Articles by John Maxwell

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John Maxwell, 7 Apr 2009

Common Sense It is as idle to define the problems of Haiti as problems of economic development as it is to contemplate the problems of Elisabeth Fritzl as a problem of delinquent parenting. It will never be possible to disentangle Elisabeth Fritzl from the treachery and cruelty of an evil and incestuous father, a man […]

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John Maxwell, 26 Oct 2008

The people of Haiti are as poor as human beings can be. According to the statisticians of the World Bank and others who speculate about how many Anglos can dance on the head of a peon, Haiti may either be the second, third or fourth poorest country in the world. In Haiti’s case, statistics are […]

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John Maxwell, 26 Oct 2008

President Jean Bertrand Aristide, now in enforced exile in South Africa, might be sardonically entertained by a new report just published by the world’s Club of the Rich, the OECD –Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development. This report, titled “Growing Unequal” examines the accelerating trend toward economic inequality in the societies of the world’s richest […]

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