Articles by Other News

We found 30 results.

Russell-Einstein Manifesto
Garry Jacobs and Donato Kiniger-Passigli | Other News - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jul 2020

13 Jul 2020 – Sixty-five years ago this week, Albert Einstein, Bertrand Russell and nine other Nobel Laureates released a historical document which became known as the Russell-Einstein Manifesto. The Manifesto called for the governments of the world to abolish nuclear weapons in order to eliminate the imminent danger of nuclear warfare and an existential threat to the human race.

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Farewell to the World Social Forum?
Roberto Savio | Other News - Human Wrongs Watch, 14 Oct 2019

13 Oct 2019 – Looking Back – The first World Social Forum in 2001 ushered in the new century with a bold affirmation: “Another world is possible.” That gathering in Porto Alegre, Brazil, stood as an alternative and a challenge to the World Economic Forum, held at the same time in Davos, Switzerland. The WSF, by contrast, was created as an arena for the grassroots to gain a voice.

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When the Vessel Is Sinking
Federico Mayor Zaragoza | Other News – Human Wrongs Watch, 11 Feb 2019

7 Feb 2019 — ‘Suddenly -said Leonardo Da Vinci- there are no poor and rich, no young and old, no white and black on board… only a bunch of passengers toiling, working together to survive, to avoid a shipwreck.’ This is the advice we should convey today through all media so that the “peoples” become aware of the situation humanity is facing for the first time in history.

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A New Spectre Is Haunting Europe
Roberto Savio | Other News - Human Wrongs Watch, 21 Jan 2019

17 Jan 2019 – After Teresa May’s defeat in the British parliament it is clear that a new spectre is haunting Europe. It is no longer the spectre of communism, which opens Marx’s Manifesto of 1848; it is the spectre of the failure of neoliberal globalisation, which reigned uncontested following the fall of the Berlin Wall, until the financial crisis of 2009.

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Time for a New Paradigm
Roberto Savio | Other News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jan 2019

Foreword to Riccardo Petrella’s In the Name of Humanity – Riccardo is a central point of reference for those who have not yet given up on seeing the governance of globalisation in terms of values and ideals. He has behind him a long series of struggles for a different economy and has denounced the dangers of neoliberal globalisation from the outset. We owe it to him if the theme of “commons” began to be debated, in particular that of water as a public good.

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Trump Is Here to Stay and Change the World
Roberto Savio | Human Wrongs Watch – Other News, 25 Jun 2018

18 Jun 2018 – Donald John Trump, 45th and current president of the United States, has been seen in many illustrious circles as an anomaly that cannot last. Well, it is time to look at reality… This is not new in history. Hitler and Mussolini were at first elected, and today many “men of providence” are lining up.

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Insidious Colonialism
Boaventura de Sousa Santos – Other News, 16 Apr 2018

4 Apr 2018 – An in-depth consideration of the past sixty years leads me to conclude that what almost came to an end with the independence processes of the twentieth century was a particular form of colonialism, not colonialism as a mode of domination. The form that almost came to an end was what can be termed historical colonialism, which was characterized by foreign territorial occupation. But the mode of colonial domination persisted in other forms.

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Krugman: India Has Emerged as a Superpower
Other News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Mar 2018

19 Mar 2018 – Nobel Prize-winning economist Paul Krugman on Saturday [17 Mar] said, “What Great Britain achieved in 150 years, India managed in just 30. The progress is extraordinary. This is a very big country, which people at some level have not fully noticed. It has overtaken Japan and is only behind US and China, and is far ahead of any European country. This is a superpower.”

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Now Sec. Defense Mattis Admits There Was No Evidence Assad Used Poison Gas on His People
Ian Wilkie | Other News - Newsweek, 26 Mar 2018

22 Mar 2018 – Lost in the hyper-politicized hullabaloo was the striking statement by Secretary of Defense James Mattis that the U.S. has “no evidence” that the Syrian government used the banned nerve agent Sarin against its own people. This assertion flies in the face of the White House Memorandum which was rapidly produced and declassified to justify an American Tomahawk missile strike against the Shayrat airbase in Syria.

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The New Thesis Eleven
Prof. Boaventura de Sousa Santos – Other News, 22 Jan 2018

19 Jan 2018 – In 1845, shortly after he published the Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844, Karl Marx wrote his Theses on Feuerbach. The famous thesis eleven, the best known of them all, reads: “Philosophers have hitherto only interpreted the world in various ways; the point is to change it.” The word “philosophers” is used here in a broad sense, as referring to the producers of erudite knowledge, which nowadays might include the whole of humanistic and scientific knowledge deemed basic, as opposed to applied knowledge.

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The High Cost of Denying Class War
Yanis Varoufakis – Other News, 18 Dec 2017

13 Dec 2017 – The rise of populism on both sides of the Atlantic is being investigated psychoanalytically, culturally, anthropologically, aesthetically, and of course in terms of identity politics. The only angle left unexplored is the one that holds the key to understanding what is going on: the unceasing class war waged against the poor since the late 1970s.

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The Strength of the Lowly: The Theology of Liberation
Leonardo Boff – Other News, 27 Nov 2017

24 Nov 2017 – When one is asked how the Theology of Liberation is coming along, the answer is found in another question: How are the poor, the oppressed, women, the unemployed, Native peoples, Afro-descendants and others who are excluded treated? How do they enter in the liberating practices of the Christians? It is vital to emphasize that it is not the Theology of Liberation that is important, but the concrete liberation of the oppressed.

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Two Irreconcilable Views on Catalonia
Opinions of Carles Puigdemont and Guy Verhofstadt – Other News, 13 Nov 2017

This Is Not Just about Catalonia. This Is about Democracy Itself – By Carles Puigdemont, The Guardian
Catalonia’s Referendum Lacked Democratic Legitimacy – By Guy Verhofstadt, Irish Examiner

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In China, a New Political Era Begins
Matthew Massee | Daily Digests – Other News, 23 Oct 2017

20 Oct 2017 – The world has changed since modern China was founded, and it seems that China, not for the first time, is changing with it. When Mao Zedong established the republic in 1949, having fought a civil war to claim it, China was poor and unstable.

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The Left and Catalonia
Boaventura de Sousa Santos – Other News, 2 Oct 2017

27 Sep 2017 – The Catalonia referendum this Sunday [1 Oct] will become part of the history of Europe, possibly for the worst of reasons.

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South-South Trade Cooperation Key to Sustainable and Inclusive Model of Globalization
Hanif Hassan Al Qassim – Other News, 18 Sep 2017

13 Sep 2017 – With more than 80% of the world population living in developing countries, South-South trade has the potential to increase in the years to come and to become a vector for economic growth and prosperity for a major world region whose potential has not been fully tapped during past decades.

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If You’re Wondering Why Saudi Arabia and Israel Have United against Al-Jazeera, Here’s the Answer
Robert Fisk – Other News, 14 Aug 2017

There are still honourable Israelis who demand a state for the Palestinians; there are well-educated Saudis who object to the crazed Wahabism upon which their kingdom is founded; there are millions of Americans, from sea to shining sea, who do not believe that Iran is their enemy nor Saudi Arabia their friend. But the problem today in both East and West is that our governments are not our friends.

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In Defense of Venezuela
Prof. Boaventura de Sousa Santos - Other News, 31 Jul 2017

28 Jul 2017 – I have been following the Bolivarian Revolution from its beginning with critical attention and solidarity. Venezuela´s social conquests of the past two decades cannot be disputed. You just have to consult the 2016 UN Report on the evolution of the Human Development Index. Hugo Chavez´s premature death in 2013 and the decrease in the price of oil in 2014 had a tremendous impact on the ongoing processes of social change. Chavez´s charismatic leadership had no successor.

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Towards a Sociology of Absences
Prof. Boaventura de Sousa Santos – Other News, 12 Jun 2017

Contrary to appearances, the abyssal line has not been erased with the end of territorial colonialism. It is still there today, just like colonialism is, albeit in new forms. It is this abyssal line that justifies racism, xenophobia, Islamophobia, the destruction of countries like Iraq, Libya, or Syria, the Palestinian “final solution” perpetrated by victims turned into aggressors, the massive incarceration of young Black people in the United States, the inhuman treatment of refugees.

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A UN of the Future to Effectively Serve All Member States
UN Secretary-General António Guterres – Other News, 5 Jun 2017

In a letter to Permanent Representatives of 193 member states, the Secretary-General details his plan for a revitalization of the UN system.

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Global Development through China’s New ‘Silk Routes’
Kalinga Seneviratne – Other News, 29 May 2017

25 May 2017 – When China hosted a two-day conference in May to help revive the ancient trade routes from Asia to Europe and Africa it was greeted with scepticism by most of the western media. But in much of Asia the mood was more of optimism and opportunity.

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Agony of Mother Earth: World’s Forests Depleted for Fuel (II)
Baher Kamal – Other News, 22 May 2017

Humankind is the biggest ever predator of natural resources. Just take the case of forests, the real lungs of Mother Earth, and learn that every 60 seconds humans cut down 15 hectares of trees primarily for food or energy production. And that as much as 45,000 hectares of rainforest are cleared for every million kilos of beef exported from South America.

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Horizons Needed
Prof. Boaventura de Sousa Santos – Other News, 15 May 2017

The totalitarianism of our times announces itself as the end of totalitarianism and, because of this, it is more insidious than former totalitarianisms. We are too many and too humane to follow a single path; on the other hand, however, if paths are many and they go in all directions they can easily become a labyrinth or a skein of yarn, a dynamic field of paralysis, anyway. This is the condition of our times. To exit from it we need to combine the plurality of possible paths with the coherence of a horizon that organizes circumstances and gives them meaning.

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Making the Future Possible Again
Prof. Boaventura de Sousa Santos – Other News, 17 Apr 2017

14 Apr 2017 – When we look at the past through the eyes of the present, we find huge cemeteries of abandoned futures, struggles that inaugurated new possibilities but were neutralized, silenced, or distorted, futures murdered at birth, or even still-born futures, contingencies that determined the winning choice later ascribed to the course of history.

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Mainstreaming South-South Cooperation in the UN System
Ramesh Jaura | IDN – Other News, 27 Mar 2017

23 Mar 2017 – How is the UN Office for South Cooperation, as the global and United Nations system-wide focal point for South-South cooperation, engaging in advocacy, policy development, knowledge sharing and innovative programmatic activities? Interview with Jorge Chediek, Director of the UNOSSC.

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Being Anti-Russia Will Take the West Nowhere
Jonathan Power – Other News, 20 Mar 2017

The truth is the West would be enjoying the same benign relationship with Russia if under presidents Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and Barack Obama, the US hadn’t, step by step, put Russia under the hammer by expanding NATO and breaking its solemn promise not to. (Neither Ronald Reagan nor George H.W. Bush, who understood Russia, saw fit to expand NATO. Richard Nixon, a Russophile, would never have.)

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Poor 2016, So Many Handicaps
Roberto Savio – Other News, 4 Jan 2016

December 31, 2015 – At this time, we all wish “a very good year”. While the wish is always a positive thing, we should also realize that we cannot expect too much from the new born year. He is loaded by so many handicaps, that we should have lots of sympathy for him… Here is a list of the major handicaps for 2016, which is of course a personal view: but supported by many data.

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Gorbachev, the Man Who Changed the World
Federico Mayor Zaragoza – Other News, 10 Nov 2014

Twenty-five years ago the initial dismantling commenced at the Berlin Wall. And with its fall the immense Soviet empire was transformed practically overnight into a Commonwealth of Independent States… And all of this was accomplished without shedding even one drop of blood, thanks to Mikhail Sergeyevich Gorbachev, the “magician of the unexpected”.

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(Castellano) “El Capitalismo Implosiona, Pero No Bajo los Efectos de la Movilización Popular” — Samir Amin
Other News – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Sep 2012

Según Samir Amin hemos entrado en una nueva fase del capitalismo. Cree que se trata de una etapa cualitativamente nueva. El sistema capitalista no solo está en crisis, -mantiene Amin- sino que lo que se está produciendo en él una autentica implosión, pero que no es el efecto de la lucha popular.

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Haiti’s Decision to Rearm Is an Obstacle to Peace, Development, and Freedom
Oscar Arias Sanchez, Nobel Peace laureate – Other News, 26 Dec 2011

After the announcement that the government of Haiti had decided to reconstitute its army, I asked President Michel Martelly to reconsider his decision, pointing out a lesson written clearly into human history: in Latin America, the majority of armies have been enemies of progress, of peace, and of freedom.

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