Articles by Rick Sterling
We found 81 results.
People in Syria Are Afraid
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
27 Jan 2025
20 Jan 2025 – Interview by Rick Sterling with a high-level translator and university professor who lives in Damascus on 15 Jan. Qusay is not his real name.
→ read full articleHow the West Destroyed Syria
Rick Sterling Interviews Peter Ford – TRANSCEND Media Service,
13 Jan 2025
11 Jan 2025 – Peter Ford served in the UK Foreign Ministry for many years including as ambassador to Bahrain (1999-2003) and Syria (2003-2006). After, he was representative to the Arab world for the Commissioner General of the UN Relief and Works Agency.
→ read full articleA Voice from Syria on Christmas Day: “All of Us Are Lost”
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
30 Dec 2024
27 Dec 2024 – Following are some key points from a discussion with my friend in Damascus. He is a translator and university professor. The situation in Syria continues to evolve.
→ read full articleEye-Witness Syria: The Last 12 days
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
16 Dec 2024
10 Dec 2024 – My friend lives in Damascus. I will call him Qusay to protect his identity. He was born and grew up in Aleppo and is a translator and university professor. He personally witnessed events in Damascus where he still is. What Qusay told me about events in Syria the past 12 days.
→ read full articleUS Seizes Venezuelan Jet Plane: Confirming Who Is the Rogue Nation
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
9 Sep 2024
On 2 Sep 2024 US officials seized a plane belonging to the Venezuelan government in the Dominican Republic and flew it to Florida. Contrary to a false report in the NY Times, the plane was not “owned by Nicolas Maduro” but by the Venezuelan government and used for travel by the president and various Venezuelan officials.
→ read full articleUS Elites Fail to Sink Chinese Swimmers
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
12 Aug 2024
9 Aug 2024 – US political and media elites tried but failed to sink the Chinese swimming team that performed well despite the increased stress caused by media-induced rumors of “Chinese doping” at the Paris Olympics. Now, the tables are being turned as the US anti-doping regime is coming under increasing scrutiny and criticism.
→ read full article170 Years of U.S. Aggression against Nicaragua
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
22 Jul 2024
15 Jul 2024 – When the Monroe Doctrine was declared, in 1823, it was aimed at European colonial powers to butt out: the US “sphere of influence” included all of Latin America and the Caribbean. During the past two centuries, virtually all of them had to endure US intervention and interference in their internal affairs.
→ read full articleThe Future of the UN Relief and Works Agency and Hamas in Gaza
Rick Sterling Interviews Peter Ford - TRANSCEND Media Service,
10 Jun 2024
4 Jun 2024 – Peter Ford has an extensive career in the UK diplomatic service, including as UK Ambassador to Bahrain and Syria. He served for many years as Special Representative to the Commissioner General of UNRWA. In this interview, he discusses the background, importance, and how Israel wants to “replace” UNRWA.
→ read full articleWestern Media Ignites War on China in Sports
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
13 May 2024
8 May 2024 – Western accusations of doping by Chinese swimmers threaten to exacerbate China-US tensions, undermine the World Anti Doping Agency and seriously harm the upcoming Paris Olympics.
→ read full articleGermany Confirms Its Collaboration with Genocide
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
22 Apr 2024
A three-day Palestine conference in Berlin was forcibly shut down after three hours on Friday [12 Apr]. Electricity was abruptly terminated in the midst of the presentation by Salman Abu Sitta, the 87 year old author of the authoritative “Atlas of Palestine.”
→ read full articleIsraeli Milestones: From Six Day Victory to Six Month Failure
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
15 Apr 2024
8 Apr 2024 – We have passed the tipping point. The unrelenting slaughter of Palestinian civilians over the past six months has forever changed the perception of Israel in the West. Israel is now widely seen internationally as a “bad guy” similar to how the US was seen in the late 60’s in Vietnam.
→ read full articleVoices from Gaza
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
25 Mar 2024
22 Mar 2024 – The book ‘Gaza Writes Back’ is a collection of short stories from twenty young Gazans. The stories reveal how the last five months are the culmination of a process that has been going on for decades.
→ read full articleHow the West Robbed and Abused the Best Figure Skater in the World While Provoking the War in Ukraine
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
4 Mar 2024
On 7 Feb 2022, after the Russians had won the team skating event at the Beijing Winter Games, news emerged that one of the Russian skaters, the brilliant young Kamila Valieva, had tested positive for a banned substance. The charges created one of the biggest international sport controversies of the past 50 years.
→ read full articleFrom Dallas to Gaza: How JFK’s Assassination Was Good for Zionist Israel
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
18 Dec 2023
As John F Kennedy warned in 1960, Israel has become a “garrison state” surrounded by “hate and fear”. His assassination insured Zionist control of Israel, suffering for Palestinians, and permanent instability.
→ read full articleA few FACTS about Gaza
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
30 Oct 2023
Below are some facts about Gaza to evaluate whether Guterres was accurate or not in his address to the UNSC.
→ read full articleMexico Should Be Our Example of What Is Possible
Rick Sterling interviews Teri Mattson – TRANSCEND Media Service,
28 Aug 2023
25 Aug 2023 – Teri Mattson is producer and host of the weekly podcast WTF is Going on in Latin America & the Caribbean? broadcast on Spotify, Apple Podcast, Code Pink, as well as Popular Resistance.
→ read full articleNicaragua: A History of US Intervention and Resistance
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
14 Aug 2023
Many nations in the Americas have suffered from US promoted coups, dictatorships, sanctions and outright invasions. Nicaragua may take the cake for being the most victimized. Dan Kovalik has written a book which reviews the history of intervention and resistance up to the present day.
→ read full articleWho Is National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan and Why He Should Debate RFK Jr
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
3 Jul 2023
26 Jun 2023 – National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan is one of the key people driving US foreign policy. He was mentored by Hillary Clinton with regime changes in Honduras, Libya and Syria. This article will describe his background, what he says, what he has been doing, where the US is headed and why this should be debated.
→ read full articleJourney to St. Petersburg, Moscow & Crimea (Part 3)
Dan Kovalik and Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
12 Jun 2023
Reflections on Russia & Crimea: The Hate Goes One Way
→ read full articleJourney to St. Petersburg, Moscow & Crimea (Part 2)
Dan Kovalik and Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
5 Jun 2023
Eyewitness Crimea – In May of this year, we took the long, 27-hour train ride from Moscow to Crimea to see how life is there and what the sentiment of the people are as the US and Ukraine sharpen their threats to “recapture” this peninsula from Russia.
→ read full articleJourney to St. Petersburg, Moscow & Crimea (Part 1)
Dan Kovalik and Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
29 May 2023
24 May 2023 – At the end of April of this year, the two of us ventured together to Russia. We went with the purpose of fact-finding and also to make a point that we do not believe that Russia should be isolated from the world through sanctions and travel bans.
→ read full articleConfessions of a CIA Terrorist
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
22 May 2023
“This book is my attempt to correct the misperceptions that make the Agency one of the least understood and most mistrusted institutions in the US today. The reality we faced on the ground in places from Muslim Africa to East Asia, to our own streets here at home, is one of persistent threats that must be countered to keep our people safe.”
→ read full articleWhy Zelensky Will NOT Take Back Crimea
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
3 Apr 2023
Seventeen months ago the US State Department officially declared the US will “NEVER” recognize Crimea as part of Russia. Three months ago Ukrainian President Zelensky vowed to “take back” Crimea. Is this possible? The misinformation about Crimea shows how distorted media coverage of the entire Ukraine conflict is.
→ read full articleUS Exceptionalism and the Wars in Syria and Ukraine
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
6 Mar 2023
After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990, neoconservatives said it was time for US interests and priorities to be dominant. This was to be a New American Century with no challengers. It became US foreign policy: The US should not permit any country to challenge US supremacy and dominance.
→ read full articleMLK: Beyond Vietnam… to Ukraine
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
16 Jan 2023
16 Apr 2023 – In April 1967, Martin Luther King Jr. delivered an eloquent and stirring denunciation of the Vietnam War and US militarism in his “Beyond Vietnam” speech, which is relevant to today’s war in Ukraine. Exactly one year after delivering the speech at Riverside Church, Luther King was assassinated.
→ read full articleLessons from Vietnam for Ukraine
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
1 Aug 2022
28 Jul 2022 – Ukrainians have become cannon fodder for the US geopolitical goals, just as the South Vietnamese were. Will the US and allies continue to escalate the conflict in Ukraine with the goal of hurting Russia? Have we learned nothing from Vietnam and subsequent US/Western foreign policy disasters of the past 40 years?
→ read full articleHandling International Crises: From JFK to Biden
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
11 Jul 2022
There are significant parallels between the international crises in Cuba in 1962 and Ukraine today. Both involved: intense confrontations between the USA and the Soviet Union or Russia, and third party countries on the doorstep of a major power. The Cuban Missile Crisis threatened to lead to WW3, just as the Ukraine crisis does today.
→ read full articleA Tale of Two Summits
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
20 Jun 2022
17 Jun 2022 – Last week (June 8-10) there were two summits in Los Angeles, California: the Summit of the Americas hosted by the US State Department and the Peoples Summit hosted by US and international activist organizations. The two summits were held in the same city at the same time but could not be otherwise more different.
→ read full articleHow “Virtual Crime Scenes” Became a Propaganda Tool in Nicaragua, Ukraine and Syria
John Perry and Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
30 May 2022
26 May 2022 – How media uses computer modeling and “virtual crime scenes” to assign blame for some important international events. The deaths at the “Mother’s March” in Nicaragua precipitated an attempted coup. The Maidan Massacre in Kyiv led to an actual coup. The claims of a chemical attack in Douma led to the US, France and the UK bombing Syria.
→ read full articleUkraine Is a Pawn on the Grand Chessboard
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
25 Apr 2022
22 Apr 2022 – Zbigniew Brzezinski’s book, The Grand Chessboard, was published 25 years ago. His assumptions and strategies for maintaining ‘U.S. global dominance’ have been hugely influential in US foreign policy. We can see where this policy leads and how crucial it is to re-evaluate.
→ read full articleFabricating Putin Quotes and Banning Paraplegic Athletes to Undermine Russia: How Low Can the West Go?
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
11 Apr 2022
7 Apr 2022 – Vilifying and hating an enemy is a tactic that leaders have used in human history, and it is being used to demonize Russia and Vladimir Putin. If we want to join the march to war, we can join the hate fest. But if we want a more objective assessment of events, we must rely on facts that our governments and mainstream media are not anxious for us to know.
→ read full articleRand Report Prescribed US Provocations against Russia and Predicted Russia Might Retaliate in Ukraine
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
28 Mar 2022
26 Mar 2022 – According to the 2019 Rand Report: “Overextending and Unbalancing Russia”, the US goal is to undermine Russia. Rather than “trying to stay ahead” or to improve the US relations, the emphasis is on efforts and actions to undermine the designated adversary Russia. Rand is a think tank that receives three-quarters of its funding from the US military.
→ read full articleHow the US Instigated the Ukraine Crisis
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
28 Feb 2022
25 Feb 2022 – US intervention, both open and secret, has been a major driver of the events in Ukraine. Let us hope that the violence ends quickly and a genuinely independent Ukraine, no longer a tool of the United States, emerges.
→ read full articleHow Can Some Progressives Get Basic Information about Nicaragua so Wrong?
John Perry and Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
20 Dec 2021
On 7 Nov Nicaragua held elections in which current president Daniel Ortega received 75% support. Not surprisingly, the US government described the election as a “sham.” Of more concern is that many on the left seem to agree.
→ read full articleWhat I Saw on Election Day in Nicaragua
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
15 Nov 2021
10 Nov 2021 – US media and politicians have condemned the 7 Nov Nicaragua election as a “fraud” and “sham”. However, the high turnout and vote for the FSLN shows that the Nicaraguan people are not intimidated by Washington’s bullying and threats.
→ read full articleIndigenous Leaders in Nicaragua Speak Out against Western Media and NGOs
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
1 Nov 2021
28 Oct 2021 – Nicaragua has an election to choose their president and national assembly on 7 Nov. According to polls, the Sandinista Front (FSLN) currently in government is expected to win the presidency and a majority of seats in the assembly. At the same time, the Sandinista government is intensely disliked by Washington and there has been a steady stream of negative news and accusations.
→ read full articleWhy Is the Top Chinese Swimmer Not at the Tokyo Olympics?
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
2 Aug 2021
29 Jul 2021 – How Sun Yang Was Eliminated – The FINA Doping Panel was correct and Sun Yang should be competing in the Tokyo Olympics.
→ read full articleWhat Is Wrong With the “Humanitarian Crossing” into Syria?
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
12 Jul 2021
8 Jul 2021 – There are important facts which western media stories typically leave out or distort. Here are some reasons why the Bab al Hawa border crossing should NOT be renewed. [On 9 Jul the UN Security Council unanimously agreed to a one year extension of the Bab al Hawa crossing. The problems outlined in this article remain true. — RS]
→ read full articleHow Billion-Dollar Foundations Fund NGOs to Manipulate U.S. Foreign Policy: A Case Study from Nicaragua
Rick Sterling | CovertAction Magazine – TRANSCEND Media Service,
14 Jun 2021
8 Jun 2021 – U.S. foreign policy is increasingly promoted by billionaire-funded foundations. The neoliberal era has created individuals with incredible wealth who, through “philanthropy,” flex their influence and feel good at the same time. While these philanthropists can be liberal on some issues, they almost universally support U.S. foreign policy and the “free market.” Because many of these super-rich individuals made their wealth through investments and speculation, most do not like a planned economy, socialized services beyond the private sector, or greater government control.
→ read full articleHow Billionaire Foundations Fund NGOs to Advance US Foreign Policy Goals
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 May 2021
20 May 2021 – US foreign policy is increasingly promoted by billionaire funded foundations. The neoliberal era has created individuals with incredible wealth and through “philanthropy”, they flex their influence. While these philanthropists can be liberal on some issues, they universally support U.S. foreign policy and the “free market”. A Case Study from Nicaragua
→ read full articleTwo Ambassadors to Syria with Wildly Different Analyses
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
5 Apr 2021
30 Mar 2021 – Grayzone journalist Aaron Mate interviewed two former ambassadors to Syria: UK Peter Ford and U.S. Robert S. Ford. They have a common surname but dramatically different perspectives. The statements and viewpoints of the two diplomats are compared here.
→ read full articleWhy Victoria Nuland Is Dangerous and Should Not Be Confirmed
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
15 Feb 2021
Victoria Nuland has promoted a foreign policy of intervention through coups, proxy wars, aggression, and ongoing occupations. The policy has been implemented with bloody and disastrous results in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Syria, and Ukraine.
→ read full articleWhat Happened to JFK and a Foreign Policy of Peace?
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
1 Feb 2021
“President Kennedy’s courageous turn from global war to a strategy of peace provides the why of his assassination. Because he turned toward peace with our enemies, the Communists, he found himself at odds with his own national security state.”
→ read full articleWho to Believe about Venezuela’s Election?
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
11 Jan 2021
11 Jan 2021 – In early December I traveled to Venezuela to be an election observer at their national assembly election. There were about two hundred international observers, including the Latin American Council of Electoral Experts. I have been an official election observer in Honduras and was an unofficial observer at the 2015 Venezuela national assembly election.
→ read full articleHow USA and Turkey Plunder and Loot Syria with Impunity
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
21 Sep 2020
15 Sep 2020 – While President Trump lashes out at rioting and looting in Portland and Kenosha, half way around the world, the USA and Turkey are plundering and looting Syria on a vastly greater scale with impunity and little publicity.
→ read full articleKeep It Real
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
24 Aug 2020
19 Aug 2020 – Diana Johnstone has written a compelling and insightful book. It is mostly a review and analysis of significant events from the past 55 years. It concludes with her assessment of different trends that are being debated on the Left today including “identity politics”, Antifa and censorship. This is a book to be read, enjoyed and discussed.
→ read full articleCaesar Tries to Suffocate 17 Million Syrians
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
22 Jun 2020
19 Jun 2020 – Since 2011, the US and allies have promoted, trained and supplied militants trying to bring about “regime change” in Damascus. Having failed in that effort, they have tried to strangle Syria economically. This month the aggression reaches a new level with extreme sanctions known as the Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act. The vast majority of Syrians continue as victims of US foreign policy delusions, hypocrisy, cynicism and cruelty.
→ read full articleSouthFront Is Censored under Cover of Pandemic
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
15 Jun 2020
8 Jun 2020 – Censorship of alternative media is becoming more widespread in the COVID19 era. This article documents the case of SouthFront.
→ read full articleRacism & Bias at the Court of Arbitration for Sports: The Sun Yang Decision
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
25 May 2020
20 May 2020 – Over the past 5 years, the sport’s “anti doping movement” has been distorted into a political tool to attack Russia and now China. This article reveals the bias behind the decision to ban Chinese athlete Sun Yang for eight years. For example, the president of the panel tweeted against a “yellow faced Chinese monster!” and secretly mocked the athlete’s mother in the hearing. I hope the facts presented here help get a new fair hearing for Sun Yang.
→ read full articleChinese Swimmer Sun Yang Is Being Falsely Punished
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
23 Mar 2020
19 Mar 2020 – Sun Yang is an Olympic Gold medalist and world record holding swimmer. He was recently ruled to be guilty of an anti-doping rule violation and banned from competing for eight years. The decision was met with shock and anger among his many fans in China; glee and gloating by some western media and swimming competitors. What lies behind this important decision? Has it advanced or undermined the cause of anti-doping? The following article outlines the Sun Yang case and context.
→ read full articleThree Extraordinary Australian Journalists: Burchett, Pilger & Assange
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
10 Feb 2020
7 Feb 2020 – Australia has produced extraordinary journalists across three generations: Wilfred Burchett (deceased in 1983), John Pilger (80 years old but still active) and Julian Assange (48 years old, currently in London’s Belmarsh prison). They were all rebels and all international. They all depended on freedom of the press which is now at stake.
→ read full articleAMLO is Bringing New Hope to Mexico
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
30 Dec 2019
17 Dec 2019 – Jeremy Corbyn lost the election but one of his political friends, the progressive Mexican leader named Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, has been in power for one year. He is carrying out the plans and priorities described in his 2018 book, New Hope for Mexico.
→ read full articleA Beautiful but Deceptive Documentary: “For Sama”
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
9 Dec 2019
8 Dec 2019 – The documentary movie “For Sama” has won a host of awards in Europe and North America. Unfortunately, behind a human interest story, it is propaganda: biased, misleading, and politically partisan. While the personal narrative may be true, the context and environment is distorted and hidden. The viewer will have no idea of the reality.
→ read full articleWhy Withdrawing US Troops from Northern Syria Is GOOD
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
21 Oct 2019
16 Oct 2019 – The foreign policy elite is in an uproar. They say the decision to withdraw from northern Syria was a “gift” to Russia, Iran, and Assad… even ISIS. Despite the howls of indignation and disinformation, withdrawing US troops from northern Syria is a step in the right direction.
→ read full articleAn Open Letter to “Science and Global Security”
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
7 Oct 2019
Do Not Succumb to Political Censorship on Syria
→ read full articleRemembering Hisham Ahmed
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
30 Sep 2019
Sometimes you meet someone who is unforgettable. Hisham Ahmed was such a person. He was born in a refugee camp in Bethlehem, Palestine in 1963. Blind from birth, Hisham somehow surmounted all odds and ultimately earned a PhD. He taught for many years at Birzeit University in Palestine before coming to Saint Mary’s College of California in 2006. He died of cancer in July 2019, age 56.
→ read full articleNPR Mocks Cancer Survivor in Drumbeat of Syria Propaganda
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
26 Aug 2019
20 Aug 2019 – It may be a new low in propaganda. National Public Radio (NPR) used the news that Syrian First Lady Asma Assad had overcome breast cancer to mock her and continue the information war against Syria.
→ read full articleTulsi Gabbard vs Google Goliath
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
5 Aug 2019
30 Jul 2019 – The Tulsi Gabbard presidential campaign has filed a major law suit against Google. This article outlines the main points of the law suit and evidence the social media giant Google has quietly acquired enormous influence on public perceptions and has been actively censoring alternative viewpoints.
→ read full articleHow Russiagate Replaced Analysis of the 2016 Election
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
20 May 2019
18 May 2019 – An honest and accurate analysis of the 2016 election is very relevant to the current election campaign. Yet over the past two years, Russiagate has dominated media and political debate and largely replaced a serious analysis of the factors leading to Trump’s victory… Blaming an outside power is a good way to prevent self analysis and positive change. It’s gone on far too long.
→ read full articleTulsi Gabbard Comes to San Francisco
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
25 Mar 2019
20 Mar 2019 – Tulsi Gabbard visited the San Francisco Bay Area last weekend. The 3-term Congresswoman from Hawaii is 37 years old and ethnically diverse. Remarkably, she has 15 years military experience in the US Army and National Guard as well as substantial political experience. She was elected to the Hawaii State Assembly at age 21.
→ read full articleMarie Colvin, Homs and Media Falsehoods about Syria
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
21 Jan 2019
20 Jan 2019 – According to many of her colleagues, Marie Colvin was charming and courageous, ambitious and fun to be with. She had a knack for including personal details, descriptions and emotions that engaged the reader. Unfortunately, Colvin’s reports and interviews from Syria were inaccurate and a huge distortion of the situation. It is useful to examine Colvin’s reporting now, seven years later, because there is a wave of new articles, books and movies about her and how she died in Syria.
→ read full articleWhy Is Canada Punishing This Brave Woman?
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
3 Dec 2018
The Canadian government forced Damian’s mother, Christianne Boudreau, to surrender her Canadian passport. This article examines the strange circumstances and seeming irrationality. Unlike her son, who had been indoctrinated then recruited to join a terrorist group, Christianne Boudreau has worked with other parents internationally to create and promote educational programs to counter extremism. She converted her grief at the loss of Damian to help educate others how to prevent the same thing happening again.
→ read full articleWestern Media Attacks on Critics of the White Helmets
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
29 Oct 2018
29 Oct 2018 – The October 16 issue of NY Review of Books has an article by Janine di Giovani titled “Why Assad and Russia Target the White Helmets”. The article exemplifies how western media promotes the White Helmets uncritically and attacks those who challenge the myth. It is an example of western disinformation using subjective attacks on critics and evidence-free assertions aligned with the regime change goals of the West.
→ read full articleCamilo Mejía Analyzes the Soft Coup Attempt in Nicaragua
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
27 Aug 2018
24 Aug 2018 – The first video showed opposition activists torturing a Sandinista supporter under the oversight of a Catholic priest and the remains of a Sandinista burned alive. A second video showed a statement from an American who has lived in Nicaragua for many years. He described how gangs had invaded his town, set up road blocks, intimidated and abused local civilians. He described the joy of the community when the roadblocks were removed and masked “protesters” departed.
→ read full articleTribute to Robert Parry: Investigative Journalist and Patriot
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
16 Jul 2018
10 Jul 2018 – Although Robert Parry never became personally famous, many readers will recall news stories he played a key role in bringing to public consciousness. He uncovered the “Iran-Contra scandal” where the US secretly sold weapons to Iran via Israel with profits supporting mercenary “Contras” attacking the Nicaraguan government. He uncovered Lt. Col. Oliver North secretly working at the Reagan White House to supervise support for the Contras. He exposed CIA collusion with criminals sending weapons to the Contras and receiving tons of cocaine on return flights from Colombia and Central America.
→ read full article(Français) Le courage des Palestiniens finira-t-il par provoquer une intervention internationale ?
Rick Sterling | Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service,
11 Jun 2018
Au bout de 70 ans, le conflit israélo-palestinien n’est toujours pas résolu. Les hostilités couvent pendant quelques années, puis éclatent à nouveau en de nouveaux massacres et de nouvelles violences.
→ read full articleTwo-State Solution Is Dead, Palestinian Courage Should Spur International Action
Rick Sterling – RT,
11 Jun 2018
4 Jun 2018 – After 70 years, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is still unresolved. The conflict simmers for a few years, then erupts again with new massacres and violence. Palestinian courage should spur international action.
→ read full articleRussian Athletes Exonerated but Ignored in the West
Rick Sterling – RT,
7 May 2018
4 May 2018 – When McLaren falsely claimed that “Over 1,000 Russian athletes were complicit in doping,” it was front-page news in Western media. Now that Russian athletes are being acquitted of doping violations, and relatively few are found guilty, the Western media is silent.
→ read full articleTaking the World to the Brink
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
16 Apr 2018
10 Apr 2018 – Western neoconservatives and hawks are driving the international situation to increasing tension and danger. Not content with the destruction of Iraq and Libya based on false claims, they are now pressing for a direct US attack on Syria.
→ read full articleWhen Is There Going to Be Accountability for US Wars and Aggression?
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
5 Feb 2018
2 Feb 2018 – It’s WMD all over again. Anonymous “US officials” are once again accusing a targeted “regime” of using “chemical weapons” and threatening that the U.S. military may have to “hold it accountable”. Once again, western media is broadcasting these accusations and threats without skepticism or investigation.
→ read full articleWMD in Syria Just like Iraq in 2003?
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
13 Nov 2017
3 Nov 2017 – Contradictions in the UN/OPCW Report on Khan Shaykhun – The committee is “confident that the Syria is responsible for the release of sarin in Khan Shaykhun on 4 Apr 2017”. Most western “experts” were dead wrong in the run-up to the invasion of Iraq. Are these same “experts”, institutes, intelligence agencies and biased organizations going to take us down the road to new aggression, this time against Syria?
→ read full articleHalf-truths and Falsehoods in PBS Series ‘Inside Putin’s Russia’
Rick Sterling | Dissident Voice – TRANSCEND Media Service,
7 Aug 2017
27 Jul 2017 – The US government-supported Public Broadcasting System recently ran a five part series dubbed Inside Putin’s Russia. With a different theme each night, it purports to give a realistic look at Russia today. The image conveyed is of a Russia that is undemocratic with widespread state repression, violence and propaganda. Following are significant distortions and falsehoods in the five-part documentary.
→ read full articleRussia Encircled by Hostile NATO States: Arms Control Expert
Rick Sterling – teleSUR,
5 Jun 2017
27 May 2017 – Vladimir Kozin is an arms control specialist and a member of the Russian Academy of Military Science who has worked on arms control issues since the 1970s. Kozin said that Russians see themselves being encircled by NATO. Of the 16 countries bordering Russia, eight have anti-Russia sentiments. He noted that the U.S. military budget is 12 times greater than that of Russia and increasing. He said that it is a “fairy tale” that Russia interfered in the U.S. election.
→ read full articleAmnesty International’s Kangaroo Report on Syria
Rick Sterling – teleSUR,
20 Feb 2017
The report’s conclusions are not based on primary sources, material evidence or their own staff; they are solely based on the claims of anonymous individuals.
→ read full articleThe White Helmet Controversy
Rick Sterling | Dissident Voice – TRANSCEND Media Service,
31 Oct 2016
Unknown to most people, the White Helmets brand was conceived and directed by a marketing company named “The Syria Campaign” based in New York. They have managed to fool millions of people. Walt Disney might have made a great movie about this: unarmed volunteers fearlessly rescuing survivors in the midst of war without regard to religion or politics.
→ read full articleDoes Syria Have the Right to Defend Itself?
Rick Sterling | Dissident Voice – TRANSCEND Media Service,
10 Oct 2016
4 Oct 2016 – There is a hypocritical disconnect in Western and especially U.S. foreign policy. When it comes to Israel, the US is quick to claim “Israel has a right to defend itself”. For Syria, that same right does not seem to exist. Two things are clear:
• The public should be wary of media stories based on the claims of biased actors and not supported by solid evidence; and,
• The Syrian government has the right to defend itself against foreign-funded violent extremists seeking to destroy it.
The Biased Report That Led to Banning Russian Athletes
Rick Sterling - teleSUR,
15 Aug 2016
The IOC imposed special conditions on Russian athletes, which prevent them from competing if they have ever tested positive, even if their suspension has already been served, unlike the rules for other Olympic competitors. In the wake of this decision, there have been aggressive attacks on the IOC and its president, for “failing” to impose collective punishment on the entire Russian team.
→ read full articleKrugman Attacks: The Establishment Snarls a Warning to Sanders
Rick Sterling - CounterPunch,
18 Apr 2016
Krugman does not hold back. Bernie supporters and Bernie himself are described by Krugman as intolerant, cultish, shallow, vague, without substance, lacking character and values, dishonest, short on ethics, really bad, petulant and self-righteous. Wow. Krugman’s diatribe deserves scrutiny and lampooning.
→ read full articleFaulty Analysis and Conclusions on Syria
Rick Sterling – TRANSCEND Media Service,
26 Oct 2015
In tandem with “Obama is weak” goes “Russia is strong” or “Russia looks strong” or “Putin looks strong because Obama is weak”. The media warmongers are like kids on a school playground, trying to egg on a fight. Except in this case it’s not a bloody nose at stake; it’s the lives of tens of thousands of Syrians and potentially millions in World War 3.
→ read full articleHillary Clinton’s ‘Wicked’ Syrian Choice
Rick Sterling – Consortium News,
5 Oct 2015
As Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton bought into the neocon/liberal-hawk agenda that spread the chaos of Iraq across Libya, Syria and now into Europe. How Clinton approached those challenges suggests that she would head down the same “regime change” path as President.
→ read full article(Français) Pourquoi les USA ont-ils ignoré les prédictions sur la Syrie ?
Rick Sterling, Investig’Action – TRANSCEND Media Service,
29 Jun 2015
Il y a presque 3 ans, la Defense Intelligence Agency a caractérisé de façon précise la nature du conflit en Syrie et a prédit l’émergence de l’Etat Islamique. Cette révélation bouleversante a été le résultat de la loi sur la liberté de l’information combinée à un effort du groupe « Judicial Watch » en lien avec la commission spéciale sur Benghazi pour plus de transparence sur les agissements des services secrets américains en Syrie.
→ read full article