Articles by Steven Sahiounie

We found 6 results.

Israel Uses Foreign Mercenaries in Gaza
Steven Sahiounie | Global Research - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 May 2024

1 May 2024 – The international community is not only silent about Israel’s genocide but also sends foreign mercenaries to fight alongside IDF in Gaza. The US are trying to make the Kurds partners with Israel but many Kurds take the side of the people of Gaza and the Palestinian resistance.

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US Weapons to Ukraine Sold through Back Door to Terrorists
Steven Sahiounie | Mideast Discourse - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Oct 2023

4 Oct 2023 – According to former Ukrainian Defense Ministry informants, the Foundation to Battle Injustice identified which NATO weapons are being resold by the Ukrainian government and revealed the scale and routes to resell Western weapons on the black market.

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The US Will Strengthen Its Occupation of Syria, while Plundering Oil Resources
Steven Sahiounie interviews Prof. Glenn Diesen | Mideast Discourse - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Aug 2023

11 Aug 2023 – The main reason behind the US invasion and occupation of Syria, now lasting eight years, was to prevent Syrians from accessing their own oil wells–and steal it. Due to US sanctions, Syria can’t buy energy products, having a chronic shortage of gasoline, diesel and almost no electricity.

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Syrian Civilians Struggle between Deadly Israeli Air Strikes and Equally Deadly US Sanctions
Steven Sahiounie | Mideast Discourse - TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Aug 2023

8 Aug 2023 – Israeli airstrikes on Syria have become routine and deadly.

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Macron’s Attack on Islam Reveals “Intolerance and Hatred,” Says Nobel Peace Laureate Tawakkol Karman
Steven Sahiounie | Mideast Discourse - TRANSCEND Media Service, 2 Nov 2020

29 Oct 2020 – The beheading of a teacher in France elicited inflammatory remarks from President Emmanuel Macron, which in turn has been met with an Arab boycott of French goods. “Macron’s attack on Islam reveals intolerance and hatred which is shameful for the head of a state like France,” said Tawakkol Karman.

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Salafism vs. Wahhabism: Qatar and Saudi Arabia’s Proxy War Rages in Syria Thanks to US Militarism
Steven Sahiounie – MintPress News, 3 Jul 2017

Salafi jihadist scholar Abdullah al-Muhaysini is one of many agents working on behalf of Qatar to combat Saudi Arabia’s Wahhabist ideology. Their battleground is Syria, where a so-called “civil war” is covering up a silent fight between competing political movements.

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