Articles by Kyoko Okumoto

We found 6 results.

Finding Our Values in Peacebuilding
Michaelina Jakala, Miho Taka, Kyoko Okumoto and Fathima Azmiya Badurdeen – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2024

16 May 2024 – Over the years and through varied experiences as peace researchers and practitioners, we have developed an interest in understanding what values (as well as ethics and morals) motivate us in our work and how these values can lead to or sabotage trust.

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Dilemmas around Making a “Safe Space” in Peacebuilding Training (Part Three)
Kyoko Okumoto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Feb 2024

When conducting peacebuilding training workshops, facilitators/trainers often encounter ethical dilemmas. How do values, ethics and trust interrelate each other in the peacebuilding training settings?

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Dilemmas around Making a “Safe Space” in Peacebuilding Training (Part Two)
Kyoko Okumoto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Feb 2024

19 Feb 2024 – When conducting peacebuilding training workshops, facilitators/trainers often encounter ethical dilemmas. How do values, ethics and trust interrelate each other in the peacebuilding training settings?

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Dilemmas Around Making a “Safe Space” in Peacebuilding Training (Part One)
Kyoko Okumoto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2024

How do values, ethics and trust interrelate each other in the peacebuilding training settings? Such a research theme was explored in a workshop called “Workshop on Values, Ethics, and Trust in a Peacebuilding Network.”

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The Arts-based Approach in Peace Work: Dynamic Peace and Dynamic Art (2016)
Kyoko Okumoto - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 May 2017

To understand the concept of peace within the context of action, this paper proposes a new definition, “dynamic peace” as opposed to “static peace.” The “actors” play the role of dynamic peace workers. Within this approach, “dynamic art” may be defined as “art that reveals and highlights conflict.” This arts-based approach is enriched by creative dialogue, and its actors become peace workers who are in essence “citizen artists.” The analysis is based on the methods and theories of Johan Galtung, and his TRANSCEND Theory is applied here to the relation between the arts and society.

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The First NARPI Summer Peace Training
Kyoko Okumoto – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Oct 2011

The Northeast Asia Regional Peacebuilding Institute (NARPI), as a civil society peacebuilding group representing voices from throughout Northeast Asia, was born out of the following idea. In this region where the Cold War still remains, there is a critical need for the implementation of measures which will prevent future military action and loss, and for peaceful resolution for historical and political conflict.

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