Articles by Lawrence Davidson

We found 15 results.

Israel Descends into Barbarism
Lawrence Davidson | To The Point Analysis - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2024

13 May 2024 – Unless you are the victim of a moral narrow-mindedness, it should be obvious to you that Israel has descended into barbarism because cruel, murderous, and otherwise criminal behavior has become state policy in Israel. Let’s review the signs of this meltdown.

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Is Israel Bad for the Jews?
Lawrence Davidson – Consortium News, 8 Sep 2014

Let’s recall that Israel’s reason for being was to give Jews shelter from the ravages of anti-Semitism. Indeed, with but very few exceptions, it is hard to imagine anywhere less safe for Jews than present-day Israel. And, there is growing evidence that Israeli behavior is a major source of today’s increasing anti-Semitism.

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Israel’s Losing Narrative
Lawrence Davidson – Consortium News, 4 Aug 2014

The Israel government still has most U.S. politicians and pundits under its thumb, but the Zionist narrative – excusing the latest slaughter of Palestinians – is losing the hearts and minds of millions of others around the world.

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Reasons for Intellectual Conformity
Lawrence Davidson – Consortium News, 26 May 2014

Indeed, from a historical perspective most people of high intellect have sought to serve power and not critique or question it. This is quite in line with the fact that most non-intellectuals accept the word of those in power as authoritative and true.

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Tolerating Israel’s Land Grabs
Lawrence Davidson – Consortium News, 28 Apr 2014

Secretary of State John Kerry’s Israeli-Palestinian peace talks have reached their predictable collapse, but the U.S. news media still shies away from blaming Israeli intransigence and expansionism – nor advocating stern action against the land grabs.

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The Conundrum of ‘Democratic’ Coups
Lawrence Davidson – Consortium News, 10 Mar 2014

The U.S. government says it wants to spread “democracy,” a questionable claim considering the history. Think Iran-1953, Guatemala-1954, Chile-1973, Haiti-1991/2004, etc. Just this past year, the U.S. has embraced coups against elected presidents in Egypt and now Ukraine.

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Perspectives on the Surveillance Scandal
Lawrence Davidson, Ph.D, Brave New World – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jun 2013

The existence of men like Manning, Snowden and a handful of others demonstrates that there are employees of the government who have a superior sense of morality as well as the courage to act on their principles. However, the numbers are very small and they are invariably considered as dangerous mistakes within the system. What of the rest of the government’s personnel?

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The Holy Land Gets Skunked
Lawrence Davidson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Apr 2013

Something Is Rotten in the State of Israel – Sooner or later everyone possessing a humane conscience, to say nothing of a functioning honest nose, will refuse to have anything to do with this “apartheid-like” state.

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Capitalism and the Spy Market
Lawrence Davidson – To the Point Analysis, 28 Nov 2011

It was certainly appropriate that the Wall Street Journal (WSJ), the mouthpiece of capitalist ideology, should publish an expose on “a new global market for off-the-shelf surveillance technology…” Entitled “The Surveillance Catalog” and referencing some “200 plus marketing documents” from companies worldwide, the WSJ story lays out an array of tools designed to rob every person on planet of their privacy.

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On Flotillas and the Law
Lawrence Davidson - Reader Supported News, 11 Jul 2011

Civil Society Movements vs. Corrupt Politics – Most of us are unaware of the potential of organized civil society because we have resigned the public sphere to professional politicians and bureaucrats and retreated into a private sphere of everyday life, which we see as separate from politics. This is a serious mistake. Politics shapes our lives whether we pay attention to it or not. By ignoring it we allow the power of the state to respond not so much to the citizenry as to special interests.

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The Grievous Return of Henry Kissinger
Prof. Lawrence Davidson – To The Point Analyses, 14 Mar 2011

The gods protect us, Henry Kissinger is back!.. The real Henry Kissinger… borders on being a war criminal. That should tell us what his advice is really worth. President Obama would be a fool to listen to a man whose blood stained career should have long ago come to an ignoble end.

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Tunisia and Egypt: Why Now?
Lawrence Davidson – Information Clearing House, 7 Feb 2011

For a very long time now the U.S. has put its money on the dictators. Washington has bought both them and their armies so as to have the leverage to economically exploit their countries and dictate their foreign policies. We officially call this arrangement “stability.”

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A Case of Decency Deficit – An Analysis
Professor Lawrence Davidson - ICH, 23 Aug 2010

Many Israelis are convinced that the Palestinians are barbarians, “beasts walking on two legs,” who want to “push the Jews into the sea.” The answer to this alleged threat is to convince the Palestinians that they are “a defeated people.”

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Omar Khadr, Bradley Manning and Our National Psyche
Lawrence Davidson - Reader Supported News, 16 Aug 2010

At present there are two men sitting in prison who have never met but are nonetheless intimately connected. One is 23-year-old Omar Khadr, a Canadian citizen who was with a group of Afghan resistance fighters attacked by US troops in 2002 (when he was 15). The second is PFC Bradley Manning, the man who blew the whistle on the barbaric tactics used by the US in both Iraq and Afghanistan. It is their different forms of resistance to a war sold to the US public as “necessary” and defensive that binds their fate.

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The National Interest Has Gone Missing
Lawrence Davidson – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jul 2010

It does not take a genius to observe that the pursuit of national interests, defined in common sense terms, would have led to very different behavior by the U.S. and Israeli governments. But both failed to pursue such a course. Their doors remained locked. The question why is a seminal one. It touches on war and peace and thus the lives of millions. So let’s look at some of the factors that might go into an answer to this question–why was national interest not pursued?

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