Articles by Natasha Lennard

We found 5 results.

The Only Kind of “Political Violence” All U.S. Politicians Oppose
Natasha Lennard | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jul 2024

14 Jul 2024 – The Trump rally shooting reveals a bipartisan consensus about what constitutes political violence — and who should wield it.

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Prosecutors Silence Evidence of Cruel Factory Farm Practices in Animal Rights Cases
Natasha Lennard | The Intercept - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Feb 2022

30 Jan 2022 – The government wants to keep juries from seeing gruesome evidence of animals in distress — the very reason activists are going into farms.

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“Surveillance Breeds Conformity”: Salon’s Glenn Greenwald Interview
Natasha Lennard - Salon, 6 Jan 2014

3 Jan 2014 – “A human being who lives in a world where he thinks he is always being watched is a human being who makes choices not as a free individual but as someone who is trying to conform to what is expected and demanded of them.”

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Noam Chomsky: Governments Are Power Systems, Trying to Sustain Power
Natasha Lennard - Salon, 30 Dec 2013

29 Dec 2013 – The polymath looks back on this year’s NSA revelations and ahead to the earth’s destruction. “Governments are power systems. They are trying to sustain their power and domination over their populations and they will use what means are available to do this.”

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NSA Director Admits to Misleading Public on Terror Plots
Natasha Lennard - Salon, 7 Oct 2013

NSA director Keith Alexander admitted Wednesday [2 Oct 2013] to the Senate Judiciary Committee that the Obama administration had issued misleading information about terror plots and their foiling to bolster support for the government’s vast surveillance apparatus.

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