
→ read full articleProf. Galtung: Nationalism and Migration in Relation to Peace
Johan Galtung | University of Antwerp – TRANSCEND Media Service,
1 Jan 2024
25 Apr 2016 – The University Centre Saint-Ignatius Antwerp–UCSIA
→ read full articleMao and Gandhi: Comparing Two Giants
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
25 Dec 2023
Two important anniversary messages: One, anniversary of the Chinese Revolution, guided by Mao, violently, on 1 Oct. The other: anniversary of Gandhi, restoring India to its people, nonviolently, on 2 Oct.
→ read full article(Italiano) Come finiscono le guerre?
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis –TRANSCEND Media Service,
27 Nov 2023
Sparavano sulla Colonna nemica da dietro steccati, alberi, granai, muri, da dentro le case, poi ricaricavano, avanzavano in fretta e sparavano di nuovo. Uno strano tipo nuovo di guerreggiare per i britannici senza esperienza né addestramento in merito. A loro pareva disonorevole, nascondersi e sparare a uomini allo scoperto che non potevano neppure vedere i propri nemici. Come scrisse una Giubba Rossa alla famiglia: Non ci combattevano da esercito regolare, solo come selvaggi”.
→ read full articleHow Do Wars End?
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
20 Nov 2023
They would shoot at the enemy column from behind fences, trees, barns, walls, from inside houses. This was a strange, new type of warfare to the British, neither experienced nor trained for it. To them it seemed dishonorable, hiding and shooting at men in the open who could not even see their enemies. A Redcoat wrote his family: “They did not fight us like a regular army, only like savages.”
→ read full article(Italiano) Sociocidio, Genocidio, Ecocidio di Israele a Gaza
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis –TRANSCEND Media Service,
30 Oct 2023
Gli USA e Israele sono nati allo stesso modo, come popolo eletto di Dio con tanto di terre promesse, ricorrendo al sociocidio e al genocidio (gli USA). Senza cambiar politica possono declinare e cadere anche allo stesso modo. E magari presto.
→ read full article(Italiano) Palestina e Israele: come sarebbe la pace
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis –TRANSCEND Media Service,
30 Oct 2023
Le visioni/intuizioni di Galtung son quanto mai rilevanti oggi in vista della pulizia ernica degli abitanti di Gaza da parte IDF, debitamente disinfettata, banalizzata, normalizzata dalle narrazioni dei telegiornali mondiali. Il riferimento a Hamas del presidente Biden come ‘l’altra squadra’ rivela le loro mentalità: si tratta di una partita, non una faccenda di vita e di morte per i 2 milioni d’abitanti di Gaza massacrati mentre ne parliamo. È tragico che le guerre vincano le elezioni nelle (cosiddette) democrazie dell’Occidente.
→ read full articlePalestine/Israel: What Peace Would Look Like
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
23 Oct 2023
Johan Galtung’s insights are crucially relevant today in view of the ethnic cleansing of Gazans by the IDF—duly sanitized, trivialized, normalized by TV News Media narratives. Pres. Biden’s reference to Hamas as ‘the other team’ reveals their mindsets: it’s a game, not a matter of life and death for the 2 million being massacred as we speak. It is tragic that wars win elections in the (so called) democracies of the West.
→ read full articleIsrael’s Sociocide, Genocide, Ecocide in Gaza
Prof. Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
16 Oct 2023
Sociocide is the killing of a society’s capacity to survive, to reproduce itself, a crime against humanity. The USA and Israel were born the same way, as God’s chosen people with promised lands, using sociocide and genocide (the USA). With no policy change they may also decline and fall the same way. Even soon.
→ read full article(Italiano) Spiritualità e pace
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis –TRANSCEND Media Service,
4 Sep 2023
30 Agosto 2023 – Il nostro mondo manca chiaramente di qualcosa, anzi molto, nei propri sforzi di conseguire la pace. E fra questo c’è quanto espresso dalla parola “spiritualità”, abusata all’incirca quanto la parola “pace”, proprio perché entrambe incarnano tanti nostri sogni.
→ read full articleThe Doctrine of ‘Just War’
Prof. Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
28 Aug 2023
Let it be clear that the present author is against war, there being no “but”. War as an institution is an abomination, like slavery and colonialism. The key word is institution, legitimized by social norms and mores. A doctrine of just war is designed to offer a legitimization by seeing the evil of war as something that can be outweighed by possible positive outcomes.
→ read full articleSpirituality and Peace
Prof. Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
28 Aug 2023
28 Aug 2023 – Our world is clearly missing much in its efforts to achieve peace. It is expressed by the word “spirituality”, as overused as the word “peace” precisely because both embody so many of our dreams. Tell me your spirituality, and I will tell how much peace there is in you.
→ read full article(Italiano) Studi di pace: ispirazione, obiettivi, conseguimenti
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis –TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 Jul 2023
La pace piace ai cuori, gli studi al cervello. Sono necessari entrambi, anzi indispensabili. ma altrettanto indispensabile è una connessione valida fra cervello e cuore. Ed è ben questo, in essenza, ciò di cui trattano gli studi e la prassi di pace.
→ read full articlePeace Studies: Inspiration, Objectives, Achievement
Prof. Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
17 Jul 2023
Peace appeals to the heart; studies to the brain. Both are needed, indeed indispensable. But equally indispensable is a valid link between brain and heart. And that, in a nutshell, is what peace studies and peace practice are all about.
→ read full article(Italiano) Alcune note sulla teoria dell’Evoluzione
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis –TRANSCEND Media Service,
12 Jun 2023
31 Maggio 2023 – Si fa un gran parlare di evoluzione e pace; avendoci lavorato su di tanto in tanto, ecco alcune note sulla teoria dell’evoluzione.
→ read full articleSome Notes on Evolution Theory
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
29 May 2023
There is much talk about evolution and peace and, having worked on it off and on, here are some notes.
→ read full article(Italiano) Immanuel Wallerstein su sinistra e destra globali
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis –TRANSCEND Media Service,
23 Jan 2023
Crisi, appunto. La via d’uscita è un discorso nuovo, meno materiale, più spirituale; qualcosa per cui vivere, non solo da. In questo momento Wallerstein vede il capitalismo in crisi senza rimedio–di cui non sono così sicuro–e anche l’egemonia americana in crisi senza rimedio–una visione che condivido–, come la caduta di un impero per il quale i locali le élite erano solite uccidere e governare; ora deve fare la maggior parte degli omicidi da solo.
→ read full articleImmanuel Wallerstein on the Global Left and Right
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
16 Jan 2023
Crisis, indeed. The way out is a new discourse, less material, more spiritual; something to live for, not only from. Right now Wallerstein sees capitalism in crisis with no remedy–of which I am not so sure–and the US hegemony also in a crisis with no remedy–a view I share–, as the fall of an empire for which local elites used to kill and rule; now having to do most killings itself.
→ read full articleNationalism and Migration in Relation to Peace
Johan Galtung | Univ. of Antwerp – TRANSCEND Media Service,
5 Dec 2022
Lecture by Prof. Dr. Johan Galtung at the University of Antwerp (Belgium) on 21 Apr 2016 – “His work has a unique imprint on many scholarly disciplines; it is a combination of systematic scientific inquiry and a Gandhian ethics of peaceful means and harmony.”
→ read full article(Italiano) Il risveglio arabo-musulmano e USA/Israele
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis –TRANSCEND Media Service,
28 Nov 2022
Il risveglio arabo è contro la violenza e la corruzione a favore della democrazia, della crescita e dell’occupazione, e contro il dominio USA-Israele. Ma credere che l’Islam tolleri il secolarismo imposto è incredibilmente ingenuo. C’è un risveglio musulmano. Tuttavia, ci sono molti islam, come ci sono i cristiani e gli ebraismi. Come reagiscono USA-Israele e quale sarebbe una reazione positiva alla loro reazione?
→ read full articleThe Arab/Muslim Awakening–and USA/Israel
Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
21 Nov 2022
The Arab awakening is against the violence and corruption in favor of democracy, growth and jobs, and against US-Israel domination. But to believe that Islam tolerates imposed secularism is incredibly naive. There is a Muslim awakening. However, there are many Islams, like there are Christianities and Judaisms. How do USA-Israel react, and what would be a positive reaction to their reaction?
→ read full articleProf. Dietrich Fischer, Co-Founder of TRANSCEND, Passed Away on 18 Oct 2015
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
17 Oct 2022
My dear friend, co-founder of TRANSCEND in 1993 with myself and Fumiko Nishimura left us on this date after a short hospital stay in coma, basically due to his diabetes for many years. Let us celebrate your life while deploring that you are no longer among us, in deep gratitude for all you did to inspire and help–and for peace in general. RIP
→ read full articleGaltung on Militarism
Prof. Johan Galtung - TRANSCEND Media Service,
3 Oct 2022
Solve the Underlying Conflict
→ read full articleOn the Ongoing Decline and Fall of the US Empire
Prof. Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
26 Sep 2022
Empires have different profiles. The US Empire has a complete configuration, articulated in a statement by a Pentagon planner: “The de facto role of the United States Armed Forces will be to keep the world safe for our economy and open to our cultural assault. To those ends, we will do a fair amount of killing”. In other words, direct violence to protect structural violence legitimized by cultural violence.
→ read full article(Italiano) Sociocidio, Genocidio, Ecocidio d’Israele in Palestina
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis –TRANSCEND Media Service,
5 Sep 2022
Sociocidio è un nuovo concetto che non ha ancora trovato il proprio spazio nel diritto internazionale positivo. Genocidio, l’ineffabile crimine di uccisione di massa di membri di un genus, una nazione, per nessun altro motivo che tale loro appartenenza.
→ read full article(Norsk-Norwegian) Israels forbrytelser mot Palestina
Prof. Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
29 Aug 2022
Samfunnsdrap er villet lemlestelse – drap av et samfunn ved å eliminere forutsetningene for et levende, levende, dynamisk samfunn.
→ read full articleIsrael’s Sociocide, Genocide, Ecocide in Palestine
Prof. Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
1 Aug 2022
Sociocide is the killing of a society’s capacity to survive, to reproduce itself, should become equally prominent a crime against humanity. The USA and Israel were born the same way, as God’s chosen people with promised lands, using sociocide and genocide. With no policy change they may also decline and fall the same way. Even soon.
→ read full article(Italiano) Medio Oriente e giornalismo mancante su conflitto e pace
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis - TRANSCEND Media Service,
11 Jul 2022
8 Luglio 2022 – Due immagini di affari internazionali, affari umani a dire il vero, due discorsi: l’approccio securitario e l’approccio pacifista; che competono per la nostra attenzione trattando la stessa preoccupazione per la violenza ma in modo diametralmente opposto.
→ read full articleThe Missing Journalism on Conflict and Peace–and the Middle East
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
4 Jul 2022
Two images of international affairs, or human affairs for that matter, two discourses: the security approach and the peace approach. They compete for our attention and address the same concern with violence but are diametrically opposed.
→ read full articleGlenn D. Paige (28 Jun 1929 – 22 Jan 2017): A Giant for Peace Leaves Behind an Indelible Mark – In Memoriam
Johan Galtung – TRANSCEND Media Service,
17 Jan 2022
His transformation from praising a killing society, USA, in the Korean War to invoking a non-killing society did not come easily. To revoke his own book on the Korea War decision, and the prize received for that book, has few equals.
→ read full article(Italiano) Antisemitismo arma politica controproducente
Johan Galtung | Centro Studi Sereno Regis - TRANSCEND Media Service,
15 Nov 2021
Non solo questo, sta producendo altri sentimenti anti-ebraici e antisraeliani, andando in cerca di antisemitismo [altrui] come [propria] legittimazione anche dove non ce n’è. Io, per esempio, sono un ricercatore di pace profondamente interessato a evitare genocidi come la shoah, a realizzare i sogni sionisti di un Israele con un carattere ebraico, e a lottare contro l’antisemitismo.
→ read full article