Articles by Sputinik International

We found 3 results.

Iran’s ‘New Equation’ Reaches Way Beyond West Asia
Pepe Escobar | Sputinik International - TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Apr 2024

17 Apr 2014 – A Holy of the Holies was shattered in the Holy Land as Iran staged a quite measured, heavily choreographed response to the Israeli terror attack against its consulate/ambassador residence in Damascus, a de facto evisceration of the Vienna Convention on diplomatic immunity.

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Canada Approves Nuclear Waste Site on Great Lakes Shore
Sputinik International – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 May 2015

A Canadian advisory panel on Wednesday [6 May 2015] approved a plan to bury nuclear waste at a site just steps away from Lake Huron, saying it had concluded the project would pose no danger to the environment.

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Ukraine: Donbass Struggle, European Shame
Pepe Escobar – Sputinik International, 13 Apr 2015

Seen from Donetsk, the plight of so many families, which look just like your average family in Manchester, Lille, Bologna or Valencia, displaced by a proxy war which they never wanted, demonized in block as “terra-rists”, threatened by fascists with deportation, and completely ignored by the “civilized” West, is as mind-boggling as the cosmic arrogance/ignorance of the “civilized” narrative which sees Ukraine only as good guys/democrats in Kiev against bad guys/rebels remote-controlled by evil Russia.

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