Articles by Michael Schaeffer Omer-Man

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Israel Spraying Herbicides inside Gaza Violates Int’l Law, Rights Groups Say
Michael Schaeffer Omer-Man | +972 Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jan 2019

9 Jan 2019 – The Israeli army is continuing to spray dangerous herbicides on agricultural fields inside the Gaza Strip, three years since +972 Magazine first reported on the practice. This week, three Palestinian and Israeli human rights groups sent a letter to Israeli military officials demanding they immediately cease spraying the dangerous chemicals into Gaza.

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U.S. Joins the Chorus of Countries Taking Steps to Distinguish between Israel and Its Illegal Settlements
Michael Schaeffer Omer-Man - +972 Magazine, 8 Feb 2016

The end of normalcy for Israeli settlements? Stricter trade guidelines, harsher rhetoric and corporate responsibility campaigns all send a clear message: Israel’s closest allies are no longer willing to passively accept the occupation, and the only consensus on settlements is that they are illegal.

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Segregating the Evening Commute to the West Bank
Michael Schaeffer Omer-Man - +972 Magazine, 3 Nov 2014

It’s not really segregation. Not on paper at least. Or at least the paper doesn’t use the word “segregation.” In practice, however, people of one national origin will not be allowed to ride on the same bus lines as people of another national origin — for the benefit and at the request of one group, at the expense and against the desires of the other. Call that what you will.

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