Articles by Laura Musikanski

We found 2 results.

The Happiness Initiative: The Serious Business of Well-Being
Laura Musikanski & John de Graaf – The Solutions Journal, 4 Mar 2013

Happiness: is it just a fad of the day or the wave of the future? On July 19th, 2011, the United Nations (UN) passed a resolution urging governments across the globe to start measuring happiness and well-being “with a view to guiding public policy.” The UN recognizes that gross domestic product (GDP) is an insufficient guide for safeguarding the well-being of people or our future.

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The UN Embraces the Economics of Happiness
Laura Musikanski – YES! Magazine, 16 Apr 2012

Imagine a world where the metric that guides our decisions is not money, but happiness. That is the future that 650 political, academic, and civic leaders from around the world want. Encouraged by the government of Bhutan, the United Nations held a High Level Meeting on 2 Apr ,2012 for Wellbeing and Happiness: Defining a New Economic Paradigm. The meeting marks the launch of a global movement to shift our focus away from measuring and promoting economic growth as a goal in its own right, and toward the goal of measuring—and increasing—human happiness and quality of life.

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