Articles by MJ Rosenberg

We found 11 results.

Setting Aside Your Humanity to Cheer “Team Israel”
MJ Rosenberg – Tikkun Daily, 28 Jul 2014

3000 years and it’s come to this. Go Blue (and White). If you defend this war, you are defending atrocities because, when it comes to Israel, you suspend all moral judgement. Fine. Just don’t think you are fooling anyone.

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It’s Time to Reconsider US Policies That Create Terrorism
MJ Rosenberg – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2013

There is one change that the US could make in response to terrorism: the part U.S. policies play in creating and sustaining it. We are not supposed to say this, as if discussing why we are hated justifies the targeting of Americans because of their government. But the fact that nothing justifies terrorism does not mean that nothing causes it. Terrorists (in this case Muslim terrorists) target the US because they perceive us as their enemy. And with good reason.

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The Times Eviscerates the Occupation
MJ Rosenberg – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2013

On Sunday [17 Mar 2013], the New York Times ran an extraordinary magazine piece (it was the cover story) on West Bank Palestinians who are resisting the Israeli occupation through non-violence. For those who follow the issue closely, the extraordinary aspect of the piece was not so much anything author Ben Ehreneich revealed as it was that the article appeared in the New York Times at all.

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The Anguish of Being a Jew Now
MJ Rosenberg – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Nov 2012

In losing the Israel I grew up on, I feel like a wonderful friend has died. I know all about the Nakba and will not deny it or argue about it. But maybe a new friend will take its place. Maybe this war, and the fact that Israel must see that it can never win this way, will lead to a different Israel. The 7 million Israelis aren’t going away. The Palestinians, who never left, are certainly not going away, either. Neither people will get everything it wants. But each can get what it needs.

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Is Israel Suicidal?
MJ Rosenberg – Political Correction, 16 Jan 2012

A man wrote me the other day to complain about something I had written regarding my belief that Israel has every right to exist in peace and security. He responded that Israel should not exist, asserting that Israel is simply a Western colony implanted in the Middle East that is as “authentic as white Rhodesia” was.

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One Invented Nation or Two
MJ Rosenberg – Political Correction, 26 Dec 2011

Newt Gingrich’s controversial statement begs the question: Who invented a nationality? The Palestinians or the Israelis?

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MJ Rosenberg – Political Correction, 7 Nov 2011

The Obama Administration says there will be further cutoffs if other UN agencies follow suit in recognizing Palestine. It was bound to happen sooner or later. At some point, both the president and Congress would be faced with a clear choice between US national interests and the demands made by Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his powerful Washington lobby.

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Palestinian Papers: What the Al Jazeera Blockbuster Means
MJ Rosenberg, PoliticalCorrection – Media Matters Action Network, 31 Jan 2011

Al Jazeera’s stunning revelations about Israeli-Palestinian negotiations have different meanings for Israelis, Americans and for Palestinians. The bottom line is that despite the assurances it gave to the Palestinian people that it was driving a hard bargain with the Israelis, the Palestinian Authority accepted Israel’s position on every key point: borders, Jerusalem, settlements, refugees.

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US Should Recognise Palestine
MJ Rosenberg – Al Jazeera, 24 Jan 2011

If the US is serious about peace, it should follow the current trend and recognise Palestinian statehood in 2011.

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US House Passes Anti-Palestine Bill
MJ Rosenberg – Al Jazeera, 20 Dec 2010

Congressman Howard Berman (D-CA), chair of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, rushed to the House floor with a resolution drafted by the American Israel Public Affairs Committee [AIPAC] condemning the Palestinians for publicly suggesting that, in the wake of Netanyahu’s refusal to freeze settlements and negotiate, they will consider a unilateral declaration of statehood. Congress passed the Berman bill, drafted only this week, on Wednesday [15 Dec 2010]. When it comes to pleasing AIPAC, there are simply no limits.

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AIPAC: Fighting for Survival
MJ Rosenberg – Al Jazeera, 22 Nov 2010

The latest Aipac (American Israel Public Affairs Committee) scandal has not found its way into the mainstream media, although the Jewish media has done a great job in highlighting this very explosive story. (LATE UPDATE: The Washington Post is now reporting on the story.) The good news is that it does not much matter whether the New York Times runs the story or not. The Rosen vs. Aipac case is grinding its way through the courts and could well destroy the lobby without ever making its way on to the front page. Aipac is under siege, and is spending millions to stay alive. But that will not be easy – even if Steve Rosen ultimately accepts a payoff from the organisation and refrains from telling what he knows.

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