Articles by Jon Queally

We found 20 results.

93 Countries Back ICC as Israel Faces Charges of War Crimes in Gaza
Jon Queally | Common Dreams - TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jun 2024

15 Jun 2024 – A joint statement calls on “all States to ensure full co-operation with the Court for it to carry out its important mandate of ensuring equal justice for all victims of genocide, war crimes, [and] crimes against humanity.”

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‘Nobody Is Above the Law’: ICC Prosecutor Seeks Arrest Warrants for Israel, Hamas Leaders
Jon Queally | Common Dreams - TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 May 2024

20 May 2024 – Karim Khan, chief prosecutor for the International Criminal Court, accuses Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant of numerous crimes including “starvation as a method of war” and “deliberately targeting civilians.”

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Canada and Sweden Restore UNRWA Funds as Report Accuses Israel of Torturing Agency Staff
Jon Queally | Common Dreams - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Mar 2024

9 Mar 2024 – The governments of Canada and Sweden have announced they will resume funding for the UN’s agency that provides humanitarian aide and protection to Palestinians. A move that other powerful nations, including the US, continue to refuse.

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US, Israel Vote No as UN Approves World Court Resolution on Illegal Occupation
Jon Queally | Common Dreams - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2023

2 Jan 2023 – The UNGA on 30 Dec 2022 approved a resolution that asks the ICJ to issue an opinion on the legal consequences of Israel’s illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories. It passed with 87 in favor, 26 opposed and 53 abstaining. Among those opposed were USA, Israel, UK and Germany.

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Billionaires ‘Had a Terrific Pandemic’ While Inequality Killed Millions: Oxfam
Jon Queally | Common Dreams - TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jan 2022

17 Jan 2022 – A new report explains how inequality contributed to the death of 21,000 people each day of the pandemic while the wealthiest collectively got $1.2 billion richer every 24 hours.

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‘Indefensible’: US Billionaires Became $2.1 Trillion Richer in 19 Months of Pandemic
Jon Queally | Common Dreams - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Oct 2021

18 Oct 2021 – New analysis by Americans for Tax Fairness and the Institute for Policy Studies shows that just 745 individuals have combined $5 trillion in wealth, most of which will never be taxed.

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Contract for the Web: Internet Inventor Tim Berners-Lee Unveils Global Plan to Battle ‘Digital Dystopia’
Jon Queally – Common Dreams, 2 Dec 2019

25 Nov 2019 – “The power of the web to transform people’s lives, enrich society and reduce inequality is one of the defining opportunities of our time. But if we don’t act now—and act together—to prevent the web being misused by those who want to exploit, divide and undermine, we are at risk of squandering that potential.”

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Civilians Killed by US Largely Ignored as Endless Global War Continues
Jon Queally – Common Dreams, 5 Jun 2017

Borderless ‘War on Terror’ continues to claim innocent lives around the world… but pattern holds that not all victims receive equal attention. “This new flawed raid by President Trump shows the US is not capable of distinguishing a terrorist from an innocent civilian.” —Kate Higham, Reprieve

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‘Internet of Things’ an Absolute Goldmine for Big Brother, Admits Top US Spy
Jon Queally – Common Dreams, 15 Feb 2016

DNI James Clappers acknowledges “intelligence services might use the [web-connected home devices] for identification, surveillance, monitoring, location tracking, and targeting for recruitment.”

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Glyphosate, Favored Chemical of Monsanto & Dow, Declared ‘Probable’ Source of Cancer for Humans: WHO
Jon Queally – Common Dreams, 30 Mar 2015

World’s most widely used herbicide ingredient shown to cause variety of cancers by research arm of World Health Organization.”This increasingly dangerous pesticide treadmill calls into question the logic of genetically engineered herbicide technologies that rapidly lose their utility to farmers and put human health at risk.”

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Iran President: World ‘Too Intelligent’ To Be Fooled by Netanyahu’s ‘War-Mongering’
Jon Queally - Common Dreams, 9 Mar 2015

Hassan Rouhani presses for optimism amid ongoing nuclear talks, but offers sharp retort to Israel’s prime minister.

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At Home and Abroad, UN Report Details Abysmal US Record of Abuse
Jon Queally – Common Dreams, 1 Dec 2014

Torture, indefinite detention, excessive force, and systematic discrimination and mistreatment have become part of the nation’s modern legacy.

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The Top 1% Own Half of Global Wealth
Jon Queally – Common Dreams, 20 Oct 2014

While wealthiest top one percent own nearly fifty percent of all world’s assets, the entire bottom half of the global population hold less than one percent of the wealth, new financial analysis shows.

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Poking Russia with a Stick? NATO Approves Military “Spearhead” for Eastern Europe
Jon Queally – Common Dreams, 15 Sep 2014

Despite warnings from Russia that such a move would be interpreted as a provocation, a plan to deploy thousands of additional US and European troops closer to its border will now become a reality.

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(Português) Naomi Klein: Nosso modelo econômico está em guerra com a vida na Terra
Jon Queally - Common Dreams, 18 Aug 2014

As mudanças climáticas têm muito mais a ver com capitalismo do que com carbono: é nosso modelo de consumo que está nos levando à destruição do planeta.

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Revealed: ‘Collect It All’ NSA Targets Those Seeking Web Privacy
Jon Queally – Common Dreams, 7 Jul 2014

‘Merely visiting privacy-related websites is enough for a user’s IP address to be logged into an NSA database,’ says new report. Other platforms targeted by the program include LINUX, TOR, HotSpotShield, FreeNet, Centurian,, MegaProxy,, and an anonymous email service called MixMinion.

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‘US Foreign Policy Blowback’: How US Disregard for Intl Law Set Stage for Crimean Crisis
Jon Queally – Common Dreams, 24 Mar 2014

Critics charge that US history of cherry-picking international rules gives license for other powers to do the same.

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As TPP Opposition Soars, Corporate Media Blackout Deafening
Jon Queally – Common Dreams, 10 Feb 2014

Opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership—dubbed ‘NAFTA on steroids’—is receiving unprecedented popular opposition and nearly no news coverage by major outlets.

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Davos’ Elite Message Deserves ‘Fierce Resistance’ Not Applause
Jon Queally – Common Dreams, 27 Jan 2014

As the World Economic Forum kicks off its global summit in Davos, Switzerland on Wednesday [22 Jan 2014], critics of the annual gathering are eager to show that the well-polished public image of the event should not be allowed to eclipse the nefarious and destructive role played by the many corporate elites that sponsor it.

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People Get Ready: ‘Unprecedented’ Weather Glimpses Century Ahead
Jon Queally – Common Dreams, 8 Jul 2013

Latest Report from the World Meteorological Organization Says First Decade of Century Was Hottest, Wettest On Record with More to Come – “Carbon-dioxide concentration […] reached an average global value of 389 parts per million by the end of the decade, the highest value recorded for at least the past 10,000 years.”

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