Articles by K.

We found 63 results.

(Italiano) Questione arabo-ebraica in Palestina
M. K. Gandhi | Centro Studi Sereno Regis - TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Oct 2023

10 Ottobre 2023 – Un articolo che Gandhi scrisse per il giornale «The Harijan» e pubblicato il 26 novembre 1938, quanto mai attuale in questi giorni e quanto mai non compreso, allora, purtroppo.

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How the US and France Created a Niger Mess for Themselves
M. K. Bhadrakumar | RT – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Aug 2023

19 Aug 2023 – Neo-colonial powers have become entangled in a diplomatic and military impasse borne from a fundamental lack of understanding.

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Storm Clouds Gathering: NATO in the Perilous Black Sea
M. K. Bhadrakumar | Indian Punchline – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Jul 2023

21 Jul 2023 – In an ominous development, Kiev is suggesting the continuation of the collapsed Black Sea Grain Deal without Russia’s participation and with apparent NATO protection.

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US Occupiers Lash Out as Syria War Draws to an End
M. K. Bhadrakumar | Peoples Dispatch – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Apr 2023

U.S. Is Stirring Up Syrian Cauldron -> Washington is worried about a peace between Damascus and its estranged Arab neighbors–as well as Turkey–that is marginalizing the U.S. and its allies, the “collective West”.

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US Occupation of Syria Will Continue
M. K. Bhadrakumar | Indian Punchline – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Mar 2023

6 Mar 2023 – According to eyewitness accounts, as recently as 27 Feb US troops transported at least 34 tankers filled with stolen Syrian oil through the illegal Al-Mahmoudiya border crossing to their bases in Iraq.

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La Grande Sortie
Bruce K. Gagnon | Organizing Notes - TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Mar 2023

The collapsing US military/economic empire is making Washington/NATO even more dangerous. The USA could not beat the North Koreans, the North Vietnamese or the Taliban but thinks it can take on China-Russia-Iran… a sign of psychopathology for sure.

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Total War… U.S. Capitalism Is Addicted to War… Not Just Against Russia but Against Workers as Well
Finian Cunningham interviews Bruce K. Gagnon | Strategic Culture Foundation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 May 2022

28 Apr 2022 – Neo-feudalism is what we are being offered in place of the “American dream”. This is why we are seeing growing efforts of workers to organize unions.

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The U.S. Makes a Mockery of Treaties and International Law
K.J. Noh | Independent Media Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Jan 2022

7 Jan 2022 – The United States claims it is operating under a “rules-based order”—but the term is not the same international law recognized by the rest of the world. Rather, it is camouflage behind which U.S. exceptionalism flourishes.

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The Choking of the Global Minotaur
James K. Galbraith | Popular Resistance – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Nov 2021

21 Nov 2021 – The supply disruptions plaguing the US economy are not the result of “excessive demand,” “central planning,” or a lack of efficiency. Rather, it is that a logistics ecosystem that was developed to feed the beast of American consumption was not designed for a pandemic.

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Washington Always Looking for another War
Bruce K. Gagnon - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Oct 2021

23 Oct 2021 – The collapsing US military is making Washington & NATO even more dangerous. US could not beat the Taliban but thinks it can take on China-Russia-Iran… a sign of psychopathology for sure.

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Reflections on Events in Afghanistan
M. K. Bhadrakumar | Indian Punchline - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Sep 2021

1 Sep 2021 – US Slips out of Kabul but Is Vengeful

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NATO Declares China as Global Security Challenge
M. K. Bhadrakumar | Indian Punchline – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

The NATO summit in Brussels on 14 Jun 2021 reminds us of what a hoax the USA had perpetrated on the former Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev in 1990 by assuring him that the western alliance would expand “not one inch eastward” once Moscow allowed German Unification and disbanded the Warsaw Pact.

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Affluence Is Killing the Planet
Thomas Wiedmann, Julia K. Steinberger and Manfred Lenzen | The Ecologist - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Jun 2020

25 Jun 2020 – Would you like to be rich? Chances are your answer is: ‘Yes! Who wouldn’t want to be rich?’ How can we reduce consumption as much as necessary in a socially-sustainable way, while still safeguarding human needs and social security?

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Reducing Transmission of SARS-CoV-2
K. A. Prather, et al. | Science Magazine - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jun 2020

Masks and testing are necessary to combat asymptomatic spread in aerosols and droplets. Airborne spread from undiagnosed infections will continuously undermine the effectiveness of even the most vigorous testing, tracing, and social distancing programs. From epidemiological data, countries that have been most effective in reducing the spread of COVID-19 have implemented universal masking.

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How India’s Modi Is Playing on Trump’s Ego to His Advantage
M.K. Bhadrakumar | Independent Media Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Feb 2020

Trump’s remarks on his India visit Feb 24-25: “We’re not treated very well by India, but I happen to like Prime Minister Modi a lot. And he told me we’ll have 7 million people between the airport and the event. And the stadium, I understand, is sort of semi under construction, but it’s going to be the largest stadium in the world. So it’s going to be very exciting. But he says between the stadium and the airport, we’ll have about 7 million people. So it’s going to be very exciting. I hope you all enjoy it.”

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Trump’s Wall
K. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Dec 2019

More to the point…

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White Supremacy before Trump: The U.S. Conquest of Hawaii
Michael K. Smith – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Aug 2019

August 21 marks the sixtieth anniversary of Hawaiian statehood. Many Americans know little more than package tours and “Pearl Harbor” about the fiftieth state, and few realize that when the U.S. naval base was attacked by the Japanese, it was not at the time U.S. territory. Even fewer have any idea how Hawaii came to have an important American naval base capable of triggering a world war.

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Modern Monetary Realism
James K. Galbraith | Project Syndicate – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2019

Is Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) a potential boon to economic policymakers, or, as Harvard’s Kenneth Rogoff recently argued, a threat to “the entire global financial system” and the front line of the “next battle for central-bank independence”?

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(Français) Golan: Trump bafoue le droit international et plonge encore plus le Moyen-Orient dans l’instabilité
M. K. Bhadrakumar | Indian Punchline – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Apr 2019

2 Avr 2019 – Donald Trump a reconnu la souveraineté d’Israël sur le Golan, plateau syrien occupé illégalement depuis 1967. Motivée par des enjeux politiciens, sa décision pourrait créer un dangereux précédent au regard du droit international. Cette reconnaissance pourrait également avoir de graves répercussions sur tout le Moyen-Orient, une région déjà instable.

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Alzheimer’s Is Linked to Gum Disease – But Bad Oral Health Is Not the Only Culprit
Sim K. Singhrao – The Conversation, 4 Feb 2019

30 Jan 2019 – We were the first to make the connection between P. gingivalis and fully diagnosed Alzheimer’s disease. While evidence of a link is growing, it must be interpreted in context.

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How It Seems to Me
Ursula K. Le Guin – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Dec 2018

In the vast abyss before time, self
is not, and soul commingles

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A Call for Educational Freedom in America
Submitted by P.K. Willey, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Mar 2018

“It’s about educational freedom! Freedom from Washington mandates. Freedom from centralized control. Freedom from a one-size-fits-all mentality. Freedom from ‘the system.’” –Betsy DeVos

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Which War in 2018?
Bruce K. Gagnon – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jan 2018

What US-NATO-Israel will do in their sick quest to knock down Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Syria, Venezuela and many others? Mr. Big wants it all – the question is how far will he go? Some of the outcome depends on us.

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Historic Resolution on Women & Peacekeeping Remains Mostly Unimplemented
Ambassador Anwarul K. Chowdhury – Inter Press Service-IPS, 6 Nov 2017

30 Oct 2017 – Seventeen years since the passage of resolution 1325, our own implementation remains too often ad hoc. We need to understand that 1325 envisages a broad-based conceptual transformation of the existing international policies that deny women’s equality of participation, basically as a result of the Security Council’s support of the existing militarized inter-state security arrangements.

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Modi Government Blocks Rohingya Refugees Entering India
K. Ratnayake | WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Oct 2017

30 Sep 2017 – Prime Minister Narendra Modi has deployed security forces along India’s northeastern borders to prevent Rohingya refugees entering the country. New Delhi also plans to expel around 40,000 Rohingya already in India. Reuters reported that India’s Border Security Forces had been authorised to use “rude and crude methods” to block the refugees. “We won’t tolerate Rohingya on Indian soil,” an official said.

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Creativity, Insanity, Spirituality
Dr. K. Sohail – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Sep 2017

Reflections of a Humanist Psychotherapist on the Spiritual Autobiographies of Ghazali, Tolstoy and Jung

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Clarifying Gandhi: POTUS, Rutherford, and Gandhi on Moral Economics
P.K. Wiilley, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Sep 2017

The question of what constitutes a wonderful and advanced civilization is dependent upon Justice, which is buttressed by economics. All great philosopher-doers, concerned with the betterment of human life have recognized that the handling of the economic means for living life must be guided by ethics and morality for the good of all. Gandhi was no exception.

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Explainer: Why Do We Get Fungal Nail Infections and How Can We Treat Them?
Jackson Thomas, Julia K. Christenson, Sam Kosari and Gregory Peterson – The Conversation, 28 Aug 2017

About 10% of us (including 20% of people over 60 and 50% of people over 70) suffer from fungal nail infections. So why do we get them, and does it matter?

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Cultivating Community Economies
J.K. Gibson-Graham, Jenny Cameron, Kelly Dombroski, Stephen Healy and Ethan Miller | The Next System Project – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Apr 2017

Building on J.K. Gibson-Graham’s feminist critique of political economy, the CEC challenges two problematic aspects of how “the economy” is understood: seeing it as inevitably capitalist, and separating the economy from ecology. We understand the economy as comprised of diverse practices and as intimately intertwined with planetary ecosystem processes. In a complexly determined world there are multiple ways of enacting change; we are energized by possibilities that are afforded by this framing of economy.

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Dream Theme
Dr. S. K. Jha – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Feb 2017

It is not an easy task to delve deep into the unconscious level of the mind to explore about the phenomenon of dreaming except doing on armchair exercise. This author finds it impossible to adopt the experimental statistical method for exploring the theme of dream. He has this way collected some stark facts about the dream phenomenon. They are being enumerated and explained below.

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USA: It’s Going to Be a Wild Ride
Bruce K. Gagnon | Space4Peace – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jan 2017

This corporate takeover of the US government runs far deeper than Trump. He is not an aberration from the norm – Trump represents the norm in Washington. We are now ruled by Christian fundamentalism (the American Taliban), an economic expansion ideology that has no concern for the planet, and a military ethic that carries with it strong Puritan evangelical strains. Greatness only means domination – of everything.

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Why Our World Needs Peace Literacy
Paul K. Chappell, Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Feb 2016

Peace literacy is the next step in the development of our global civilization, because peace literacy is necessary in an interconnected world where the fate of every nation is tied to the fate of our planet. Because of the dangers posed by nuclear weapons, war, and environmental destruction, being preliterate in peace puts humanity and our planet at great risk. During an era when humanity has the technological capacity to destroy itself, peace literacy means survival literacy.

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Evolving to Earth Ethics: the Beginnings of Charlie Prewitt – Atom Bomb Chemist, to Educator, to Peace Maker
P.K. Willey, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Jan 2016

This first article on Dr. Prewitt restricts itself from childhood up to meeting his remarkable wife when he was just 18. In just a few years, he was to begin mandatory work for the US Government on the Manhattan Project, which contributed to the outrageous human, environmental, and political catastrophe of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan on August 9, 1945. Charlie’s outspoken Earth ethical responses to this horrific use of human intelligence and endeavor have continued to this day.

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How Our Naive Understanding of Violence Helps ISIS
Paul K. Chappell, PeaceVoice – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Dec 2015

During the era of the Internet revolution, it is naive to believe that we can use violence to defeat the ideologies that sustain terrorism. ISIS and Al Qaida are global movements, and with the Internet and social media, they can recruit people from all over the world, including people on American and European soil. And they only have to recruit a tiny amount of Americans and Europeans, initiate a single attack, and kill a few people to cause the huge overreactions that they want from their opponents.

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UN Releases War Crimes Report on Sri Lanka
K. Ratnayake, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Sep 2015

17 Sep 2015 – The nearly 300-page report declares that “serious war crimes” and “human right violations” were committed by the Sri Lankan military and the separatist Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam during the island’s 26-year war. Around 200,000 people, mainly members of the ethnic Tamil minority, were killed. An estimated 40,000 Tamil civilians trapped in the war zone were killed during the final months of the military offensive in 2009.

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Looking with Gandhi at Advancing Common Sense: The Necessity of Devotion, and the Role of Death
P.K. Willey, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Aug 2015

“Individual liberty is allowed to man only to a certain extent. He cannot forget that he is a social being and his liberty has to be curtailed at every step.” – Gandhi (Common Sense, the Social Aspect of Conscience)

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Greece: Only the “No” Can Save Europe
James K. Galbraith – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Jul 2015

The irony of the case is that the true hope – the only hope – for Europe lies in a “No” vote on Sunday, followed by renewed negotiations and a better deal. “Yes” is a vote for fear, against dignity and independence. Fear is powerful – but dignity and independence have a way of coming back.

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Evolution to Peace through the Penance of Speech: Gandhi in Speech and Silence
P.K. Willey, Ph.D. – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jun 2015

Communications have become global in a sense that was unimaginable 30 years ago. Along with this, the ethical use of speech appears to have become buried in the snowstorm of social licenses, given to us by an increasing socialized acceptance of the abuse of speech. What is the ethical use of speech?

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Fighting to Save Nature and Culture
Bruce K. Gagnon – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jun 2015

The fact that the US ignores the voices of 80% of the Okinawan people and plunges ahead with devastating base expansion indicates the obvious colonial status of the island people.

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Reading the Greek Deal Correctly
James K. Galbraith – Common Dreams, 2 Mar 2015

Alexis Tsipras stated it correctly. Greece won a battle and the war continues. But the political sea-change that SYRIZA’s victory has sparked goes on. Greece has already changed; there is a spirit and dignity in Athens that was not there six months ago. Soon enough, new fronts will open in Spain, then perhaps Ireland, and later Portugal, all of which have elections coming.

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An Open Letter to Arundhati Roy by an American
P.K. Willey Ph.D. - TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Jan 2015

I now see that a misinformed view of his thought and action has led you to misrepresent Gandhi unfairly to the public around the planet. Churchill said, “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” Thoughts are another type of food, and our food, both mental and physical, determines our health, as individuals and as a society.

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Workers Versus Owners (Again): The New Old Capitalism
John K. White - CounterPunch, 13 Oct 2014

It isn’t right that 400 people in the United States have more wealth than the GDP of all but six countries, including Canada, Brazil, and Italy.

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Child Trafficking Rampant in Underdeveloped Indian Villages
K. S. Harikrishnan, IPS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Sep 2014

“Many families are unable to afford the basic necessities of life, which forces parents to sell their children. Some children are abandoned by families who can’t take care of them. Some run away to escape abuse or unhappy homes. Gangsters and middlemen approach these vulnerable children.”

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Whales: Their Emerging Right to Life
Anthony D'Amato (with Sudhir K. Chopra) - American Journal of International Law, 19 May 2014

Writers of science fiction have often speculated about what it would be like to discover, on a planet in outer space, a much higher form of intelligence. How would we react to those creatures? Would we be so fearful of them that we would try to kill them? Or would we welcome the opportunity to attempt to understand their language and culture?

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What Is Boko Haram and Whence Did It Arise?
Gary K. Busch – Pambazuka News, 19 May 2014

The terrorist group Boko Haram is a vital element in the fight over state power by various political groups in Nigeria. Both Nigeria’s continued politics of corruption and the Al Qaeda link to Boko Haram point to a grim future of continued insecurity.

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Kapital for the Twenty-First Century?
James K. Galbraith – Dissent Magazine, 12 May 2014

Capital in the Twenty-First Century is a weighty book, replete with good information on the flows of income, transfers of wealth, and the distribution of financial resources. Piketty rightly argues that good economics must begin—or at least include—a meticulous examination of the facts.

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US Increases Pressure on Sri Lankan Government over War Crimes
K. Ratnayake, WSWS – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Feb 2014

US Assistant Secretary of State for Central and South Asia Nisha Desai Biswal announced in Colombo on Saturday [1 Feb 2014] that Washington will move another resolution—the third in three years—on Sri Lankan war crimes next month in the UN Human Rights Council.

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Fukushima Isn’t the Only Nuclear Plant Leaking Radioactive Water
John C.K. Daly – The Christian Science Monitor, 19 Aug 2013

Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant continues to leak contaminated water into the Pacific Ocean, but it’s not the only nuclear plant suffering from radioactive water issues. Taiwan’s First Nuclear Power Plant and the Plutonium Finishing Plant in Hanford, Wash., join Fukushima in grappling with leaking waste water.

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Waves of Resistance Never End at Nuclear Plant
K.S. Hari Krishnan – Inter Press Service-IPS, 11 Feb 2013

India, Feb 5 2013 – An indefinite struggle continues against the Kudankulam nuclear power plant in the southern Indian state Tamil Nadu despite a government crackdown on protests. Idinthakarai, in Tamil Nadu, has become the hub of a mass agitation which started on Aug. 16 in 2011. Hundreds of men, women and children from a group of 12 villages are leading a campaign to stall operation of the nuclear plant. The public agitation intensified after the disaster at the Fukushima nuclear plant in Japan.

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Villagers Wail Against Nuclear Power
K. S. Harikrishnan – Inter Press Service-IPS, 14 Jan 2013

Talking to IPS, anti-nuclear activist K. Sahadevan said, “Radioactivity-related health hazards are a major concern for the people residing near the plant,” referring to a survey of houses very near to the Rajasthan Atomic Power Station, which revealed a high prevalence of cancer and tumors. Dr. Binayak Sen, human rights activist and member of the Planning Commission’s Steering Committee on Health, said that the Kudankulam plant posed serious health consequences, not only for those residing in the immediate vicinity, but for inhabitants of the entire region.

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Emerging From the Shadows: US Covert Drone Strikes in 2012
Chris Woods, Jack Serle and Alice K. Ross – The Bureau of Investigative Journalism, 7 Jan 2013

In one of the biggest news stories of the year, in May [2012] the New York Times revealed that President Obama was personally deciding whether to kill some individuals. He ‘counts all military-age males in a strike zone as combatants, according to several administration officials, unless there is explicit intelligence posthumously proving them innocent.’ As the Bureau noted at the time, ‘The revelation helps explain the wide variation between credible reports of civilian deaths in Pakistan by the Bureau and others, and the CIA’s claims that it had killed no ‘non-combatants.’

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India: Children Treated as Lab Rats
K. S. Harikrishnan – Inter Press Service-IPS, 20 Aug 2012

Four-year-old Deepak Yadav, a mentally disabled boy, was being treated for stomach problems at a government hospital for children. But when repeated administration of the anti-ulcer drug Rabeprazole started to exacerbate his condition, his parents stopped treatment and sought help from the Clinical Trial Victims Association (CTVA), which discovered that the boy had been a lab rat for an untested drug. Deepak is now almost entirely reliant on his mother for survival. The family is poor, yet “doctors did not take any steps to get us compensation,” his father added.

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Escaping the Matrix
Richard K. Moore – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 May 2011

The defining moment in The Matrix occurs when Morpheus invites Neo to choose between a red and a blue pill. The red pill promises “the truth, nothing more.” Neo takes it and awakes to reality. What Neo had before assumed to be reality was only a collective illusion. The story is intended as metaphor, and the parallels that drew my attention had to do with political reality. Are you ready for the red pill?

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(Castellano) Escapar de la Matriz
Richard K. Moore – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 May 2011

El momento dramático definitivo en la película La Matriz ocurre inmediatamente a continuación de la invitación de Morfeo a que Neo escoja entre una píldora roja y una azul. La píldora roja promete “la verdad, nada más”. Neo toma la píldora roja y despierta a la realidad. Lo que Neo había antes tomado por la realidad resulta ser sólo una ilusión colectiva, inventada por la Matriz. La intención de la trama es metafórica, y el paralelo que atrajo mi atención tiene que ver con la realidad política.

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Why the ‘Experts’ Failed to See How Financial Fraud Collapsed the Economy
James K. Galbraith - AlterNet, 17 May 2010

I write to you from a disgraced profession. Economic theory, as widely taught since the 1980s, failed miserably to understand the forces behind the financial crisis.

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Channel Four TV (U.K.) – Global Research, 12 Apr 2010

For once, this documentary was an opportunity for the children of Gaza themselves to speak out and to tell their own stories instead of it being told on their behalf by propagandists with a vested interest in how these children are portrayed.

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Profs. Michael Ash and James K. Boyce – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Apr 2010

The Political Economy Research Institute released today [Mar 31 2010] a report identifying the  top 100 corporate air polluters, including  environmental justice report cards.Researchers at the Political Economy Research Institute (PERI) at the University of Massachusetts Amherst today released the Toxic 100 Air Polluters, an updated list of the top corporate air polluters in the […]

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William K. Black, Assoc. Professor, Univ. of Missouri, Kansas City, 16 Nov 2009

Finance’s Five Fatal FlawsWhat exactly is the function of the financial sector in our society? Simply this: Its sole function is supplying capital efficiently to aid the real economy. The financial sector is a tool to help those that make real tools, not an end in itself. But five fatal flaws in the financial sector’s […]

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Mohandas K. Gandhi, 17 Jul 2009

At the closing session of the Inter-Asian Relations Conference held on April 2, 1947 in New Delhi, Mahatma Gandhi spoke to over 20,000 visitors, delegates and observers. A speech highly relevant for today. Madam President and friends, I do not think that I should apologize to you, for having to speak in a foreign tongue. […]

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Bruce K. Gagnon, Coordinator, Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space, 22 Jun 2009

We lecture and threaten Iran and North Korea about the evils of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). But the US routinely tests our own WMD’s from Vandenberg Air Force Base in southern California. And there will soon be another "test firing" of a Minuteman III nuclear missile from that base. A protest is planned at the […]

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Rahul K. Parikh, M.D., in the USA, 28 Apr 2009

While the virus does reveal some novel traits, so far most symptoms are not out of the ordinary. With spring in high gear and summer just down the road, doctors thought we’d left another year’s influenza season in our collective rearview mirror. All of that changed late last week when the national Centers for Disease […]

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Bruce K. Gagnon, 21 Mar 2009

The new arms race in space is shaping up to be the largest industrial project in Earth’s history. To pay for this project, the aerospace industry has been lobbying Washington for a dedicated funding source. Budget allocations for missile defense — Star Wars — are only part of the huge sums of money redirected toward […]

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The global financial crisis could be entering a ‘new and more treacherous phase’, which could push international countries to the brink of failure and further hinder the global economic recovery, according to Hennessee Group. Charles Gradante, co-founder of the Hennessee Group, points out that Iceland had one of the highest standards of living in the […]

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