Articles by Libera

We found 19 results.

O Holy Night (Music Video of the Week)
Libera - TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Dec 2023

Merry Christmas!

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Colonialist Injustice: The Pardoning of the Blackwater Killers
Richard Becker | Liberation News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jan 2021

27 Dec 2020 – Along with a motley collection of wealthy swindlers and fraudsters, President Donald Trump on Dec. 22 pardoned four former Blackwater private contractors (mercenaries) convicted in the infamous 16 Sep 2007 massacre in Baghdad. Seventeen Iraqis were killed and 14 seriously wounded in an unprovoked attack by the four including two boys, 9 and 11 years of age, and a woman burned alive in her car.

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O Holy Night (Music Video of the Week)
Libera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Dec 2016

The Voice of the Soul–Beauty Transcending Religion – Libera is an all-boy English vocal group. As their recordings and performances demonstrate, the music these boys produce is extraordinary–truly sounds to lift the soul. The singers are aged seven to sixteen, attend different local schools in South London and come from a variety of backgrounds.

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(Français) La défense des Stups part en fumée
Emmanuel Fansten — Libération, 13 Jun 2016

Après nos révélations sur les méthodes de l’ex-patron de la lutte antidrogue, la hiérarchie policière a tenté de minimiser. Les nouveaux éléments que nous dévoilons attestent pourtant de l’existence d’un trafic contrôlé en haut lieu.

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(Français) Terrorisme – «Culture de l’excuse»  : les sociologues répondent à Valls
Sonya Faure , Cécile Daumas et Anastasia Vécrin — Libération, 25 Jan 2016

«Expliquer le jihadisme, c’est déjà vouloir un peu excuser.» Samedi [9 jan], le Premier ministre a exprimé, une nouvelle fois, sa défiance envers l’analyse sociale et culturelle de la violence terroriste. Une accusation qui passe mal auprès des intellectuels.

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(Français) Pour une Europe ouverte
Thomas Piketty – Liberation, 21 Sep 2015

Le drame des réfugiés est l’occasion pour les Européens de relancer l’économie du continent. L’attitude de l’Allemagne en fait un modèle à suivre.

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Reich and the Myth of a Moral Capitalism
Richard Becker - Liberation, 14 Sep 2015

6 Sep 2015 – In a Sept. 5 blog, former Secretary of Labor and liberal commentator Robert Reich, asks, “What Happened to the Moral Center of American Capitalism?” It’s not satire. The only way to put an end to capitalist excesses is to put an end to the system itself.

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Silent Night (Music Video of the Week)
Libera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Dec 2013

The boys who make up the vocal band Libera have been described as “normal” and “ordinary”. However, as their recordings and performances demonstrate, the music they produce is truly extraordinary. These are truly sounds to lift the soul. The singers are aged seven to sixteen, attend different local schools in South London and come from a variety of backgrounds.

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O Holy Night (Music Video of the Week)
Libera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Dec 2013

The boys who make up the vocal band Libera have been described as “normal” and “ordinary”. However, as their recordings and performances demonstrate, the music they produce is truly extraordinary. These are truly sounds to lift the soul. The singers are aged seven to sixteen, attend different local schools in South London and come from a variety of backgrounds. Although they are boys and they sing, they do not think of themselves as choirboys, but rather as an alternative kind of boy band.

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Dismembering the Arab World
Makram Khoury-Machool – deLiberation, 6 Aug 2012

The behaviour of the NATO-aligned, anti-Syrian bloc is now blatant enough for us to better understand what is happening in Syria. The Qataris and Saudis give financial support to the ‘rebels’ for weapons, payments to fighters and mercenaries, and logistical oversight of attacks on Syria. All of this is in addition to their support with telecommunication services, combat tactics, and strategic military advice. Unsurprisingly, the Western military advisors, who operate for the armed groups behind the scenes, do not feature in any media outlets.

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(French) LIBOR: Le Drapeau Rouge Flotte Sur Bruxelles…
Liberation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jul 2012

« De vrais salauds ! », s’exclame ce haut fonctionnaire européen qui n’en revient toujours pas. Cinq ans après l’éclatement de la bulle des « subprimes » américaines, quatre ans après l’explosion des bulles immobilières irlandaises et espagnoles, trois ans après le début des attaques spéculatives contre la zone euro, la Commission croyait que les banques ne pourraient plus la surprendre. Loupé!

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Tony Blair & George Bush Convicted War Criminals
Lauren Booth - deLiberation, 21 May 2012

Victory in Kuala Lumpur but No Cigars in Guantanamo – Billed as a ‘court of conscience,’ the Kuala Lumpur War crimes tribunal proved to be a gathering of sharp, knowledgeable and equally kind hearted, talents from the legal and human rights world.

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Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal Day 1
Lauren Booth - deLiberation, 14 May 2012

When authority entrusted to further truth and justice betrays that trust, two options remain: one is to throw up your hands in despair and resignation; the other is to reclaim that power and to hold authority accountable. This is the statement of intent from the Kuala Lumpur Foundation to Criminalise War on the first day of its proceedings against former US President George Bush and 11 members of his regime. Over the next five days, the Tribunal will hear from victims of US torture in both Iraq and Guantanamo Bay.

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(Castellano) México DF Abole las Corridas de Toros
Asociación Animalista Libera – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Mar 2012

Tenemos el placer de informaros de que hace apenas unos minutos, la Comisión de Administración Pública del Distrito Federal (México) acaba de aprobar la iniciativa para abolir las corridas de toros, ciudad donde se encuentra la plaza más grande del mundo.

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(French) «En Afrique, les Homosexuels Sont des Boucs Emissaires»
Quentin Girard – Libération, 16 May 2011

Au Cameroun, mon pays, ou au Sénégal, des arrestations d’homosexuels ou de personnes soupçonnées telles ont lieu très régulièrement. Le profil des individus interpellés est presque toujours le même: ce sont toujours des personnes pauvres, d’un niveau d’éducation faible, souvent sans emploi. Est-ce que cela veut dire qu’il n’y a pas d’homosexuels chez les riches? Évidemment non. Cela signifie surtout que les pauvres sont instrumentalisés à des fins politiques. Si les gens protestent contre la famine, la mauvaise gouvernance, les abus, on leur livre des homosexuels.

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(Italian) Lumumba, l’africano che guardava a Rousseau
Daniele Barbieri – LiberAzione, 24 Jan 2011

Ci sono voluti 42 anni perchè il Belgio riconoscesse che dietro l’assassinio di Patrice Lumumba c’erano «alcuni membri del governo di allora». Il 17 gennaio sono 50 anni esatti dalla sua morte. Sarà ricordato in molte città (una porta oggi il suo nome: Lumumbashi) del Congo come in altre parti dell’Africa. La sua storia ha molto da dirci anche oggi perchè il colonialismo e il saccheggio del Terzo Mondo non sono mai cessati, hanno solo mutato volto e metodi…. Frantz Fanon, un grande intellettuale caraibico di nascita e algerino di elezione, aveva scritto: «se l’Africa fosse raffigurata come una pistola, il grilletto si troverebbe in Congo». Una profezia che si è avverata per Lumumba e continua a pesare anche dopo 50 anni.

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Thomas Piketty - Libération, 5 Mar 2010

So BNP Paribas, the largest French and European bank, has just announced 8 billion euros of profit for 2009, tying its 2007 record. Some are already crowing: after all, isn’t it better to have healthy rather than failing banks? Certainly. However, it is well worth the attempt to understand where these profits come from. The […]

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Thomas Piketty - Libération, 5 Mar 2010

Ainsi donc BNP Paribas, première banque française et européenne, vient d’annoncer 8 milliards d’euros de bénéfices pour l’année 2009, renouant avec son record de 2007. Certains poussent déjà des cocoricos : après tout, n’est-il pas préférable d’avoir des banques bien portantes plutôt qu’en faillite ? Certes. Mais il n’est pas inutile de tenter de comprendre […]

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Jenny Kakasuleff, Liberal Examiner, 16 Jul 2009

If you thought the end of American intervention in foreign wars was nearing, think again. President Obama has been replacing soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan with private contractors—some 250,000 are currently deployed overseas—including Black Water (operating under another alias.) Contractors are not subject to the same guidelines as our soldiers, and thus, have not been […]

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