Articles by Mantoe Phakathi

We found 2 results.

Swazi Village Tastes Sweet Success with Sugarcane
Mantoe Phakathi – TerraViva Europe, 2 May 2011

The previously impoverished community of Malibeni, previously ravaged by drought, is bustling with farmers who have transformed the area into a bread basket. Lush green fields of sugarcane and vegetables have replaced an expanse of dry shrubs near this community in northeastern Swaziland.

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Africa: Food Versus Biofuels Debate Continues
Mantoe Phakathi – Inter Press Service-IPS, 6 Dec 2010

“We’re going to Cancún no better off than we were in Copenhagen,” said Thuli Makama, the director of Friends of the Earth Swaziland, as she prepared to leave for the climate negotiations in Mexico. She feels industrialised countries are promoting the production and use of biofuels to fulfill their energy needs, but this will leave more people in the developing world without food. “We face the danger of growing food for the machines instead of our stomachs,” Makama told IPS. Swaziland faces serious shortages of food, with 170,000 of its million-strong population in need of food aid this year.

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