Articles by Politica

We found 56 results.

94% of North Americans Want to End Ukraine War but US Rejects China Peace Deal, Opposes Talks with Russia
Ben Norton | Geopolitical Economy Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Jun 2024

8 Jun 2024 – Polling shows 94% of people in the US and 88% in Western Europe want a negotiated settlement to end the war in Ukraine, but NATO opposes a peace proposal made by China and Brazil, and refuses to invite Russia to talks in Switzerland.

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Preventing Armageddon in the 21st Century
Diane Perlman, Ph.D. | Political Therapy - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Apr 2024

Some conflicts – whether between spouses, labor and management, or nations – seem to escalate out of control. They follow a malignant course toward outcomes that nobody wants. People who are caught up in such conflict usually find ample justification for blaming the other party.

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West Votes Against Rest of World, Supporting Illegal Sanctions in UN Human Rights Council
Ben Norton | Geopolitical Economy Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Apr 2024

6 Apr 2024 – In the United Nations Human Rights Council, the West voted against the rest of the world, supporting illegal sanctions (known as unilateral coercive measures).

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China Is ‘World’s Sole Manufacturing Superpower’ with 35% of Global Output
Ben Norton | Geopolitical Economy Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Feb 2024

China’s state-led economic development model and robust industrial policy has transformed it into what an influential European think tank calls “the world’s sole manufacturing superpower”, making up 35% of global gross production – more than the 9 next largest manufacturers combined.

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West Sabotaged Ukraine Peace Deal with Russia, Admit Zelensky Official and Germany’s Ex-Leader
Ben Norton | Geopolitical Economy Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

4 Dec 2023 – Russia wanted to sign a peace deal with Ukraine in March 2022, but NATO countries sabotaged it, according to Germany’s former Chancellor Gerhard Schröder and the parliamentary faction leader of Zelensky’s political party, Davyd Arakhamia.

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US Blocks Gaza Peace Proposal at UN for 3rd Time, Holding World Hostage
Ben Norton | Geopolitical Economy Report - TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Dec 2023

10 Dec 2023 – The USA voted alone against the rest of the world preventing peace in Gaza by vetoing three different resolutions in the UNSC. Meanwhile, Washington [the Good Guys] continues giving weapons to Israel [the other Good Guys] to commit genocide against Palestinian civilians in Gaza [the Bad Guys]. Tragicomic.

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West Votes against Democracy, Human Rights, Cultural Diversity at UN–Promotes Mercenaries, Sanctions
Ben Norton | Geopolitical Economy Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Dec 2023

26 Nov 2023 – The West voted [as a block] against the rest of the world on United Nations General Assembly resolutions opposing democracy, human rights, and cultural diversity, while supporting mercenaries and unilateral coercive measures (sanctions).

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Palestinians Have a Legal Right to Armed Resistance against Israeli Colonialism
Ben Norton | Geopolitical Economy Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Oct 2023

8 Oct 2023 – International law clearly shows that the Palestinian people have a legal right to armed struggle against Israeli colonialism, just as South Africans did against Apartheid. Gaza suffers under an illegal Israeli blockade that even a former British prime minister recognized to be a “prison camp”. We look over the evidence.

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Neoliberalism Kills People (Music Video of the Week)
Lowkey | a/political – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Aug 2023

Featuring Mai Khalil and Valeria Kurbatova (Lyrics below)

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Colonialism or Sovereignty? How the Global Financial System Traps Countries in Debt
Geopolitical Economy Report - TRANSCEND Media Serevice, 24 Jul 2023

12 Jul 2023 – Political economists Radhika Desai, Michael Hudson, and Ann Pettifor discuss how the international financial system traps Global South countries in debt, reinforcing a neocolonial order.

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Corporate Profits Were Biggest Driver of Inflation in Europe, IMF Admits
Ben Norton | Geopolitical Economy Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jul 2023

27 Jun 2023 – Rising corporate profits have caused 45% of inflation in Europe, compared to 40% for rising import prices and just 15% for workers’ wages, according to research by IMF economists.

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In China, German Lawmaker Calls for End to Sanctions, an ‘Instrument of War’ (That Backfires on Europe)
Sevim Dağdelen | Geopolitical Economy - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Jun 2023

The following is a speech that Sevim Dağdelen, a member of the German Bundestag, delivered at the Shanghai International Studies University in China on 5 Jun 2023. Dağdelen is the coordinator for the Left Party parliamentary group on the Bundestag’s Committee on Foreign Affairs and spokeswoman for international politics. She visited China to promote peace and cooperation.

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BRICS New Development Bank De-Dollarizing, Adding Members
Ben Norton | Geopolitical Economy Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Jun 2023

The BRICS bloc’s New Development Bank, an alternative to the US-dominated World Bank, is de-dollarizing its loans, promoting local currencies, and adding new members: Argentina, Saudi Arabia, and Zimbabwe.

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US Corporations Cash in on Ukraine’s Oil and Gas
Ben Norton | Geopolitical Economy Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2023

28 Apr 2023 – As Ukraine sells off public assets in a privatization spree, US fossil fuel corporations like ExxonMobil, Chevron, and Halliburton are in talks to run its oil and gas industry, and the IMF imposes the Washington Consensus.

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Facebook Censors Journalist Seymour Hersh’s Report on Nord Stream Pipeline Attack
Ben Norton | Geopolitical Economy Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2023

25 Apr 2023 – Facebook censored a report by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Seymour Hersh on the sabotage of the Nord Stream pipelines between Russia and Germany, forcing users to instead read a website funded and partially owned by NATO member Norway.

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Peru’s Coup-Plotting Congress Has 6% Approval, 91% Disapproval (but Full US Backing)
Ben Norton | Geopolitical Economy Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Apr 2023

17 Apr 2023 – Peru’s coup-plotting, right-wing-controlled congress has 6% approval and 91% disapproval. Unelected leader Dina Boluarte has 15% approval and 78% disapproval. But they have the full support of the US, Canada, and foreign mining corporations.

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BRICS Bank De-dollarizing, New Chief Dilma Rousseff Says
Ben Norton | Geopolitical Economy Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Apr 2023

16 Apr 2023 – The new chief of the BRICS bloc’s New Development Bank, Brazil’s leftist ex-President Dilma Rousseff, revealed they are gradually moving away from the US dollar, promising at least 30% of loans in local currencies of members.

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West Is Out of Touch with Rest of World Politically, EU-Funded Study Admits
Ben Norton | Geopolitical Economy Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Mar 2023

26 Feb 2023 – A study by the elite EU-funded European Council on Foreign Relations found the West is out of touch politically with the rest of the world. Most people in China, India, and Türkiye see Russia as an important ally, and they want multipolarity, not continued “American global supremacy”.

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China Report Excoriates ‘US Hegemony’, War Crimes, CIA Coups, 400 Foreign Interventions
Ben Norton | Geopolitical Economy Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Feb 2023

23 Feb 2023 – China’s Foreign Ministry published a lengthy report condemning “US hegemony” and its crimes around the world, including wars with millions of victims, coups and “regime change” against elected leaders, and 400 foreign military interventions.

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US Admits Chinese Balloon Was off Course–It Shot down a $12 Balloon in $2M Missile Attack
Ben Norton | Geopolitical Economy Report  – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Feb 2023

19 Feb 2023 – US officials acknowledged the Chinese balloon they shot down on 4 Feb had likely been blown off course by unexpected weather. The US Air Force later spent $2 million using missiles to blow up what appeared to be a $12 hobbyist balloon.

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US ‘Neo-Imperialist’ Dollar Scheme Explained by Economist Yanis Varoufakis
Geopolitical Economy - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Feb 2023

3 Feb 2023 – Greece’s former Finance Minister explains the US system of “neo-imperialism” based on the dollar, which finances a huge trade deficit by letting foreign capitalists “extract colossal surplus value from their workers and then stash it away in US’s rentier economy”.

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The World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization Are Elevating Themselves above the World’s Governments
Paul Craig Roberts | Institute for Political Economy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jan 2023

15 Jan 2023 – “In the last three years, the common people’s exclusion from what is still sold as a democratic process has reached a pinnacle.” — Peter Koenig, former senior economist for the World Bank and the World Health Organization

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Peru’s Natural Resources: CIA-linked US Ambassador Meets with Mining and Energy Ministers to Talk ‘Investments’
Ben Norton | Geopolitical Economy Report – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Jan 2023

20 Jan 2023 – Peru has large reserves of copper, gold, zinc, silver, lead, iron, and natural gas. After a coup overthrew left-wing President Pedro Castillo on 7 Dec 2022, the US ambassador, CIA veteran Lisa Kenna, met with mining and energy ministers to discuss “investments”. Europe is importing Peruvian LNG to replace Russian energy.

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How Western Sanctions Blow Back, Hurting Europe, Deepening Asian Integration
Renate Bridenthal | Geopolitical Economy Report - TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jan 2023

11 Jan 2023 – Western sanctions led Russia to greatly increase trade with Asia, while devastating Europe’s economy. The US tech war against China is damaging its own industry.

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Washington Is Driving the World to Nuclear War
Paul Craig Roberts | Institute for Political Economy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 28 Mar 2022

23 Aug 2022 – Washington dumped three more provocations simultaneously on the Kremlin. The signal it consistently sends is aggression. Why has no government and no presstitute in the West pointed this out? Why provoke a country concerned with its security with more security concerns unless you are trying to widen the war?

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The Covid Deception Exposed
Paul Craig Roberts | Institute for Political Economy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jul 2021

21 Jul 2021 – Dr. Robert Malone, who pioneered the mRNA technology, has provided data that clearly show that the countries with the smallest percentage of their population vaccinated have the fewest number of new Covid cases. Countries with the largest percentages of population vaccinated have surging numbers of new Covid cases. How can this be?

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The Covid Vaccine Is Causing the Covid Variants
Paul Craig Roberts | Institute for Political Economy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Jun 2021

15 Jun 2021 – The so-called Covid variants, officially designated as mutations, are being used to extend the British lockdown. However, Dr. Luc Montagnier, 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his discovery of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and former director of the Retrovirology Lab at the Pasteur Institute, reports that in fact it is the vaccinations that are producing the variants.

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An Illustrated Glossary of Political Violence
Emily Hencken Ritter and Christian Davenport | Political Violence at a Glance - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Mar 2021

We provide some definitions of various types of political violence; how political conflict and violence scholars define these terms; also visualizations, which help communicate what words can never capture alone. We list and define tactics, a “repertoire” or “menu” items.

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Crisis and Predation: India, COVID-19, and Global Finance
Research Unit for Political Economy | Monthly Review - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Dec 2020

Nov 2020 issue – With the advent of COVID-19, India’s rulers imposed the world’s most stringent
lockdown on an already depressed economy, dealing a body blow to the majority of India’s billion-plus population. Yet the Indian government’s spending to cushion the lockdown’s economic impact ranked among the world’s lowest in GDP terms, resulting in unprecedented unemployment and hardship.

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Top 100 Polluter Indexes
Political Economy Research Institute | University of Massachusetts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Sep 2019

Aug 2019 – The Top 100 Polluter indexes identify the top corporate air and water polluters and top greenhouse gas emitters using the most recent data available from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

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When Identity Documents and Registration Produce Exclusion: Lessons from Rohingya Experiences in Myanmar
Natalie Brinham | London School of Economics and Political Science – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 May 2019

10 May 2019 – State practices relating to registration and documentation since 1978 have played a significant part in multiple mass state-directed expulsions to Bangladesh . Such practices include the confiscation, destruction, nullification and targeted non-issuance of identity documents. Registration processes have become increasingly repressive, coercive and abusive since the mid-1990s, making survival for Rohingya in Myanmar more and more difficult. This bureaucratic cleansing has produced a steady stream of people out of the country since the 1990s.

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Genocide of the Greek Nation
Paul Craig Roberts | Institute for Political Economy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Aug 2018

21 Aug 2018 – The political and media cover-up of the genocide of the Greek Nation began yesterday (August 20) with European Union and other political statements announcing that the Greek Crisis is over. What they mean is that Greece is over, dead, and done with. It has been exploited to the limit, and the carcass has been thrown to the dogs.

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UN Secretariat Designates Jammu and Kashmir as a “Separate Country” Independent of India
The aPolitical – TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Jun 2017

1 Jun 2017 – In an unprecedented move, the UN Department of Economic Affairs has designated “Jammu and Kashmir” as a separate “country/geographical area” in its database of Non Governmental Organisations having Consultative Status with the UN Economic and Social Council.

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(Castellano) ¿Y el Estado? Perú y Ecuador frente a El Niño
Maria Florencia Pagliarone | CELAG Centro Estratégico Latinoamericano de Geopolítica – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Apr 2017

20 Mar 2017 – En los últimos días, el fenómeno de El Niño ha desatado su furia contra las costas de Ecuador y Perú. La inclemencia climática definida como un calentamiento de la superficie de las aguas del Pacífico se caracteriza por el ingreso de una masa superficial de aguas cálidas en el mar, lo que genera el aumento de la temperatura de la masa de agua e intensas lluvias.

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Murdering the Innocent in Order to Support the Lie
Paul Craig Roberts | Institute for Political Economy – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2017

It is clear beyond reasonable doubt that there was no real bombing at the Boston Marathon and that the alleged terrorist event, using crisis actors, was an orchestration designed to convince dumbshit Americans that they really were under a “Muslim threat.” The entire foreign policy of the United States in the 21st century is based on an orchestrated “Muslim threat.”

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(Castellano) Haití, herida abierta de América Latina
Gisela Brito | CELAG-Centro Estratégico Latinoamericano de Geopolítica – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Oct 2016

Luego del terremoto de 2010, la Minustah, las ONG’S y una minúscula pero poderosa élite local gobiernan el país. Las consecuencias no pueden ser peores para la mayoría de la población. La debilidad institucional y los intereses predatorios se conjugan para dar lugar a un millonario negocio que florece día a día desviando fondos destinados a ayuda humanitaria y reconstrucción ante el encubridor mutismo de la «comunidad internacional»

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Workshop: Bringing Back Nonviolence in Political Theory
MANCEPT-Manchester Centre for Political Theory – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 May 2016

Abstracts are invited for the workshop. Call for Papers (Deadline 1June). This workshop will be part of MANCEPT (7th-9th September at the University of Manchester).

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Ships to Nowhere: The Brutal Trafficking of Rohingya Refugees
Mili Mitra | Brown Political Review-Brown University – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 May 2016

Thus far, the global response has been limited and misguided. While the plight of the Rohingya has come into the media spotlight recently, there has been little coordinated effort to mitigate the crisis. Unless there is greater security and support for Rohingya in Myanmar and increased rehabilitation of these refugees across Southeast Asia, the Rohingya refugee crisis will continue to be one of the greatest and most overlooked humanitarian disasters of our time.

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Marxism, the Taliban and Plato
Thomas Riggins – Political Affairs, 5 Aug 2013

The essay deals with Kieran Setiya’s attempt to defend ethical realism (objective moral knowledge is possible) which Simon Blackburn rejects in favor of ethical pragmatism (useful moral knowledge is possible). I think neither of these positions is tenable and the best way to approach ethics is from a Marxist perspective.

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The Communist Movement and Gay Rights
Norman Markowitz – Political Affairs, 5 Aug 2013

June was International Gay Pride month. In looking at the history of what we today call Gay Rights/Gay Liberation, the Communist and Socialist contributions to the struggle deserve to be both recognized and analyzed.

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(Castellano) UNICEF Confirma que Cuba Es el Único País de América Latina sin Desnutrición Infantil
Politica & Medios – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2013

La Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura también ha reconocido a Cuba como la nación con más avances en América Latina en la lucha contra la desnutrición.

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Is Israel Suicidal?
MJ Rosenberg – Political Correction, 16 Jan 2012

A man wrote me the other day to complain about something I had written regarding my belief that Israel has every right to exist in peace and security. He responded that Israel should not exist, asserting that Israel is simply a Western colony implanted in the Middle East that is as “authentic as white Rhodesia” was.

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One Invented Nation or Two
MJ Rosenberg – Political Correction, 26 Dec 2011

Newt Gingrich’s controversial statement begs the question: Who invented a nationality? The Palestinians or the Israelis?

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(Castellano) Argentina: Los Fondos Rapaces
Raúl de Sagastizabal – PoliticaPress, 28 Nov 2011

En 2002, Anne Krueger, Subdirectora Gerente el Fondo Monetario Internacional (FMI), lanzó al ruedo la idea de que los países podían quebrar y expuso su opinión sobre un posible mecanismo internacional de reestructuración de deudas soberanas, y al analizar los impedimentos a una reestructuración ordenada de deudas mencionó expresamente el comportamiento de los fondos buitres en los siguientes términos:

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Europe – The Vicious Circle of Paying Debts With More Debts
Raul de Sagastizabal, PoliticaPress – Human Wrongs Watch, 14 Nov 2011

With two years of failed plans, pseudo-plans and announcements of plans, Europe has acquired a huge pile of debt and a decade of agony.

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MJ Rosenberg – Political Correction, 7 Nov 2011

The Obama Administration says there will be further cutoffs if other UN agencies follow suit in recognizing Palestine. It was bound to happen sooner or later. At some point, both the president and Congress would be faced with a clear choice between US national interests and the demands made by Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu and his powerful Washington lobby.

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(Castellano) Las Culturas del FMI
Raúl de Sagastizabal - PoliticaPress, 17 Oct 2011

Cultura aislacionista, pensamiento de grupo, captura intelectual, sesgo cognitivo y actitudes de feudo.

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(Castellano) Los Yerros del FMI
Raúl de Sagastizabal - PoliticaPress, 3 Oct 2011

La tormenta que amenaza a la economía mundial está a la vista desde que se iniciara la crisis de los activos tóxicos hace cinco largos años. Aquella crisis no ha terminado, ni se ha revertido, sino que ha mutado en múltiples crisis: del déficit fiscal y la deuda soberana, de la pobreza, del desempleo y el alza del precio de los alimentos y los combustibles, etc. Sin embargo no hay renuncias, ni despidos, ni responsables. Como si sus yerros fueran intrascendentes; apenas un error en una receta de cocina.

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Spain’s “Indignados” at the Vanguard of a Global Nonviolent Revolt
Pablo Ouziel, Political Thoughts – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2011

In a truly Gandhian manner, a group of Spanish ‘indignados’ is currently walking from Madrid to Brussels in order to make their voices heard by the bureaucrats of the European Union. They aim to get there before the global protest they have called for to be staged on October 15th. Perhaps by the time they get to Brussels, their indignation will have rubbed-off on those in other European nations who have understood the farce of our imperialist representative democracies, and the Spanish ‘indignados’ will not find themselves camping alone in front of the buildings of the European Union.

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Spain’s “Indignant Ones”
Pablo Ouziel - Political Thoughts, 20 Jun 2011

At the time of writing, Artur Mas, the President of the Generalitat (the government of the Catalan autonomous region) was forced to arrive to parliament in a police helicopter, as thousands of ‘Indignados’ blocked the entrance in an attempt to boycott the region’s budget approval. They were shouting: “You do not represent us!” The parliamentary session began with only half of the representatives able to enter the building.

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[UK] Cameron Defends Arms Sales in Push for Growth
Andrew Grice, Political Editor – The Independent, 7 Mar 2011

David Cameron declared yesterday [6 Mar 2011] that enterprise was morally right and defended his controversial campaign to sell British-made arms to regimes around the world with poor records on democracy and human rights.

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Palestinian Papers: What the Al Jazeera Blockbuster Means
MJ Rosenberg, PoliticalCorrection – Media Matters Action Network, 31 Jan 2011

Al Jazeera’s stunning revelations about Israeli-Palestinian negotiations have different meanings for Israelis, Americans and for Palestinians. The bottom line is that despite the assurances it gave to the Palestinian people that it was driving a hard bargain with the Israelis, the Palestinian Authority accepted Israel’s position on every key point: borders, Jerusalem, settlements, refugees.

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Embajador Robert E. White - Programa de las Américas, Centro de Política Internacional, 12 Jan 2010

A pesar de reportes creíbles de las campañas violentas contra los que apoyan al expulsado presidente, Mel Zelaya, el gobierno de facto de Honduras ha logrado reclamar elecciones presidenciales que salieron mejor de lo que la mayoría de los observadores habían previsto. El vencedor fácil fue el candidato conservador del Partido Nacionalista, Porfirio Lobo. Estados […]

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Marwan Bishara, Al Jazeera's senior political analyst, 12 Jan 2010

According to tribal Yemeni tradition, if a dispute has been resolved peacefully, any dagger that has been drawn cannot go back into its scabbard unless it tastes blood. Traditionally, an animal is slaughtered to satisfy its thirst and restore its holder’s honour. Since the Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Union and […]

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Marwan Bishara, Al Jazeera's senior political analyst, 9 Jan 2010

By offering military support the West might prolong an autocratic regime.Marginalised by regional developments and intimidated by Washington’s Cold War and Gulf War victories, two Yemenis – so goes the joke – wondered if their country should declare war on the US, force it to occupy Yemen and care for it. "But what if we […]

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Rafidan - The Political Committee, 2 Mar 2009

Baghdad The Republic of IraqStatement in Response to President Obama’s Remarks made on the 27th or February 2009 regarding the proclaimed ending to the occupation of The Republic of Iraq. Official English Transcript Release No: 57 In Respect to the remarks of President Barak Hussain Obama, The president of the United States of America. The […]

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