Articles by Stephanie Hiller

We found 16 results.

The Shoah
Stephanie Hiller – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2024

11 May 2024 – There is recently published testimony that Israeli soldiers treat evacuation zones as ‘zones of extermination’ in which all Palestinians” – not just Hamas – “are considered to be legitimate targets.” Israel has also been accused of relying heavily on AI to chose targets and “kill lists.”

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Winner Takes All: John Perkins on the Global Economy
Stephanie Hiller – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 May 2023

21 Apr 2023 – “Senate Finance Chief: Nothing Unites GOP More Than ‘Helping Rich People Cheat on Their Taxes” reads a headline on Common Dreams this morning. But actually that has been the strategy of both parties in US development programs for decades, according to John Perkins.

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Will the West Support Ukraine’s Attack on Crimea?
Stephanie Hiller – TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Apr 2023

According to U.S. and U.N., Putin “annexed” Crimea in 2014. According to Putin, Crimea, daunted by the violence of neo-Nazis in the Maidan, had asked Putin to intervene; the subsequent referendum confirmed their approval.

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Parade of Monsters
Stephanie Hiller – TRANSCEND Media Service, 30 Jan 2023

28 Jan 2023 – This week’s decision by Germany, US and NATO to send tanks to Ukraine has generated powerful images of the Second World War. It’s a parade of monsters.

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Biden’s War (Part 2)
Stephanie Hiller – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Jan 2023

14 Jan 2023 – We tend to view our political leaders as actors in an ideological drama: beautifully attired, faces polished by make-up to look real. But we forget that they are human. Is it not possible for grown men to talk to each other from their hearts?

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Biden’s War (Part 1)
Stephanie Hiller – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jan 2023

Biden doesn’t want to end the war and we are supporting him. When Zelenski spoke before Congress in his green sweatshirt, he received a standing ovation three times. We are risking nuclear war while thousands of Ukrainians and Russians are dying! For what? How long is this infamy going to go on?

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No Safe Haven: Nuclear Weapons Are Making Us Crazy
Stephanie Hiller – TRANSCEND Media Service, 29 Aug 2022

There are no safe havens from a nuclear war. Nuclear weapons are illegal by international law approved by 122 countries (of 197) at the UN on 7 Jul 2017; ratified by 66 countries.

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Escaping the Apocalypse on the Killing Fields of Ukraine
Stephanie Hiller – TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 May 2022

21 May 2022 – It’s not surprising that the threat to destroy Roe V. Wade has shown its ugly head at the same time as a desperate, bloody war and a horrible white supremacist attack in Buffalo. All three are expressions of patriarchy gone haywire as power elites strive to achieve global dominance.

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True or False? – Looking for the Truth in the Ukraine War
Stephanie Hiller – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 May 2022

The war goes on because the U.S.A., our exceptional country, wants it to continue until “that guy” Putin is removed from power and Russia is significantly weakened. At the cost of how many innocent Ukrainian lives, mostly civilians?

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The Righteous, the Black Sheep, and the Sacrificial Lamb
Stephanie Hiller – TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2022

16 Apr 2022 – “Countries in the developing world with large populations like Indonesia, Brazil, and India do not support the sanctions against Russia because of the behavior of the USA, which they recognize as ‘moral hypocrisy.'” Specifically the difference between our response to the white Europeans of Ukraine and our behavior in Yemen, Iraq and Afghanistan.

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We Are All Ukrainian
Stephanie Hiller – TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Mar 2022

19 Mar 2022 – I am of Ukrainian origin. Like many Jewish Americans, my ancestral roots reach back to Eastern Europe. My father was born in Kiev and thought he was a Russian. Other relatives lived in the Pale of Settlement created by the Tsarina Catherine the Great which was part of Ukraine. They thought they were Russian too. Even today families blend Russia with Ukraine.

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Corporate Coup
Stephanie Hiller - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Nov 2021

7 Nov 2021 – The Corporation Is Devouring Our Food System – It turns out that the path toward the UN Food Summit was littered with clues that a “corporate capture” of the United Nations was indeed in progress.

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The Biggest Lie
Stephanie Hiller – TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Aug 2021

Nagasaki Day, August 9, 2021 – The biggest secret ever revealed was the Manhattan Project, in which the US spent two billion dollars or more to build the bomb. It was followed by a big lie by President Truman when he got on national radio to announce that this marvelous invention had been dropped on “Hiroshima, a military base.

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Clash of Paradigms II: The Way Out
Stephanie Hiller – TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Aug 2021

30 Jul 2021 – In this day of zoom communications, there is no backstage. But the UN Food System pre-Summit held at the FAO offices in Rome did bring together a live audience of 500, with the virtual participants numbering 20,000. Allegedly the event, which called itself the Peoples’ Forum, was meant to be inclusive. They claimed to welcome everyone. But not everyone felt included.

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Clash of Paradigms: The Threat to Our Food Supply
Stephanie Hiller | Sonoma Sun - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jul 2021

15 Jul 2021 – Klaus Schwab, founder and director of the World Economic Forum, sees “the opportunity” to make fundamental change. He uses a lot of familiar green-worthy terms in his book, ‘Covid-19: The Great Reset’: “interdependence”, “equity”, “sustainable.” But even with the resonant language, this is not the systems change ecologists and progressives have been talking about.

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U.S. Patriarchy and the Bomb
Stephanie Hiller - TRANSCEND Media Service, 24 Aug 2020

Choosing nuclear disarmament in a time of pandemic and climate change would be a good place to start, freeing millions of dollars for important, needed programs and repair. It could be the foundation of a truly comprehensive “green new deal.” Giving up nuclear weapons could well be the necessary first step toward the reconstruction of our society on a better foundation, one of love.

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