Articles by Post Carbon Institute

We found 3 results.

The Energy Bulletin
Tom Whipple and Steve Andrews | Editors – Post Carbon Institute, 25 Jan 2021

“It may be counterintuitive to say that the oil demand crash and the resulting glut in 2020 could lead to an oil supply crunch in just a few years. Yet, a growing number of experts and international agencies warn that the world could be headed for an oil shortage when oil demand finally recovers from the COVID-inflicted crisis in late 2022 or 2023.”

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A Simple Way to Understand What’s Happening … and What to Do
Richard Heinberg | Post Carbon Institute - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Jan 2021

Energy is necessary in order for any organism to do anything whatsoever. For humans, food is energy that powers labor. But, in addition, people long ago learned how to harness energy from fire, water, and wind. Using firewood, paddle wheels, and sails, we built agrarian societies with irrigation systems, cities, cathedrals, mills, and seagoing ships, and created some pretty great art, music, and literature along the way.

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The Next Ten Years Will Be Very Unlike the Last Ten
Post Carbon Institute – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Dec 2011

An Abbreviated History of Fossil Fuels – Time is running out: the ultimate roller coaster ride.

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