Articles by Michelle Chen

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In Gaza, the Genocide Convention Has Been ‘Bent to the Will of Powerful States’
Michelle Chen | The Progressive – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2024

8 May 2024 – An Interview with Maung Zarni, a member of the TRANSCEND Network, activist and human rights scholar from Myanmar who founded the Free Burma Coalition. In 2024, Zarni was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize by Nobel laureate Mairead Corrigan Maguire for his work with the Rohingya in Myanmar.

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Why Is the 2022 World Cup Being Held in a Country That Practices Modern-Day Slavery?
Michelle Chen – The Nation, 28 Jul 2014

Even when migrant contract workers lose their jobs, they may end up stranded indefinitely if their employer does not give permission for them to return home. Workers who run away or are “abandoned” by their bosses might wind up homeless, unemployable and trapped on foreign soil.

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White House Says Child Soldiers Are OK, If They Fight Terrorists
Michelle Chen – ColorLines, 19 Mar 2012

The phenomenon of child soldiers, like genocide, slavery and torture, seems like one of those crimes that no nation could legitimately defend. Yet the Obama administration decided to leave kids stranded on the world’s bloodiest battlegrounds. It issued a presidential memorandum granting waivers from the Child Soldiers Prevention Act to Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan and Yemen, citing that “it is in our national interest.”

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Do Western Strikes in Libya Betray Peaceful Revolt Everywhere?
Michelle Chen – Colorlines, 11 Apr 2011

Is the Arab Spring already coming to an end? The foreign intervention in the rebellion in Libya has clouded the rosy vision of nonviolent, youth-led uprisings that had enchanted activists around the world. Will the surge of grassroots pro-democracy solidarity hit a dead end in the streets of Tripoli, as a nebulous armed insurrection aligns with U.S. and European forces?

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White House Says Child Soldiers Are OK, if They Fight Terrorists
Michelle Chen – ColorLines, 22 Nov 2010

The administration stunned human rights groups last month by sidestepping a commitment to help countries curb the military exploitation of children. Josh Rogin at Foreign Policy reported that President Obama issued a presidential memorandum granting waivers from the Child Soldiers Prevention Act to four countries: Chad, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Sudan and Yemen. The memo instructed Secretary of State Hilary Clinton that it is in our “national interest” to continue extending military aid to those countries, despite their failure to comply with the rules Congress passed and George W. Bush signed in 2008.

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