Articles by TFF

We found 18 results.

The Abolish NATO Catalogue
Jan Oberg and TFF Associates | The Transnational - TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Jul 2024

NATO 75-year Summit, 9-11 Jul 2024: Abolish NATO or Convert It to Serve Peace–30 Arguments & 100s of Inspirations

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Why Is NATO Expanding Its Nuclear Force?
Stephen Bryen | TFF Transnational Foundation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Jul 2024

Is Washington Extending the Nuclear Umbrella to Ukraine?

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A Roadmap for Peace in Ukraine
Alfred de Zayas | TFF – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 Sep 2023

29 Aug 2023 – As more and more politicians and scholars recognize that the Ukraine conflict cannot be solved militarily, that there will be no winners but only losers, we should concentrate on stopping the slaughter. This is the only rational policy we can follow. My roadmap for peace is simple.

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The TFF Abolish NATO Catalogue
Jan Oberg and TFF Associates | The Transnational - TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Aug 2022

18 Aug 2022 – Abolish NATO or Convert It to Serve Peace – 30 Arguments & 100s of Inspirations

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Behind the Smokescreen: West’s China Cold War Agenda
Gordon Dumoulin, Jan Oberg and Thore Vestby | TFF - TRANSCEND Media Service, 16 Aug 2021

An Analysis of the West’s Destructive China Cold War Agenda and Why It Must Stop

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Danish F16s to Fight ISIS: Government More Loyal to the U.S. Than to Its Own Citizens
Jan Oberg –Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research-TFF, 29 Sep 2014

During the last good 15 years Denmark has participated in wars in Yugoslavia and Afghanistan, was an occupying force in Iraq for four years and a main bomber of Libya. Denmark is a rogue state. Rogue states, big and small, are a problem to the whole world. And the sooner they change the better for all.

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US-Russia Talks in Moscow: Hot
Jonathan Power - Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research-TFF, 22 Sep 2014

There seems to have been a total breakdown in communication compared with the Cold War when high-level discussions were held at regular intervals.

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September 11: The War on Terror Is a – Predictable – Fiasco
Jan Oberg - Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research-TFF, 15 Sep 2014

Sep 11, 2014 – President Obama’s speech last night was a record low in terms of moral and intellectual analysis: What it boils down to is war – i.e. killing every single ISIS person anywhere, people who he compares to cancer cells.

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After All This, What? A Couple of Messages to NATO’s Summit
Jan Oberg - Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research-TFF, 8 Sep 2014

The malaise of the world is not conflicts but violence – and that people and media mix the two. Conflicts – that we want different things and see the world in different ways – are good, the stuff life and democracy is made of. Violence is what must be abhorred, condemned and treated normatively as we do slavery, cannibalism, pedophilia.

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Ceasefire in Eastern Ukraine: Now Withdrawal by Russia, the UN In, and NATO Out
Jan Oberg – Transnational Foundation for Peace & Future Research-TFF, 8 Sep 2014

Firstly, an agreement over a phone is only a beginning; the devil is in the details. Secondly, there is no mention – yet – of the East Ukrainian fighters are onboard. Thirdly, a credible ceasefire should be monitored by neutral observers and competent people. The only ones who can do that are the UN peacekeepers.

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Democracy’s Crisis – 10 Points
Jan Oberg, TFF – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Jun 2014

Democracy requires a reasonable level of knowledge and information, freely available. The “world’s largest democracy” [India] also has the world’s largest population who can’t read and write (26%, 287 million people). In comparison, China illiterate citizens make up about 3% and is regularly called a dictatorship.

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Geneva Will Fail but Don’t Blame Only the Syrian Parties
Jan Oberg, TFF – TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Jan 2014

The meeting in Geneva about Syria resumes today [24 Jan 2014]. It is destined to become a historic failure. Most observers will blame either of the armed Syrian parties – the government or the rebels – for adhering unbendingly to their mutually exclusive positions.

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Challenging China
Jonathan Power – TFF Associates, 27 Jan 2014

Over the long run the US will be diluting its political authority in Asia. It must be prepared to accept Chinese equality. America must shunt aside its long held policy of “exceptionalism”. If it wants China to follow the rules of the global community it must set a better example itself.

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Obama’s Diplomatic Blunder, the Cowardice of Western Democracies and What Sweden Should Do
Board Members, The Transnational Foundation for Peace and Future Research-TFF – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Aug 2013

President Obama’s decision to cancel the meeting with Putin is yet another indicator of Washington’s intellectual weakness and the U.S. empire’s future dissolution. People like Assange, Manning and Snowden should be seen as heroes and treated with respect. Before the Swedish prime minister meets Obama he should announce that Sweden is willing to host Snowden.

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What’s The Problem With Iran?
Transnational Foundation-TFF – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Feb 2013

On Tuesday February 26, 2013 in Kazakhstan, a new round of negotiations is due between Iran and the Five Permanent UN Security Council members + Germany. We’d like to bring the following expert statement to your attention.

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Kolkata – The Legacy of Empire
Jonathan Power, TFF – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Apr 2010

I have spent eight months now in the glorious city of Kolkata. You wouldn’t think it is glorious from those who still pedal the story of “The Black Hole” and quote Kipling. Paul Theroux, an exceptional novelist, in his new book, “A Dead Hand, A Crime in Calcutta”, continues the myth. The city “went on growing, yet it still looked rickety and ruinous, and in areas of faded elegance and dramatic misery a bad smell lingered, haunted and human”, he writes.

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The New U.S. Nuclear Posture Review
David Krieger, TFF & Nuclear Age Peace Foundation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Apr 2010

While pausing to celebrate the incremental steps in arms reductions and the limitations on nuclear weapons use that are being made now, we should also recognize that a policy of No First Use and a commitment to negotiate a Nuclear Weapons Convention would move us far more rapidly toward the peace and security of the nuclear weapon-free world envisioned by President Obama.

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TRANSCEND Member Richard Falk Awarded the Global Citizenship Prize
TFF - TRANSCEND Media Service, 21 Sep 2009

TRANSCEND Member Richard Falk speaking at the Kant Foundation on Jeff Halper, awarded the Global Citizenship Prize, and on the conditions of a lasting peace in the Middle East. httpv://

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