Articles by Robert Frank

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Top 1% Now Controls 39% of World’s Wealth
Robert Frank, CNBC – TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 Jun 2013

The world’s total private wealth grew 7.8 percent last year to $135 trillion, according to Global Wealth report. The top 1 percent controls $52.8 trillion, and those worth $5 million or more control nearly a quarter of the world’s wealth. That concentration is likely to increase in the coming years as the wealth of the wealthy grows faster than overall global wealth.

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Millionaires Control 39% of Global Wealth
Robert Frank – The Wall Street Journal, 24 Oct 2011

According to the latest Global Wealth Report from Credit Suisse, the 29.7 million people in the world with household net worths of $1 million (representing less than 1% of the world’s population) control about $89 trillion of the world’s wealth. That’s up from a share of 35.6% in 2010, and their wealth increased by about $20 trillion, according Credit Suisse.

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