Articles by Paul Joseph Watson, InfoWars

We found 3 results.

Financial Times Calls for Abolishing Cash – “To Give More Power to Central Banks”
Paul Joseph Watson, InfoWars – TRANSCEND Media Service, 31 Aug 2015

According to an article entitled ‘The Case for Retiring another Barbarous Relic,’ the Financial Times and an anonymous coward who will not reveal his/her name came out in favor of State Fascism. The plan is to eliminate cash and, thereby, private savings and private transactions. They lament that people are stockpiling cash in anticipation of another economic collapse, a factor that is causing, “a lot of distortion to the economic system.”

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Why the White House is Desperate to Bury Benghazi
Paul Joseph Watson, Infowars – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 May 2014

The true purpose behind the cover-up is being obfuscated – the fact that an annex near the U.S. embassy was being used by the CIA to transfer surface to air missiles to terrorists in Syria.

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Exposed: Viral “I Am a Ukrainian Video” Produced by PR Company Linked to ‘Regime Change’ NGO
Paul Joseph Watson, InfoWars – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Feb 2014

The video features an attractive woman insistently claiming that the Ukrainian uprising is solely about freedom and democracy. It is typically glib and simplified emotional propaganda which purports to explain that “there is only one reason” behind the protests in Ukraine, a bald faced lie which ignores the multi-faceted geopolitical factors behind the uprising.

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