Articles by Pressenza Int’l Press Agency

We found 47 results.

(Castellano) ¿Extinción Humana para el 2026? Una última estrategia para luchar por la supervivencia humana
Robert Burrowes – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 20 Aug 2018

Las pruebas en relación con la destrucción de la biósfera de la Tierra, que conduce a la degradación continua y rápida de todos los ecosistemas y sus servicios, están fácilmente disponibles y son abrumadoras. Las múltiples y variadas formas de destrucción están teniendo efectos sinérgicos. Una cantidad insignificante de la vasta evidencia en relación con esta destrucción se muestra arriba.

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(Castellano) Los Niños Hambrientos Y Bombardeados De Yemen Desearían Estar Atrapados En Una Cueva Tailandesa Inundada
Robert Burrowes - Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 16 Jul 2018

13 Jul 2018 – ¿Estoy contento de que los 12 niños y su entrenador hayan sido rescatados en Tailandia? Por supuesto que lo estoy. Desearía que se hiciera un esfuerzo equivalente para rescatar a cada uno de los 50.000 niños que mataremos hoy, mañana, pasado mañana y tras pasado mañana…

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(Castellano) Teoría del conflicto y aniquilación de la biosfera
Robert Burrowes | Pressenza Int’l Press Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Jun 2018

Me gustaría explicar el origen psicológico de este conflicto aniquilador de la biosfera y cómo este origen ha nutrido los aspectos increíblemente destructivos del capitalismo (y del socialismo, para el caso) desde el principio. También me gustaría explicar qué podemos hacer al respecto.

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(Castellano) ¿No violencia o No existencia? El legado de Martin Luther King, Jr.
Robert Burrowes – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 9 Apr 2018

“Durante años los hombres han estado hablando sobre la guerra y la paz. Ahora no se puede simplemente hablar de ellas. Ya no se trata de escoger entre la violencia y la no-violencia en este mundo, se trata de vivir sin violencia o dejar de existir en este mundo. Ese es el lugar en donde estamos ahora”. — MLK

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(Castellano) Matando a la Biosfera para acelerar la extinción humana
Robert Burrowes – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 11 Dec 2017

Por lo tanto, a no ser que y hasta que se tome una decisión personal consciente de participar estratégicamente en la lucha para salvar la vida en la Tierra, serás uno de esos individuos que mata a la biosfera como un subproducto de la vida sin conciencia y compromiso: una persona que simplemente sobreexplota su camino a la extinción.

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(Castellano) ¿Por qué la policía en los Estados Unidos está tan aterrorizada?
Robert Burrowes, Ph.D. – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 27 Nov 2017

20 nov 2017 – En un incidente reciente en los Estados Unidos, otro hombre desarmado fue asesinado a tiros por la policía después de abrir su puerta principal en respuesta a su golpe. La policía iba a entregar una orden de arresto contra un sospechoso de violencia doméstica -el vecino del sujeto en cuestión- pero se equivocaron de dirección.

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(Castellano) Una estrategia noviolenta para acabar con la violencia y evitar la extinción humana
Robert Burrowes – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 6 Nov 2017

25 Oct 2017 – En todo el mundo, los activistas que son pensadores estratégicos se enfrentan a un desafío abrumador para abordar eficazmente la multitud de conflictos violentos, incluida la amenaza de extinción humana, que enfrenta la sociedad humana a principios del siglo XXI. Teniendo en cuenta la violencia abrumadora que debemos afrontar, ¿podemos tener éxito? No lo sé, pero pretendo luchar, estratégicamente, hasta el último aliento. Espero que usted también.

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(Català) Una estratègia noviolenta per acabar amb la violència i evitar l’extinció humana
Robert Burrowes, Ph.D. – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 30 Oct 2017

25 octubre 2017 – A tot el món, els activistes que són pensadors estratègics s’enfronten a un desafiament aclaparant per abordar eficaçment la multitud de conflictes violents, inclosa l’amenaça d’extinció humana, que enfronta la societat humana a principis del segle XXI. Tenint en compte la violència aclaparant que hem d’afrontar, podem tenir èxit? No ho sé, però pretenc lluitar, estratègicament, fins a l’últim alè. Espero que vostè també.

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(Castellano) La psicología de los asesinos en masa: ¿Cuál es la causa? ¿Como se puede prevenir?
Robert Burrowes, Ph.D. – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 16 Oct 2017

Aunque ha habido una avalancha de comentarios sobre el incidente, incluyendo sugerencias sobre lo que se podría hacer en respuesta a una variedad de análisis de la causa, ninguno que haya leído explica la causa subyacente de todos estos asesinatos en masa. Y si no entendemos esto, cualquier otra sugerencia, cualquiera que sea su aparente mérito, puede tener poco impacto.

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(Castellano) La verdad de Gandhi: Poner fin a la violencia humana. Un compromiso a la vez
Robert Burrowes, Ph.D. – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 2 Oct 2017

Gandhi Jayanti – 2 de octubre, fecha del nacimiento de Mohandas K. Gandhi en 1869 y Día Internacional de la No Violencia – ofrece una oportunidad para reflexionar sobre la violencia humana y reflexionar sobre las formas de ponerle fin. Puede haber una manera rápida de poner fin a la violencia humana pero, si la hay, Gandhi no lo sabía. Ni yo tampoco. Tampoco nadie más al que yo haya leído o preguntado. Pero esto no significa que no haya manera de poner fin a la violencia humana.

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(Català) Per què tots aquests racistes estan tan aterroritzats?
Robert Burrowes – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 4 Sep 2017

El racisme – la por i l’odi als d’una altra raça, juntament amb la creença que l’altra raça és inferior i ha de ser dominat (per la seva raça) – és ara molt visible entre les poblacions europees afectades pels fluxos de refugiats d’Orient Mitjà i del Nord Àfrica. A més, el racisme és contínuament molt evident entre sectors de la població nord-americana, però també en països com Sud-Àfrica, Austràlia i en tota Amèrica Central i del Sud, on les poblacions indígenes són particularment afectades.

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(Castellano) ¿Por qué todos esos racistas están tan aterrorizados?
Robert Burrowes – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 28 Aug 2017

El racismo – el miedo y el odio a los de otra raza, junto con la creencia de que la otra raza es inferior y debe ser dominado (por su raza) – es ahora muy visible entre las poblaciones europeas afectadas por los flujos de refugiados de Oriente Medio y del Norte África. Además, el racismo es continuamente muy evidente entre sectores de la población estadounidense, pero también en países como Sudáfrica, Australia y en toda América Central y del Sur, donde las poblaciones indígenas son particularmente afectadas. Pero el racismo también es un problema en muchos otros países.

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(Castellano) Usted no puede atrapar a la “rata mágica”: Trump, Congreso y Geopolítica
Robert Burrowes - Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 14 Aug 2017

La “rata mágica” es simplemente el mecanismo por el cual una mente inconsciente y aterrorizada cambia instantáneamente su atención de algo espantoso a algo más agradable para evitar tener cualquier tiempo para comprometerse conscientemente con la información presentada. El cambio sucede instantáneamente precisamente porque la persona está tan aterrorizada por la información, que su mente retira su atención de ella en un momento.

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History Made as UN Approves Treaty to Ban Nuclear Weapons
Tony Robinson – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 17 Jul 2017

With a final vote of 122 countries in favour, 1 abstention (Singapore) and 1 against (The Netherlands) the conference to negotiate a treaty to prohibit nuclear weapons approves its text. The treaty opens for signature during the UN General Assembly on the 20th of September. It comes into force after fifty countries ratify it.

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(Italiano) Giappone: Attentato Alla Costituzione Pacifista
Pressenza Int’l Press Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Sep 2015

18 set 2015 – A tarda notte di oggi (in realtà per i giapponesi di domani) il Senato giapponese ha approvato le controverse norme sulla sicurezza che, in realtà, minano alla base il principio pacifista sancito dall’articolo 9 della Costituzione che impedisce la formazione di un esercito e dà alle “forze di autodifesa” una funzione non belligerante.

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(Italiano) Le élites globali vogliono più rifugiati: perché?
Robert Burrowes, Ph.D. – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 21 Sep 2015

I rifugiati sono solo un sintomo di una crisi più profonda. Inoltre, come altri sintomi di questa crisi più profonda, l’élite globale è felice di sfruttarlo per tenerci maledettamente preoccupati; infatti l’urgenza del problema rifugiati esige il massimo della nostra attenzione e della nostra compassione.

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[Nobel Prize Economic Sciences] Joseph Stiglitz Stands against Trade Agreements
Pressenza Int’l Press Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Mar 2015

Feb 25 2015 – The United States is trying to impose a strong investment pact within two big, so-called “partnership” agreements that are now being negotiated, one bridging the Atlantic, the other the Pacific. The TPPs are going to be about regulation. Corporations have an interest at lowering regulatory standards that protect the environment, protect consumers, protect workers, and protect health.

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Assange: The Future of the Web Is in Latin America
Pedro Páez - Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 15 Dec 2014

More and better services for Latin America, an alternative to the giant Google, which already sees the potential in emerging markets in the region, would translate into less espionage and greater sovereignty, Assange said, also citing the case of Iceland, with more freedom and privacy on the Internet in the planet.

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Right Livelihood Award Acceptance Speech by Edward Snowden
Right Livelihood Award Foundation – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 15 Dec 2014

I am far below qualified for this kind of honor. It is an extraordinary privilege to be counted among so many around the world who have fought for human rights even at great personal cost, even when it was hard, even when no one was watching, when they were not seeking recognition and when they never received it.

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Nobel Laureates Cancel Summit as South Africa Refuses Visa for Dalai Lama
Tony Robinson – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 6 Oct 2014

2 Oct 2014 – China has permanently portrayed this religious icon for the West as a terrorist-in-exile and it seems that in order to maintain good relationships in the BRICS alliance, South Africa decided to forego the good will of the Nobel Laureates.

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Is There Still Hope for Peace in Ukraine?
Patrick Boylan – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 8 Sep 2014

The Ukrainian government, like Israel in Gaza, relentlessly goes on bombing residential areas in the eastern regions “to kill the terrorists hiding out there” (but also the civilians living there). The separatists, called “terrorists”, have launched a bloody counteroffensive to the South. Tension has spiked with rumors (later debunked) of a full-scale Russian invasion underway. And yet, in spite of it all, a glimmer of hope for peace has finally appeared. Or is it just an illusion?

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(Italiano) Ci sono ancora speranze in Ucraina?
Patrick Boylan – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 8 Sep 2014

Il governo ucraino, come Israele a Gaza, continua inesorabilmente a bombardare zone residenziali nelle regioni orientali “per uccidere i terroristi che si nascondono là fuori” (ma anche i civili che vi abitano). I separatisti, chiamati “terroristi”, hanno lanciato una controffensiva sanguinosa a sud. La tensione è a spillo con le voci (poi smentita) di una vera e propria invasione russa in corso. Eppure, a dispetto di tutto, un barlume di speranza per la pace è finalmente apparso. O è solo un’illusione?

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Fuelling Antisemitism over Gaza Will Not Make Israel Any Safer
Silvia Swinden – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 28 Jul 2014

The Israeli government is being played like a piano by Hamas. This relentless bombing of Gaza, killing civilians, children, handicapped people, can only make grow the horror that the international community feels. No sympathy for Israel, since the disproportion in the number of deaths is so great.

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I Wasn’t Invited to Bilderberg 2014
Silvia Swinden – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 9 Jun 2014

The only mystery, at least to me, is whether some, or many, of those gathered realise that the sensibility of the epoch is changing, that new waves of fresh thinking and feeling are happening away from the centres of power, that it all may look the same, business as usual, but they must know that this soulless world they have created will continue to experience crashes, each one of them opening more eyes to other possibilities, to a nonviolent world of compassion and solidarity, where life has meaning.

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“Advergames”: New Tricks to Sell Junk Food to Children
Silvia Swinden – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 2 Jun 2014

Junk food companies including McDonald’s and Coca-Cola are exploiting a legal loophole to design games on smartphones, tablets and computers targeted directly at children.

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What’s the World Coming to? Brazilians Demand Cancellation of the Word Cup (!?)
Silvia Swinden – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 1 Jul 2013

In England a well known saying states that ‘football is not a life and death issue, it’s much more important than that’. But it is Brazil where football has taken a status akin to a religion. So, for Brazilians to be questioning if it is right to spend LOTS of money on next year’s World Cup, instead of solving the existing problems of health and education it is an indication that something interesting is happening.

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Hans Blix Tells UK It Does Not Need Trident – But War Is Already a Little Nuclear
Silvia Swinden – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 10 Jun 2013

At the Hay literary festival Hans Blix, nuclear weapons inspector whose advice was spectacularly disregarded over Iraq’s WMD, has told the UK that renewal of its Trident nuclear capability with a cost of £100 billion would not serve any purpose, or make Britain safer. He suggested it may have more to do with pride than protection.

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Kerching! UK and France Overturn the EU Syria’s Arms Embargo
Silvia Swinden – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 3 Jun 2013

It is not the first time that ‘humanitarian’ concerns are raised to make way for escalation of [armed] conflict. This week the UK and France have managed to twist their 25 EU partners’ arms in order to lift the arms embargo for foreign terrorists in Syria. Unsurprisingly, UK and France are the biggest arms exporters of the EU. But what can WE do?!

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Active Nonviolence, Southern Ocean Style…
Scott Wilkie – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 4 Mar 2013

Right now, Sea Shepherd Australia is running its first annual campaign defending the whale populations of the Southern Oceans from the Japanese Government. Previously controlled by the US based Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, the fleet has been forced to change its ‘control’ to Australia by continued litigation by Japan in the US Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. Watch Confrontation in Accompanying VIDEO

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African Campaign for Education on Nonviolence
Humanist Movement Africa – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 4 Mar 2013

“Let’s begin to lead the hearts and minds to the culture of nonviolence. If you think that the economic and political system is a disaster and both our future and the one of the continent is not assured anymore, then you will have to say ‘’NO’’ to violence and ‘’YES’’ to peace by strongly engaging in this project in order to set this new mechanism of positive conscience in Africa.”

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North Korea 3 vs USA 1,054 Nuclear Tests
Tony Henderson – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 18 Feb 2013

North Korea (DPRK) has conducted three explosive nuclear tests, compared to the United States’ 1,054! That North Korea is continuing with its nuclear weapons programme, which is clearly and understandably denounced by the UN, meaning by all the nations undersigning the UN charter, tells of North Korea’s situation of desperation and fear.

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(Español ) Realidad y Utopía
Anna Polo – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 11 Feb 2013

Cada vez que se toca el tema de la locura de los gastos militares, pidiendo su reducción, siempre hay alguno que salta invocando los compromisos internacionales, la situación concreta que “desgraciadamente” impone recurrir a la guerra y otros motivos parecidos que terminan criticando esta idea por utópica. El tono siempre es autosuficiente e irónicamente compasivo respecto de los ingenuos soñadores, idealistas que se obstinan en ignorar la dura realidad de los hechos.

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(Italiano) Realtà e Utopia
Anna Polo – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 11 Feb 2013

Ogni volta che si tocca il tema della follia delle spese militari, chiedendone la riduzione, c’è sempre qualcuno che salta su invocando gli impegni internazionali, la situazione concreta che “purtroppo” impone di ricorrere alla guerra e altre motivazioni del genere e bolla questa idea come utopistica. Il tono è sempre di sufficienza e compatimento (se non di scherno) nei confronti dei sognatori ingenui e idealisti che si ostinano a ignorare la dura realtà dei fatti.

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Reality and Utopia
Anna Polo – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 11 Feb 2013

Every time that someone talks about the madness of military spending and calls for its reduction there is always someone who leaps to its defence invoking international commitments, the reality that “unfortunately” requires the use of war and other similar reasons that end up criticising this idea as utopian. The tone is always arrogant and ironically compassionate towards the naïve dreamers and idealists that obstinately ignore the hard facts of reality.

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1st International Active Nonviolence Film Festival
Pressenza Int’l Press Agency – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jan 2013

30 Cities around the World to Take Part – Promoted by the humanist organisation World without Wars and Violence, the festival aims to create a space of coming together, of free creation committed to the culture of nonviolence.

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(Castellano) Tercer Simposio Mundial: Los Humanistas Proponen Campaña Latinoamericana por la Reducción del Gasto Militar en la Región
Nelsy Lizarazo, Mundo Sin Guerras y Sin Violencia – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 12 Nov 2012

Tomás Hirsch, humanista chileno, lanzó la propuesta humanista para trabajar en una gran campaña latinoamericana para la reducacción del gasto militar en América Latina y Caribe y reorientar ese gasto hacia la salud, la educación y la calidad de vida de nuestras poblaciones. Avanzaremos en esta propuesta y les invitamos a todos y todas a sumar a ella, concluyó Hirsch.

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Third World Symposium: Humanists Propose Latin-American Campaign for the Reduction of Regional Military Spending
Tony Robinson, World without Wars and Violence – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 12 Nov 2012

Chilean humanist Tomas Hirsch launched the humanist proposal to work in a big Latin-American campaign to reduce military spending in Latin-America and the Caribbean and redirect this spending towards health, education and the quality of life of our population. “We will advance in this proposal and we invite you all to join us,” Hirsch concluded.

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(French) II Symposium Mondial: Les Humanistes Proposent Une Campagne en Amérique Latine pour la Réduction des Dépenses Militaires
Nelsy Lizarazo, Monde Sans Guerres et Sans Violence – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 5 Nov 2012

Tomás Hirsch, humaniste chilien, a lancé la proposition humaniste de travailler sur une grande campagne de réduction des dépenses militaires en Amérique Latine et aux Caraïbes. Le but étant de réorienter ces ressources dans la santé, l’éducation et la qualité de vie de nos populations. Nous avancerons sur cette proposition et vous invitons toutes et tous à vous regrouper autour d’elle, conclut Hirsch.

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Eliminate Atomic Energy – Major Changes Called For
Silvia Swinden – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 1 Oct 2012

We report here a communication from IALANA (International Association of Lawyers against Nuclear Weapons) Berlin. Following the annual International Atomic Energy Organization (IEAE) conference in Vienna, Austria, numerous Peace and Scientific organizations in Europe have strongly criticized the nuclear body on its support for the pro- war preparation against Iran. With a strong call to reform the Nuclear body, the Peace initiatives unanimously agreed that the Nuclear body stand on Iran was unacceptable.

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The Many Shades of Regime Change: From the Middle East to Latin America
Silvia Swinden – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 9 Jul 2012

Seemingly unconnected events like the unfolding civil war in Syria and a President deposed by his Parliament in Paraguay are in fact remarkably similar in their ultimate goals, if not in their methods. As the International Financial Empire fears losing its hegemony we witness its attempts to discipline dissenting voices.

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US Senate Debating Law to Censor Internet, Effectively, At World Level – Avaaz Campaign
Silvia Swinden – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 5 Dec 2011

Unlike Internet censorship in China or Iran – which the US denounces vociferously – the fact that the US is such a hub of servers for the whole world means that any censorship to its cyberspace has worldwide repercussions. Under the new law, the US could force Internet providers to block any website on suspicion of violating copyright or trademark legislation, or even failing to sufficiently police their users’ activities. And, because so much of the Internet’s hosts and hardware are located in the US, their blacklist would clamp down on the free web for all of us.

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Who the Hell Are Standard and Poor!?
Silvia Swinden – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 22 Aug 2011

Credit Rating Agencies are at it again. If the hole in the real economy, the one in which real people live, created by the virtual economy, where the speculators live, aka “rescuing the Banks during the subprime crisis”, were not big enough, Standard and Poor, has “downgraded” the US Credit Rating sending the world economy into a deeper hole. So who are they?

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Chile: Von Baer Privatises Quinoa
Pía Figueroa – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 23 May 2011

The privatisation of Chilean seed has become a scandal and paves the way for the arrival of genetically modified products. After the realisation that, as well as the North American company Monsanto, the patents for Chilean crops are in the hands of people linked to the government who will now benefit from the privatisation of seed, as in the case of Ena Von Baer’s father.

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15-M in Spain: Nonviolence Is Now On the Streets
Rafael De la Rubia – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 23 May 2011

The important thing about the events that are happening is that they mark a before and an after in demonstrations. They are driven by “indignation”—like almost all rebellions—but they have a quality and a form of development which are totally new because they are based on the methodology of nonviolence. For the first time this is happening spontaneously, without leaders, without doctrines, in a totally new way.

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Of Libya, France and Western Hypocrisy
Julio Godoy – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 28 Mar 2011

To avoid misunderstandings: Gaddafi is a brutal, cynical, corrupt dictator, who obviously considers Libya as his personal property. His sons were forged in the same furnace. And yet, to try to justify, as many do, especially the French government of Sarkozy, the international military mission against the Libyan regime as a matter of morality and values, is simply hypocritical.

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In Egypt and Tunisia Nonviolence Has Been the Motor of Transformation
Rafael De la Rubia – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 21 Feb 2011

The most important thing to happen in these weeks, hasn’t been the departure of Presidents Ben Ali and Hosni Mubarak, the most important thing has been the union of the people in non-violent protest, the most important thing has been to resist the violence of agents provocateurs, to resist the violence of their own institutions, to resist the violence of the police. The Egyptian and Tunisian armies were not defeated with weapons or confrontation, but rather with hugs and open hands.

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Foundations for the Economy of a New Civilisation
Guillermo Sullings – Pressenza Int’l Press Agency, 27 Dec 2010

The challenge of thinking about how a new civilisation would be, can be very attractive because one could get carried away with ones imagination and in theory design a new utopia, like the one imagined by Thomas More, author of the book [Utopia] which gave a name to social ideals. This literary exercise is valid in itself, though it could not go any further than the events shaped on the page with all the naïveté and incongruence of the writer and his era.

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