Articles by Middle East Eye

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Genocide on Gaza: Did We Learn Nothing from the Srebrenica Genocide?
Nadina Ronc | Middle East Eye - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jul 2024

11 Jul 2024 – The Srebrenica Memorial Center conceals a horrific history. Here lie the remains of Bosnian Muslims brutally murdered in Jul 1995 under the command of the now-convicted Serbian war criminal General Ratko Mladic. This tragic legacy must serve as a call to action to shape a more compassionate world that does not stand by as Israel annihilates the Palestinians.

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Genocide on Gaza: Hunger ‘Worse Than Bombings’ for Starving Palestinians–Mostly Children
Lubna Masarwa and Rayhan Uddin | Middle East Eye - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jul 2024

25 Jun 2024 – Food is scarce, spoilt and often non-existent in besieged enclave, leaving people dizzy and weak.

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Israel Committed Crime of ‘Extermination’ in Gaza, Says UN Investigation
Middle East Eye - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jul 2024

12 Jun 2024 – Israel is guilty of a committing the crime of “extermination” in Gaza, as well as the crimes of sexual violence, torture, and starvation as a weapon of war, along with other war crimes and crimes against humanity, UN investigators have found.

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Why Academic Scholarship on Israel and Palestine Threatens Western Elites
Joseph Massad | Middle East Eye - TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Jun 2024

18 Jun 2024 – No institution in the liberal West is safe from pro-Israel repression, especially universities whose knowledge production has dismantled the official consensus. The gap is most apparent in the US but also in the UK and France.

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Emergency London Conference to Stop Genocide in Gaza
Richard Falk | Middle East Eye - TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Feb 2024

27 Jan 2024 – Prof. Richard Falk Discusses ICJ Ruling and Implications for Israel

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Names Released of 7,028 Palestinians Killed after Biden Questions Death Toll
Middle East Eye - TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Oct 2023

26 Oct 2023 – Health ministry says US administration ‘devoid of human standards and morals’ for ‘shamelessly’ questioning validity of figures.

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Israel’s Assault on Palestinian NGOs Is Shutting off Access to International Community
Umar Farooq | Middle East Eye - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Aug 2022

23 Aug 2022 – Experts say that Israel’s recent assault with overnight raids on Palestinian NGOs and closure of six Palestinian civil society groups will further block ties to international institutions from which they receive most of their funding. To what extent these groups will be able to continue operating with the outside world?

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Israeli Anti-Torture Body Refers Israel to International Criminal Court
Lubna Masarwa | Middle East Eye – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Jun 2022

10 Jun 2022 – The Public Committee Against Torture in Israel has referred its own country to the International Criminal Court upon concluding that, after 30 years, Israel is “not interested and unable to stop the use of torture and abuse against Palestinians”.

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Clashes, Scuffles, Conflict – Western Media’s Euphemisms for Israel’s Brutal Violence in Sheikh Jarrah
Belen Fernandez | Middle East Eye - TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 May 2021

10 May 2021 – Let’s imagine some creative wartime reporting: “On April 26, 1937, the inhabitants of the Basque town of Guernica ‘clashed’ with German warplanes dropping high explosives and incendiary bombs. The town was pulverised in the course of the ‘scuffle’, and up to 1600 people perished”.

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Six Days in Fallujah: Another Video Game That Refuses to Question US Militarism?
Emad Ahmed | Middle East Eye - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Mar 2021

26 Mar 2021 – First announced in 2009 before being dropped, the Konami video game offering serves as a perfect mixture of ignorance and imperialist propaganda.

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Tens of Thousands of Palestinians Protest against Israeli Police Violence and Inaction
Mustafa Abu Sneinehj and Lubna Masarwa | Middle East Eye - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Mar 2021

8 Mar 2021 – Demonstration Held on Eighth Friday in a Row Said to Be the Largest in 20 Years – Furious over police violence and inaction in the face of armed gang violence, tens of thousands of Palestinian citizens of Israel protested in the town of Umm al-Fahem on Friday [5 Mar], demanding security and accountability.

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Israel Bombs Gaza for Fourth Week despite Mediation
Middle East Eye - TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2020

28 Aug 2020 – Israeli aircraft and tanks launched raids against Gaza early today. Israel has maintained a crippling blockade of the Gaza Strip since 2007, which critics say amounts to collective punishment of the enclave’s two million residents. Egypt also upholds the siege, restricting movement in and out of Gaza on its border. The United Nations has long warned that Gaza would become unlivable by 2020 if the siege wasn’t lifted.

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Deconstructing the Deal: A Breakdown of Trump’s Plan
Chloé Benoist, Mohamed Hassan and Daniel Hilton | Middle East Eye – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Feb 2020

29 Jan 2020 – After a two-year wait for Donald Trump’s Middle East plan to address the Israel-Palestine conflict – framed by the businessman-turned-president as a deal – we now know what it contains. What is proposed exactly and what remains unclear?

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Why I Was Refused Entry to Cover UK Arms Fair
Ian Cobain – Middle East Eye, 16 Sep 2019

On Tuesday [10 Sep], I watched as thousands of people streamed towards a 100-acre conference centre in east London, flashed their passes to the security guards at the gates, and strolled inside. Never before in my career have I been banned from attending an event to which other journalists have been admitted.

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How the West’s War in Libya Has Spurred Terrorism in 14 Countries
Mark Curtis – Middle East Eye, 13 May 2019

3 May 2019 – The true extent of the fall-out from the Libya war is remarkable: it has spurred terrorism in Europe, Syria, North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa.

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Flood-Hit Iran Getting No Financial Aid from Abroad Because of US Sanctions
Middle East Eye – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Apr 2019

7 Apr 2019 – US sanctions have prevented the Iranian Red Crescent from obtaining foreign financial aid to assist victims of flooding that has killed at least 70 people and inundated some 1,900 communities, the group said on Sunday.

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Detained Journalist for Iran’s Press TV to Appear in US Court: Report
Middle East Eye – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jan 2019

18 Jan 2019 – Press TV says US-born Marziyeh Hashemi was detained by the FBI on unspecified charges and is due to appear in a Washington court today.

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US Shutting Down Consulate for Palestinians in Jerusalem
Middle East Eye – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Oct 2018

18 Oct 2018 – The United States has decided to close its consulate for Palestinians in Jerusalem, the State Department announced today, potentially further downgrading relations between the US and the Palestinian government. US claims concerns for ‘efficiency’ but is accused of further siding with Israelis.

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Why Do They Hate Us? How the West Creates Its Own Enemies
Marco Carnelos | Middle East Eye – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Sep 2018

From ancient Greece onward, the West has used the Eastern other as an enemy through which to identify itself.

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Gaza Killings: Names and Faces of Those Killed by Israeli Forces This Week
Middle East Eye – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 May 2018

Eight-month-old Laila is youngest Palestinian killed in Gaza on Monday 14 May, the deadliest day since 2014 war. As of Tuesday afternoon, the Gaza Ministry of Health released the names of 59 Palestinians killed:

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Roger Waters Rocks On as Film Targets Him for Palestine Advocacy
Hadani Ditmars | Middle East Eye – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Oct 2017

A documentary accusing the veteran rock star of anti-Semitism is part of a smear campaign discrediting the BDS movement, say activists.

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(Français) À Gaza, Israël fait des expérimentations sur des humains en situation de stress et de privations
Gidéon Lévy – Middle East Eye, 10 Jul 2017

Qu’arrive-t-il à deux millions d’êtres humains privés d’électricité presque tout le temps, de nuit comme de jour ? C’est ce qu’expérimente Gaza.

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France Seizes Huge Shipments of ‘Jihadi Drug’ Captagon
Middle East Eye – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Jun 2017

Customs officials say one 70kg haul of drug, used extensively by fighters in the Syrian war, was bound for Saudi Arabia. Captagon, a type of amphetamine, is one of the most commonly used drugs among terrorists fighting the Syrian government.

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The Bait-and-Switch ‘War on Terror’
Gareth Porter | Middle East Eye – Consortium News, 24 Apr 2017

22 Apr 2017 – New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman outraged many readers when he wrote an opinion piece on April 12 calling on President Trump to ”back off fighting territorial ISIS in Syria.” The U.S. “war on terror” has always been a bait-and-switch scam on the American people, with Washington putting the desires of its Mideast allies ahead of defeating Al Qaeda and ISIS.

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Blackwater Founder Claims Private Security Is the Answer to Save Europe from Refugee Crisis
Belen Fernandez | Middle East Eye – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2017

Erik Prince, the former CEO of the firm responsible for opening fire on Iraqi civilians, has the militarised solution to Europe’s migrant problem.

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Scottish Football Fans Fly Flag of Palestine in Match against Israeli Team
Middle East Eye Staff – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Aug 2016

17 Aug 2016 – Hundreds of fans at a football match between Glasgow Celtic and Israeli side Hapoel Beer Sheva turned whole sections of the stadium into a sea of Palestinian flags in a protest against the Israeli occupation, ignoring an official ban on political demonstrations.

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The Children Are in Danger: Welcome to the ‘Kids Guantanamo’ of Egypt
Noor El-Terk – Middle East Eye, 22 Aug 2016

Electrocuted, whipped, beaten on his face, jumped on his back; the list of horrors is unending as his father fights to keep tears out of his voice. “My son was born in Japan you know, I wrote to the Japanese ambassador, if [sending him to Japan] is what it takes to keep him safe, I’ll give him up. Japan can take him as one of their own – the children here are in danger. All my son will know from this country is its dungeons. He’s seen more than what any 15-year-old should see.”

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(Italiano) “I ragazzi sono in pericolo”: Benvenuti nella Guantanamo dei bambini
Noor el-Terk – Middle East Eye, 8 Aug 2016

“Stiamo vivendo l’impossibile, l’impensabile,” mi dice il padre di Mohamed Imad, quindici anni. Lo hanno sottoposto a elettro-shock, colpito in faccia, frustato, gli sono saltati sulla schiena: la lista degli orrori è infinita, suo padre a stento trattiene le lacrime. “Sapete, mio figlio è nato in Giappone. Ho scritto all’ambasciatore giapponese, ho chiesto se mandarlo in Giappone può servire a tenerlo al sicuro. Sarei disposto a rinunciare a mio figlio, il Giappone può prenderselo come uno dei suoi. I bambini qui sono in pericolo.”

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Nice, Munich and the Terrorism of the West
Belen Fernandez – Middle East Eye, 1 Aug 2016

If you happen to exist in the vicinity of Arab/Muslim formations, you’re legitimate collateral damage – and you don’t stand a chance of being humanised post-mortem in the fashion of the Nice victims. Eighty-four lives lost in Nice is an atrocity of extreme proportions, no doubt. But what of the estimated half a million Iraqi children wiped out via US sanctions in the 1990s, before we even got down to serious business via the war on terror?

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(Français) Les enfants sont en danger : bienvenue au Guantanamo « pour enfants » d’Égypte
Noor El-Terk – Middle East Eye, 1 Aug 2016

Électrocuté, fouetté, frappé au visage, au dos… ; la liste des horreurs que son père, luttant pour que sa voix ne tremble pas, me raconte, est sans fin. « Mon fils est né au Japon, vous savez, j’ai écrit à l’ambassadeur japonais, si [l’envoyer au Japon] est ce qu’il faut faire pour le mettre à l’abri, je renoncerai à lui. Le Japon peut le prendre comme l’un des siens – les enfants ici sont en danger. Tout ce que mon fils connaîtra de ce pays, ceux sont ses cachots. Il a vu plus que tout adolescent de 15 ans devrait avoir vu. »

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How an iPhone Defeated the Tanks
David Hearst – Middle East Eye, 1 Aug 2016

Turkey’s reaction last night [15 Jul] was that of a mature democracy. The West’s was that of corrupted democracy tainted by its support of autocracy.

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Terror, Climate Chaos, Financial Crisis Are the Costs of ‘Doing Business’
Nafeez Ahmed – Middle East Eye, 28 Dec 2015

The techno-narcissism of predatory neoliberal capitalism is locked into an endless war with the bastard monster of its own creation – Islamic State.

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(Italiano) Arabia Saudita: L’Inevitabile Collasso
Nafeez Ahmed, Middle East Eye - Come Don Chisciotte, 19 Oct 2015

In una lettera diffusa tra i principi sauditi, il suo autore, un nipote del defunto re Abdulaziz Ibn Saud, ha accusato l’attuale re Salman di provocare seri problemi che mettono in grave pericolo la sopravvivenza della monarchia.

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War on Islamic State: A New Cold War Fiction
Nafeez Ahmed – Middle East Eye, 12 Oct 2015

The Islamic State group is little more than the proxy bastard child of a New Cold War that looks set to escalate.

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Where Is America’s Response to the Middle East Refugee Crisis?
Peter Van Buren – Middle East Eye, 21 Sep 2015

The answer lies in empty rhetoric from those who began America’s wars in the region under the guise of humanitarian intervention.

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Children of the Occupation
Gideon Levy – Middle East Eye, 7 Sep 2015

A video tells the world how a 12-year-old child incredibly escapes the clutch of an Israeli soldier. Hundreds more are far less fortunate, to the point of death.

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Pentagon Prepares for Century of Climate Emergencies and Oil Wars
Nafeez Ahmed – Middle East Eye, 10 Aug 2015

US Army research reveals the military’s latest strategies to safeguard the global fossil fuel system from threat of scarcity and climate disruption.

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UK, US Turn Blind Eye to Islamic State Oil Sales
Nafeez Ahmed – Middle East Eye, 3 Aug 2015

Amid the scramble for Kurdistan’s oil and gas wealth, the US and UK are tied to Kurdish and Turkish institutions heavily invested in the murky geopolitical triangle sustaining IS’ black market oil sales.

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Why ‘National Security’ Is a Fallacy
Ian Sanjay Patel – Middle East Eye, 8 Jun 2015

From the UK to Saudi Arabia, states are using this term to justify a clampdown on political dissent.

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Non-Proliferation Talks Fail over Mideast Nuclear-Weapons Free Zone Plan
Carole Landry – Middle East Eye, 25 May 2015

23 May 2015 – United States, Canada and Britain opposed a plan to set up a nuclear weapons-free zone in the Middle East.

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The Nakba: A Crime Watched, Ignored and Remembered
Ilan Pappe – Middle East Eye, 18 May 2015

The steadfastness of the Palestinians is like the age-old olive trees in Palestine that succeed in resurfacing between the European pines. The 15th of May is usually a trigger for a journey back in time. And for an unfathomable reason each such journey conjures up a different aspect of the Nakba.

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Israel, the Bomb and Western Double-Think
Hilary Wise – Middle East Eye, 4 May 2015

Collusion with Israel’s nuclear programme, more than any other issue, exposes the West’s ambivalence and hypocrisy. While Benjamin Netanyahu continues to rant and posture about the existential threat of Iran – maybe, one day – possessing nuclear weapons, Israel is taking delivery of the latest of its state-of-the-art German submarines, capable of carrying nuclear warheads.

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My Second World Press Freedom Day [May 3] in an Egyptian Jail
Abdullah Elfakharany – Middle East Eye, 4 May 2015

3 May 2015 – Egyptian journalist Abdullah Elfakharany, founder of the online Rassd News Network, was jailed in Egypt last year and sentenced to life last month. He wrote this letter, smuggled from prison, to observe today’s World Press Freedom day.

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Israel’s Early Nuclear Deceit Damages Iran Nuclear Talks Today
Richard Silverstein – Middle East Eye, 27 Apr 2015

Instead of demonising Iran and treating it as a pariah state, wouldn’t there be more to gain from collaboration and cooperation? American Jewish money built Israel’s bomb.

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Hadi: A Hollow President Whose Masters in Riyadh Are Killing Us
Hossain al-Bokheiti – Middle East Eye, 20 Apr 2015

The self-exiled Yemeni president supports a Saudi-led bombing campaign that is destroying the country that he betrayed and then fled.

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My Missing Family in Syria: Naming and Shaming in Yarmouk
Ramzy Baroud – Middle East Eye, 13 Apr 2015

10 Apr 2015 – We must remember that there are still 18,000 people trapped in Yarmouk, and even if it is untimely, we must do something – anything. The refugees of Yarmouk – whose population once exceeded 250,000 – is a microcosm of the story of a whole nation, whose perpetual pain shames us all, none excluded.

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The Pentagon Plan to ‘Divide and Rule’ the Muslim World
Nafeez Ahmed, Ph.D. – Middle East Eye, 13 Apr 2015

Yemen is the latest casualty of a neoconservative strategy commissioned by the US Army to ‘capitalise on Sunni-Shia conflict’ in the Middle East – the goal is nothing short of ‘Western dominance’.

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Explaining the Saudi-Iranian Rivalry in Yemen
Shahir Shahidsaless – Middle East Eye, 13 Apr 2015

While many observers view the conflict in Yemen as rivalry between Iran and Saudi Arabia, this view may not reflect the entire picture.

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Power and Resistance at the World Social Forum in Tunisia
Hamza Hamouchene – Middle East Eye, 13 Apr 2015

The World Social Forum, held between 24 and 28 March, succeeded in gathering around 50,000 people from 125 countries representing all continents. That the anti-globalisation forum was vibrant, youthful and dynamic was a testimony to the still-burning flame of hope for a better world. But attempts by regional states to hijack this unique political gathering again expose how governments seek to co-opt the global justice movement.

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Unworthy Victims: Western Wars Have Killed Four Million Muslims Since 1990
Nafeez Ahmed – Middle East Eye, 13 Apr 2015

Landmark research proves that the US-led ‘war on terror’ has killed as many as 2 million people, but this is a fraction of Western responsibility for deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan over the last two decades.

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Why Is Israel So Vulnerable?
Deepak Tripathi – Middle East Eye, 23 Mar 2015

How can a state be democratic and claim to be legitimate if it treats half its population differently, maintaining Jewish supremacy?

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The Circus: How British Intelligence Primed Both Sides of the ‘Terror War’
Nafeez Ahmed – Middle East Eye, 2 Mar 2015

‘Jihadi John’ was able to join IS for one simple reason: from Quilliam to al-Muhajiroun, Britain’s loudest extremists have been groomed by the security services.

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‘Islamic State’ Mystery: The Anti-History of a Historic Phenomenon
Ramzy Baroud – Middle East Eye, 23 Feb 2015

The IS phenomenon is ahistorical and raises questions about its rapid geopolitical expansion despite lack of enthusiasm for its cause among ordinary people. Thanks to IS’ despicable act of burning the pilot, Jordan is no longer polarised about their country’s war in Syria. Egypt is following the same path of intervention, thanks to the butchering of the Egyptian workers.

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Saudi’s New King of Terror
Nafeez Ahmed, Ph.D. – Middle East Eye, 16 Feb 2015

In a flurry of virtually falling over themselves to praise Saudi Arabia’s new ruler, the press has overlooked his disturbing track record.

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No Piers Morgan. This Is How to Destroy the Islamic State
Nafeez Ahmed – Middle East Eye, 9 Feb 2015

So, yes, not in my name. If we want to destroy IS, we must transform the system that incubated it. Fellow citizens of Planet Earth: Let’s get started.

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Blowback in Paris
Nafeez Ahmed – Middle East Eye, 12 Jan 2015

Recognising that the Paris atrocity is predictable blowback does not absolve the perpetrators of responsibility for their terrible crimes; but it might help us find a path to safety based on co-existence, renunciation of violence, and unity in adversity.

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Iran Deal More Than a Nuclear Issue
Trita Parsi – Middle East Eye, 8 Dec 2014

Concern in Washington and Tehran over who is seen as ‘winner’ in negotiations is a key obstacle to finding solution.

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Another Case of Coercive Diplomacy: The Failure of the Iran Nuclear Negotiations
Gareth Porter – Middle East Eye, 1 Dec 2014

The US posture in talks with Iran has reflected the perspective of a dominant power accustomed to employing coercive power.

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Blazing the Terrorism Trail: The US War Industry
CJ Werleman – Middle East Eye, 24 Nov 2014

New York Times investigative reporter, James Risen, has released his latest investigation into the hidden costs of the war on terror.

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John Kerry Conducted a Theatre of the Absurd in Amman
Mazin Qumsiyeh – Middle East Eye, 24 Nov 2014

No one takes US ‘peace plan’ efforts seriously anymore – Amman meetings were proof of that. US Secretary John Kerry met in Amman with King Abdullah, PM Netanyahu, and PA leader Mahmoud Abbas for the umpteenth episode of the ongoing theatre saga dubbed the “peace process.”

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Desperately Seeking in Libya: Outside Mediation
Jason Pack – Middle East Eye, 29 Sep 2014

The only viable solution for peace and prosperity in Libya is a dialogue among all foreign and domestic stakeholders – but will mediators help?

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The Language of ‘Evil’ Doesn’t Help Us Defeat IS
Myriam Francois-Cerrah – Middle East Eye, 22 Sep 2014

Understanding what motivates the belief of so-called Islamic State militants in ‘violence as progress’ is central to defeating them.

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The Disturbing Story from Within: 43 Israeli Elite Veterans Testify for Palestinians
Meron Rapoport – Middle East Eye, 15 Sep 2014

43 veterans from Unit 8200, the top unit of Israeli intelligence, testify how they use information to blackmail Palestinians.

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Gaza: A Testing Ground for Israeli Military Technology
Shir Hever – Middle East Eye, 18 Aug 2014

Commercial considerations of the arms industry play a key role in Israel’s policies towards the Gaza Strip.

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Hope and Despair in the Beach Refugee Camp
Ramzy Baroud – Middle East Eye, 5 May 2014

Is it possible that following several failed attempts, Fatah and Hamas have finally found that elusive middle ground? And if they have done so, why, to what end, and at what cost?

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