Articles by The Nation

We found 191 results.

A New Chinese Exclusion Act
Jake Werner | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 10 Jun 2024

5 Jun 2024 – Demonizing China allows Republicans to unite around an authoritarian agenda at home—and provides a convenient rationale for unfettered Pentagon profiteering.

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We Tried to Bring Food into Gaza—but Israel Blocked and Arrested Us
Brant Rosen | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 May 2024

6 May 2024 – As Israel continues to starve the people of Gaza, a delegation of rabbis marched toward the Erez Crossing during Passover carrying sacks of flour and demanding a cease-fire. They were arrested.

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What Was Palestine Before the Nakba?
Mohammed El-Kurd | The Nation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 25 Mar 2024

14 Mar 2024 – A stunning photo archive reveals a time before the walls and checkpoints, when Palestine was not defined by its ailments but by its industries and cultures.

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The World Has Never Cared about Gaza’s Suffering
Ahmed Nehad | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Nov 2023

27 Oct 2023 – Gaza is being obliterated, and no global power is doing anything to stop it.

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Sinéad O’Connor Always Knew That Black Lives Mattered
John Nichols | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Aug 2023

28 Jul 2023 – The singer, who died on 26 Jul 2023, made an unforgettable protest song about the police killings of black people 30 years before the murder of George Floyd.

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Animals in Military Service
The National Humane Education Society – TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jun 2023

Animals have been used in military service for centuries. Some in active combat, including elephants, camels, pigeons, and horses. Others, including pigs, oxen, dogs, mules, horses, and camels, have been used to transport troops and supplies. Not one of these animals enlisted.

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The Convenient Myth of “Humane” Wars
Norman Solomon | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Jun 2023

5 Jun 2023 – How the U.S. hides the human toll of its military machine.

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16 Mar 1968: The My Lai Massacre in Vietnam by US Invading Forces
Richard Kreitner and The Almanac | The Nation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Mar 2023

“The obsolete pretensions of sovereign prerogative and military necessity had better be challenged soon if life on earth is to survive,” — Richard Falk

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Gorbachev’s Legacy
Katrina vanden Heuvel | The Nation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Sep 2022

In 11 Mar 1985, Mikhail Gorbachev became leader of the Soviet Union. Within a few weeks, his full-scale reformation began to unfold. Perestroika (“restructuring”)—as Gorbachev called his reforms—officially ended with the URSS in 1991. The historic opportunities for a better future it offered Russia have been steadily undermined ever since.

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Why Brazil Still Matters
Glenn Greenwald | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 Jul 2022

With Lula eligible to run against Bolsonaro, Brazilians hold the world’s future in their hands.

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Elon Musk, Twitter’s Largest Shareholder: We Can’t Let Billionaires Control Major Communications Platforms
Victor Pickard | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 18 Apr 2022

14 Apr 2022 – Elon Musk, the billionaire Tesla CEO notorious for posting asinine tweets to his 80 million–plus Twitter followers, has purchased himself a position of power within the platform itself by becoming the company’s largest shareholder–and that’s bad news.

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Whose Body Is It?
Ron Hauge | The Nation OppArt – TRANSCEND Media Service, 7 Feb 2022

Choice on the Line Again

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Bannon’s Plea
Lalo Alcaraz | OppArt/The Nation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Dec 2021

Come Clean

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Havana Heat
Andrea Arroyo and Angel Boligàn Corbo | The Nation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Aug 2021

27 Jul 2021 – Cuba Libre

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Red, White, and Blue
Guy Billout | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jul 2021


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The Aliens Are Coming to Help
Tom Tomorrow | The Nation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 19 Jul 2021

Liberals will try to create a scandal out of even the smallest space invasion.

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Biden’s Failure to End Trump’s War on Cuba Is Threatening Lives
Danny Glover | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 12 Jul 2021

29 Jun 2021 – Imagine a country developing and producing Covid-19 vaccines enough to cover its entire population, but being unable to inoculate everyone because of a syringe shortage. Cuba has already vaccinated about 2 of its 11 million people, and hopes to have 70 percent of the population vaccinated by August. Yet, because of the 60-year US embargo the country is facing a shortage of millions of syringes. Biden promised to return to Obama’s policies of engagement with Cuba, but the embargo and other Trump-era restrictions remain in place.

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‘We Have to Make Our Nation Confront What It Doesn’t Want to Remember’
Katrina vanden Heuvel | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 5 Jul 2021

Jul 12-19 Issue – Pulitzer Prize–winning novelist Viet Thanh Nguyen sat for a chat with The Nation. Born in Vietnam and raised in the United States, where his family was resettled as refugees, Nguyen has become an essential literary voice—at once an eloquent champion of the displaced and a trenchant critic of empire.

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André Carrilho | OppArt/The Nation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 14 Jun 2021

Lost Links

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Movie Sequel
Steve Brodner | The Nation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 May 2021

‘Hillbilly Elegy’ starring Joe Biden. Man returns to his roots to find the conversation somewhat problematic.

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Voices Are Raised Against the NBA Launching Its New African League in Rwanda
Dave Zirin | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 3 May 2021

30 Apr 2021 – Human rights groups are concerned that using Rwanda as a backdrop would provide a public relations boost for its autocratic leader.

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The Tiredness Virus
Byung-Chul Han | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 26 Apr 2021

12 Apr 2021 – Covid-19 is a mirror that renders more visible the pathological symptoms that already existed before the pandemic. The idleness imposed on us during lockdown has made us tired. Some people claim that we might rediscover the beauty of leisure, that life might decelerate. In fact, time during the pandemic is ruled not by leisure and deceleration but by tiredness and depression. Why do we feel so tired?

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In India, Farmers Are Resisting Narendra Modi’s Propaganda Machine
Ullekh N.P. | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Feb 2021

4 Feb 2021 – Hundreds of thousands of India’s farmers have been camping on the roads leading to New Delhi in an unprecedented protest that has lasted more than two months but has not been given attention from the media or Narendra Modi.

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The Children of Fallujah: The Medical Mystery at the Heart of the Iraq War
Laura Gottesdiener | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 23 Nov 2020

9 Nov 2020 – The debate over Fallujah has centered on the use and impact of toxic material in US weapons, particularly depleted uranium. The discussion has largely overlooked the long-term public health effects of urban warfare on civilian populations and the dangers of politicizing science and medicine in times of military violence abroad.

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Why You Should Be Watching the Film ‘Z’ Right Now
Margaret Spillane | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 9 Nov 2020

3 Nov 2020 – In Costa Gavras’ classic antifascist thriller, Z teaches us that the moment of reckoning constitutes not the end of the story, but the beginning. Whatever the outcome of the 2020 election, the corrupt interests that have profited from the catastrophes of the past four years will still be securely in place.

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Bill Gates’ Charity Paradox
Tim Schwab | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 17 Aug 2020

A Nation investigation illustrates the moral hazards surrounding the Gates Foundation’s $50 billion charitable enterprise.

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The US Military Is Using Online Gaming to Recruit Teens
Jordan Uhl | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jul 2020

15 Jul 2020 – Gamers with the Army, Navy, and Air Force are spending hours on Twitch with children as young as 13. “As we think about how automation and media are changing the way we fight wars, it’s concerning to think that children are being given the impression that the military is like a video game.”

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America Is Fracturing—and So Is ‘The New York Times’
Jeet Heer | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 15 Jun 2020

8 Jun 2020 – The global uprising against racist policing is unsettling many institutions, perhaps most surprisingly The New York Times. In the current crisis, the stakes are too high to chase clickbait.

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Prophets of Instability
Rick Perlstein | The Nation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 27 Apr 2020

How Finance Broke the Modern Corporation – What are corporations for? In his 1962 book Capitalism and Freedom, Milton Friedman gave a blunt answer: profit. Almost two decades earlier, Karl Polanyi had a different answer. Who was right?

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Never Has So Little Done So Much Harm to So Many
Scott C. Tips | The National Health Federation - TRANSCEND Media Service, 6 Apr 2020

4 Apr 2020 – The Latest Coronavirus Attack Is A Cover for Restricting Our Health Freedoms

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India: Intimations of an Ending
Arundhati Roy – The Nation, 25 Nov 2019

22 Nov 2019 – The rise of Modi and the Hindu far right. While protest reverberates on the streets of Chile, Catalonia, Britain, France, Iraq, Lebanon, and Hong Kong, and a new generation rages against what has been done to their planet, I hope you will forgive me for speaking about a place where the street has been taken over by something quite different.

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Can a New Think Tank Put a Stop to Endless War?
David Klion – The Nation, 5 Aug 2019

30 Jul 2019 – The Quincy Institute will attempt to radically rewrite the DC foreign policy playbook. Odd couple: George Soros and Charles Koch have each committed half a million dollars to the Quincy Institute.

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Why Americans Should Support BDS
Omar Barghouti – The Nation, 5 Aug 2019

29 Jul 2019 – Inspired by the civil rights and anti-apartheid movements, it calls for Palestinian liberation on terms of full equality with Israelis and categorically opposes all forms of racism, including antisemitism.

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A Peek into a Future When the Border Wall Is Built and the 1 Percent Get Away with More than Just Murder
Joshua Rivera – The Nation, 17 Jun 2019

10 Jun 2019 – There are approximately 48 legal border crossings between the United States and Mexico, and each is now a potential vector for some new horror. Fernando A. Flores’s debut novel, Tears of the Trufflepig, is unlike any border story you’ve read before.

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The Toxic Consequences of America’s Plastics Boom
Zoë Carpenter – The Nation, 8 Apr 2019

Thanks to fracking, petrochemicals giants are poised to make the plastic pollution crisis much, much worse.

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Washington Trained Guatemala’s Killers for Decades
Greg Grandin and Elizabeth Oglesby – The Nation, 18 Mar 2019

The US Border Patrol played a key role in propping up Latin American dictatorships.

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Is Hawai‘i an Occupied State?
‘Umi Perkins – The Nation, 28 Jan 2019

As the campaign for full independence gains momentum, a new view of Hawaiian history is taking hold.

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What Trump’s Syrian Withdrawal Really Reveals
Stephen F. Cohen – The Nation, 14 Jan 2019

9 Jan 2019 – A wise decision is greeted by denunciations, obstructionism, imperial thinking, and more Russia-bashing.

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Myanmar: The UN Calls It Genocide—Why Won’t the US?
David Palumbo-Liu – The Nation, 3 Sep 2018

On August 27, 2018, just two days after Rohingya Genocide Remembrance Day, the United Nations issued a scathing report, accusing Myanmar’s military, known as the Tatmadaw, of committing crimes against humanity, including murder on a massive scale, torture, rape, enforced disappearance, imprisonment, and sexual slavery.

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The Myanmar Journalists Risking Their Lives to Report on the Rohingya’s Plight
Stephen Starr – The National [UAE], 6 Aug 2018

3 Aug 2018 – While the charred, blood-soaked borderlands of northern Rakhine state are off limits to most outsiders, it’s a place journalist Mratt Kyaw Thu knows only too well. The dangers of uncovering stories in Rakhine during a time when so many tales need to be told.

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How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe: A Special Investigation
Mark Hertsgaard and Mark Dowie – The Nation, 9 Apr 2018

23 Apr 2018 Issue – The disinformation campaign—and massive radiation increase—behind the 5G rollout. As happened earlier with Big Tobacco and Big Oil, the wireless industry’s own scientists privately warned about the risks… The World Health Organization classifies cell-phone radiation as a “possible” carcinogen… “Everyone knows that if your research results show that radiation has effects, the funding flow dries up.”

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Why Gina Haspel, the Queen of Torture, Was Able to Rise to the Top of the CIA
Lisa Hajjar – The Nation, 26 Mar 2018

16 Mar 2018 – While Pompeo is a torture enthusiast like Trump—Haspel is the real deal. A career CIA agent, she played a leading role in the agency’s program of torture, kidnapping, and forced disappearance during the Bush administration.

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If America ‘Won the Cold War,’ Why Is There Now a ‘Second Cold War with Russia’?
Stephen F. Cohen – The Nation, 26 Feb 2018

The Ongoing Role of False Narratives and Historical Fallacies

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Remembering Investigative Journalist Robert Parry
Norman Solomon – The Nation, 5 Feb 2018

What made Bob Parry a trailblazer for independent journalism also made him a bridge burner with the media establishment.

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A Hero Turned Villain: [Nobel Peace Laureate] Aung San Suu Kyi and the Annihilation of Myanmar’s Rohingya
Neve Gordon – The Nation, 16 Oct 2017

They potentially face the final two stages of genocide—mass annihilation and erasure from the country’s history.

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The United States Was Responsible for the 1982 Massacre of Palestinians in Sabra and Shatila, Beirut
Rashid Khalidi – The Nation, 18 Sep 2017

Washington had explicitly guaranteed their safety—and recently declassified documents reveal that US diplomats were told by the Israelis what they and their allies might be up to.

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Remembering a Priest, a Diplomat, and a Voice for Palestine: Miguel D’Escoto
Richard Falk and Phyllis Bennis – The Nation, 19 Jun 2017

14 Jun 2017 – Father Miguel D’Escoto Brockmann, who died a few days ago, was a Catholic priest and former president of the UN General Assembly. The Nicaraguan diplomat was also a leading voice of conscience on Middle East peace — as well as a cherished friend, loved and admired by both of us, who became an inspirational figure to many around the world.

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The Inside Story on Our UN Report Calling Israel an Apartheid State
Richard Falk – The Nation, 3 Apr 2017

A people cannot be permanently repressed in all these ways without viewing the structure that has emerged as an apartheid regime.

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Terrorist Political Leadership
Saad Rasool – The Nation {Pakistan}, 20 Feb 2017

19 Feb 2017 – This week, the State and people of Pakistan have experienced one of the deadliest surges in extremism, over the recent years. But even as the hapless people of Pakistan are victims of this terrorism, it must be asked: is the State of Pakistan, and its leadership, a victim or a culprit?

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Nobody Wanted to Take Us In: The Story of Jared Kushner’s Family, and Mine
Lizzy Ratner - The Nation, 6 Feb 2017

As Trump bars refugees and Muslim immigrants from coming to this country, it’s worth remembering the Jews who were shut out the last time we closed our borders—like Jared Kushner’s grandmother. A new article takes a sweeping look at history to find what it portends.

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Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte Is a Wildly Popular Fascist
Walden Bello – The Nation, 16 Jan 2017

Now what? Instead of creeping repression, the new Philippine president began his reign with a blitzkrieg of extra-judicial killings, stupefying the country and blazing a new trail for fascism.

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How Israel Privatized Its Occupation of Palestine
Antony Loewenstein and Matt Kennard – The Nation, 5 Dec 2016

It has enriched the security industry and allowed the country to evade accountability for human-rights violations.

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Why Is the Foreign Policy Establishment Spoiling for More War? Look at Their Donors
Dennis Kucinich – The Nation, 7 Nov 2016

War is first and foremost a profitable racket. We must not accept war as inevitable, and those leaders who would lead us in that direction, whether in Congress or the White House, must face visible opposition.

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Five Decades Later, Israel’s Brutal Occupation of Palestine Is Stronger than Ever
Antony Loewenstein – The National, 10 Oct 2016

From its beginning, Israel’s settlement project was shrouded in secrecy. After 50 years of occupation, Israel is a radically different country than in the late 1960s. Zionism, with a messianic and nationalist fervour, is in the ascendancy while liberal and more tolerant humanism is dying.

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Can War Reporting Be a Feminist Project?
Rafia Zakaria – The Nation, 29 Aug 2016

Women journalists can go to places where men are barred—and build their careers by exposing the lives of other women.

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Why Are Elites Out of Touch? They Think Anyone Who Disagrees with Them Is Crazy
Nitzan David Foucks – The National Interest Magazine, 15 Aug 2016

Not a single expert has questioned his own beliefs. Not a single word on the dysfunction of the EU, or why exactly cosmopolitanism should be embraced. And the Brexit is just one example where the experts put the blame on the general public. Another is Trump. And again, instead of questioning why their voice has become irrelevant, the elites blame the masses. This trend cannot go on.

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Who Profits as the EU Militarises Its Borders?
Antony Loewenstein – The National, 15 Aug 2016

1 Aug 2016 – Arms dealers make money from the European refugee crisis. The defence industry has never been happier. With sales at unprecedented levels – US$ 65 billion in 2015, according to the Global Defence Trade Report – France, the United States, Canada and Britain have become global leaders in arms exports.

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The Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Intelligence Agencies
Cortney Weinbaum | The National Interest – TRANSCEND Media Service, 8 Aug 2016

Some of society’s brightest minds have warned that artificial intelligence (AI) may lead to dangerous unintended consequences, yet leaders of the U.S. intelligence community—with its vast budgets and profound capabilities—have yet to decide who within these organizations is responsible for the ethics of their AI creations.

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Can Suu Kyi Bring Change for Myanmar Expats?
The Nation | Editorial – TRANSCEND Media Service, 20 Jun 2016

14 Jun 2016 – Aung San Suu Kyi’s stated readiness to discuss migrant issues with her counterparts here when she visits Thailand next week as state counsellor and foreign minister of Myanmar is welcome news. Optimism must be tempered, however, unless she arrives with a comprehensive plan covering not just migrant labourers but also refugees – and the benighted Rohingya in particular.

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Sure, Washington Has Always Supported Democracy in Haiti
Greg Grandin – The Nation, 1 Feb 2016

American politicians’ rhetoric on Haiti remains woefully disconnected from reality.

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A Military-Backed Comedian Will Be Guatemala’s Next President – Activists Aren’t Laughing
Lindsay Bigda – The Nation, 9 Nov 2015

Amid rising violence against human rights defenders, Guatemalan activists are counting on an emboldened civil society to take on their next president. Riding a wave of anti-establishment sentiment, Jimmy Morales — a comedian with no political experience and backed by military hard-liners — has been elected Guatemala’s next president.

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Can Haiti’s Corrupt President Hold On to Power?
James North – The Nation, 2 Nov 2015

Michel Martelly is trying to impose a successor amid widespread public anger at government repression and failure to rebuild after the earthquake.

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October 9, 1967: Che Guevara Is Executed in Bolivia
Richard Kreitner – The Nation, 12 Oct 2015

Che Guevara was executed by the Bolivian army on this day in 1967. When his self-selected executioner hesitated before firing, Guevara allegedly spat at him and shouted: “Shoot me, you coward! You are only going to kill a man!”

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Europe’s Refugee Crisis Was Made in America
Editorial – The Nation, 14 Sep 2015

Washington helped create the conditions with its wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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How Goldman Sachs Profited from the Greek Debt Crisis
Robert B. Reich – The Nation, 20 Jul 2015

The investment bank made millions by helping to hide the true extent of the debt, and in the process almost doubled it.

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OIC to Apprise UN Chief of Serious Concern over Rohingya Muslims Persecution
The Nation (Pakistan) – TRANSCEND Media Service, 22 Jun 2015

17 Jun 2015 – A meeting of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), held at UN headquarters in New York on Monday [15 Jun 2015], decided to form a delegation to apprise UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon of the 57-member body’s serious concern over the continued persecution of Myanmar’s Rohingya Muslims and to underscore the need for step towards restoring their human rights.

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How Private Contractors Have Created a Shadow NSA
Tim Shorrock – The Nation, 8 Jun 2015

A new cybersecurity elite moves between government and private practice, taking state secrets with them.

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Why Are the Rohingya Risking Everything to Flee Burma?
Daniel P. Sullivan – The Nation, 25 May 2015

Flight of the Rohingya – Stateless refugees from Burma are risking death, rape, and drowning by the thousands on a risky escape to Malaysia.

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How the World’s Largest Psychological Association Aided the CIA’s Torture Program
Lisa Hajjar – The Nation, 18 May 2015

The American Psychological Association’s collusion was crucial because other physicians were increasingly reluctant to participate in the interrogations. To date, psychologists who are critical of the APA’s record on offshore national security interrogations—including report authors Soldz and Reisner—continue to be described as “dissidents” in the organization. This revealing report may provide long overdue redress of this ignominious record of human experimentation and ethical malfeasance.

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U.S. Reveals It Has Known About Israel’s Nuclear Program for Over 50 Years
The National Security Archive, George Washington University – TRANSCEND Media Service, 11 May 2015

April 15, 2015 – Despite denials for decades, the U.S. has finally declassified information affirming its knowledge of Israel’s Dimona nuclear program since 1960. Included in the report are a myriad of other documents indicating dubious practices on the part of the U.S., Israel, the UK and even international agencies.

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New ACLU Cellphone App Automatically Preserves Video of Police Encounters
Jon Wiener – The Nation, 11 May 2015

1 May 2015 – The ACLU in California today released a free smart-phone app that allows people to send cellphone videos of police encounters to the ACLU, automatically—and the ACLU will preserve the video footage, even if the cops seize the phone and delete the video or destroy the phone.

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Drones, Cops, and the Unaccountable Machinery of Death
Editorial, The Nation – TRANSCEND Media Service, 4 May 2015

From signature strikes in Pakistan to police violence in Baltimore, the state is seemingly uninterested in even counting how many people it kills.

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Eduardo Galeano: A Prophet Who Looks Backward
Greg Grandin – The Nation, 20 Apr 2015

Eduardo Galeano, one of Latin America’s most beloved writers, died on Monday [April 13, 2015] in a hospital in Montevideo, after a long battle against lung cancer. His first book, Las venas abiertas de América Latina (Open Veins of Latin America), which the late Hugo Chávez famously presented to Barack Obama as a present, appeared in 1971.

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The US Carried Out 674 Military Operations in Africa Last Year. Did You Hear About Any of Them?
Nick Turse – The Nation, 20 Apr 2015

The US military publicly insists its presence in Africa is negligible. Is that why they call it an American “battlefield” behind closed doors?

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After Latest Incident, Israel’s Future in FIFA Is Uncertain
Dave Zirin – The Nation, 13 Apr 2015

Their names are Jawhar Nasser Jawhar, 19, and Adam Abd al-Raouf Halabiya, 17. They were once soccer players in the West Bank but are never going to play again. They were on their way home from a training session on January 31 when Israeli forces fired upon them as they approached a checkpoint. After being shot repeatedly, they were mauled by checkpoint dogs and then beaten. Ten bullets were put into Jawhar’s feet. Adam took one bullet in each foot.

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Magna Carta Messed Up the World, Here’s How to Fix It
Noam Chomsky – The Nation, 30 Mar 2015

The “logic” of capitalist development has left a nightmare of environmental destruction in its wake. In a few months, we will be commemorating the 800th anniversary of the sealing of Magna Carta—commemorating, but not celebrating; rather, mourning the blows it has suffered.

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The U.S. Military Just Plunged Philippine Politics into Crisis
Walden Bello – The Nation, 23 Mar 2015

American fingerprints are all over a botched commando raid in the southern Philippines that left dozens dead and shocked the country.

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March 5, 1871: Rosa Luxemburg Is Born
Richard Kreitner and The Almanac – The Nation, 9 Mar 2015

5 Mar 2015 – Rosa Luxemburg, founder of the Spartacus League, brutally murdered by proto-fascists in January 1919, was born on this day in 1871, just two weeks before the Paris Commune took hold.

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February 19, 1942: FDR Orders the Internment of the Japanese
The Almanac and Richard Kreitner – The Nation, 23 Feb 2015

19 Feb 2015 – The Nation’s response to the president’s evacuation, relocation and internment order was not nearly as firmly opposed as one now wishes it had been.

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The Afghanistan War Is Still Raging—but This Time It’s Being Waged by Contractors
Tim Shorrock - The Nation, 9 Feb 2015

4 Feb 2015 – The killing of three US Pentagon contractors at the hands of a uniformed Afghan Army soldier in Kabul last week casts considerable doubt on President Obama’s recent proclamation that America’s “combat mission in Afghanistan is over.”

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They Drew First
Saad Rasool – The Nation (Pakistan), 26 Jan 2015

While (peacefully) contesting for every inch of our religious beliefs and freedoms, and responding to the Western propaganda through the barrel of intellect, let us not forget that we are the inheritors of that unadulterated light that can neither diminish nor flicker.

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The CIA Didn’t Just Torture, It Experimented on Human Beings
Lisa Hajjar – The Nation, 22 Dec 2014

Reframing the CIA’s interrogation techniques as a violation of scientific and medical ethics may be the best way to achieve accountability. At the helm of this human experimentation project were two psychologists hired by the CIA, James Mitchell and Bruce Jessen.

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Misery Made Me a Fiend: Latin America and the Torture Report
Greg Grandin – The Nation, 15 Dec 2014

11 Dec 2014 – A central player in the Bush-Cheney’s torture program is Jose A. Rodriguez during the worst of the barbarity—the rectal hummus flushes, drills, dogs, broken limbs, sexual humiliation and assault, sleep deprivation, intense heat, intense cold, blood thinners, beatings and deaths from exposure. Rodriguez was born in Puerto Rico and joined the CIA in 1976.

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How Ebola Could End the Cuban Embargo
Arturo Lopez-Levy – The Nation, 1 Dec 2014

Instead of encouraging Cuban doctors to defect, the United States should be working with them to stop the spread of Ebola.

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The Truth about Anonymous’s Activism
Adrian Chen – The Nation, 24 Nov 2014

A Look behind the Mask Reveals a Naïve Techno-Utopianism

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Why the Left Continues to Win in Latin America
Greg Grandin – The Nation, 3 Nov 2014

Washington-led and financed anti-communism united the right’s various branches. Without such an organizing principle the right can’t electorally compete with what voters, all things considered, want: economic justice, a dignified life, peace and social welfare.

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Edward Snowden: A ‘Nation’ Interview
Katrina vanden Heuvel and Stephen F. Cohen – The Nation, 3 Nov 2014

28 Oct 2014 – In a wide-ranging conversation, he discusses the surveillance state, the American political system and the price he’s paid for his understanding of patriotism.

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Cuba’s Sending Doctors to Fight Ebola in West Africa — How Will the US React?
Greg Grandin – The Nation, 20 Oct 2014

15 Oct 2014 – Last week, BBC News reported that Cuba had sent 165 healthcare workers to Sierra Leone to help that country fight Ebola. Another 296 doctors and nurses are scheduled to arrive in Liberia. In addition to West Africa, Cuba is also sending specialists to Nicaragua, though that country has not yet had a reported case, to prepare local doctors and nurses in case there is an outbreak.

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‘The New York Times’ Wants Gary Webb to Stay Dead
Greg Grandin – The Nation, 20 Oct 2014

Kill the Messenger, a movie starring Jeremy Renner, just opened, about the life and death of Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist Gary Webb, who committed suicide in 2004. Webb came late to the Iran/Contra scandal, long after most of the mainstream media had moved on.

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Edward Snowden Speaks: A Sneak Peek at an Exclusive Interview
Katrina vanden Heuvel and Stephen F. Cohen – The Nation, 13 Oct 2014

We recently met with the courageous whistleblower for over three hours in Moscow for a wide-ranging conversation on surveillance, technology and politics.

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Hope for Myanmar Democracy Now Fading
Editorial, The Nation (Thailand) – TRANSCEND Media Service, 13 Oct 2014

Crackdowns on ethnic armies and journalists have raised fears that the reform process is going into reverse.

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‘The Economist’ Has a Slavery Problem
Greg Grandin – The Nation, 22 Sep 2014

Multiple commentaries from the journal show a pattern of making sure white people aren’t taken for total villains when discussing slavery.

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300 Americans [Terrorists] Fighting Alongside IS
The Nation, Pakistan – TRANSCEND Media Service, 1 Sep 2014

30 Aug 2014 – The US government is tracking and gathering intelligence on as many as 300 Americans who are fighting side by side with the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria, according to senior US officials.

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Soros Fund Drops Shares in Israel’s SodaStream
Mahmoud Kassem – The National, 11 Aug 2014

A number of big international investors, including Microsoft founder Bill Gates, join in a burgeoning financial boycott of Israel amid a push by the boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) movement. SodaStream, headquartered in the Israeli city of Lod, has its main factory in the West Bank settlement of Ma’ale Adumim.

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Five Israeli Talking Points on Gaza—Debunked
Noura Erakat – The Nation, 4 Aug 2014

Israel claims that it is merely exercising its right to self-defense and that Gaza is no longer occupied. Here’s what you need to know about these talking points and more.

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Why Is the 2022 World Cup Being Held in a Country That Practices Modern-Day Slavery?
Michelle Chen – The Nation, 28 Jul 2014

Even when migrant contract workers lose their jobs, they may end up stranded indefinitely if their employer does not give permission for them to return home. Workers who run away or are “abandoned” by their bosses might wind up homeless, unemployable and trapped on foreign soil.

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How the Mexican Drug Trade Thrives on Free Trade
Christy Thornton and Adam Goodman – The Nation, 21 Jul 2014

Reversing this trend will require recognizing the extent to which Mexico’s “good” and “bad” capital are increasingly inextricable. Elite politicians, businessmen, and cartel leaders aren’t strange bedfellows in Mexico—they share the billions under the mattress.

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On Israel-Palestine and BDS
Noam Chomsky – The Nation, 7 Jul 2014

The UN may harshly condemn South Africa, but, as the ambassador put it, “what mattered perhaps more than all other votes put together was that of [the] U.S. in view of its predominant position of leadership in [the] Western world.” For forty years, ever since it chose expansion over security, Israel has made essentially the same judgment.

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Why Would Bigots Attack a Jewish-Arab School in Israel That Teaches Tolerance and Mutual Respect?
Neve Gordon and Catherine Rottenberg – The Nation, 16 Jun 2014

This latest evidence of hatred is an alarming reminder of how a wonderful educational project continues to stand on precarious ground.

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Class War: Thailand’s Military Coup
Walden Bello – The Nation, 2 Jun 2014

Thailand’s military coup is a victory for the country’s elites and middle classes [Yellowshirts]. But the country’s rural majority [Redshirts] is unlikely to stand aside while the elites dictate a new constitution.

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